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Daniela Del Boca, “E la Finlandia abbatte un altro soffitto di cristallo”, LaVoce.info, 17.12.2019.
Daniela Del Boca, Chiara Pronzato, Giuseppe Sorrenti, “Come aiutare le famiglie a uscire dalla povertà”, LaVoce.info, 22.10.2019.
Daniela Del Boca, “Pochi bambini e pochi asili, ma il nido gratis non basta”, LaVoce.info, 13.09.2019.
Clemente de Rosa, Elisa Luciano, Luca. Regis, “Geographical diversification in annuity portfolios”, SSRN working paper, http://ssrn.com/abstract=3501701.
Roberto Fontana, Elisa Luciano, Patrizia Semeraro, “Model Risk in Credit Risk", Archive https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.06164.
Elsa Fornero, “La dignità della persona nel capitalismo dei nostri tempi”, L’Abbraccio, CEIS, n.94/2019.
Elsa Fornero, Mariacristina Rossi, “Parlano di famiglia ma svuotano le culle”, Il Foglio, 10.04.19.
Elsa Fornero, “Chi ha ucciso il riformismo”, Il Foglio, 11.06.19.
Elsa Fornero, “Un bubbone scoppiato”, Il Foglio, 10.08.19.
Elsa Fornero. “Manovra di svolta”, Il Foglio, 21.09.19.
Elsa Fornero, “Vedi alla voce Finanza”, Il Sole 24ore, 29.09.19
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Luigi Montrucchio, Giovanni Pistone. Kantorovich distance on a weighted graph. arXiv:1905.07547 [math.PR].
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Emmanuele Pavolini, Alessandro Rosina, Chiara Saraceno, “Un’Alleanza per l’infanzia” LaVoce.info, 9.11.19 e neodemos.info, 19.11.19.
Giovanni Pistone, “Information Geometry of the Probability Simplex: A Short Course”, arXiv:1911.01876 [math.ST].
Roberto Quaranta, “L'introduzione del salario minimo legale in Italia. Una stima dei costi e dei beneficiari”, Policy Brief INAPP, 13 giugno.
Francesco Ramella, “Tempi difficili. I sistemi di innovazione europei durante la crisi", in Marino Regini (a cura di), "Il capitalismo europeo contemporaneo. Lezioni di sociologia economica“, ViaBorgogna3 – il magazine della Casa della Cultura di Milano, n. 11, pp. 32-39.
Francesco Ramella, Rocco Sciarrone, “Lo sviluppo possibile. Il ruolo delle PMI nella società e nell’economia del Piemonte, WP del Centro “Luigi Bobbio” per la Ricerca Sociale Pubblica e Applicata dell’Università degli Studi di Torino.
Chiara Saraceno, “Quello che davvero serve alle famiglie”, LaVoce.info, 29.03.19
Chiara Saraceno, “Quanti sono gli occupati in famiglia”, nedodemos.info, 28.06.19
Chiara Saraceno, “Politiche per le famiglie e per i minori come strumento di contrasto alla povertà”, welforum.it, 15.11.19.
Chiara Saraceno, “In merito alle misure proposte a sostegno dei figli a carico”, welforum.it, 10.10.19
Chiara Saraceno, “RdC: Le forti criticità sulla povertà minorile”, welforum.it, 10.02.19
Arstein Aassve, Pierluigi Conzo, Giulia Fuochi, Letizia Mencarini, “The Cultural Foundations of Happiness”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 62, 268–283, October 2017.
Ricardo J. Alonso, Véronique Bagland, Bertrand Lods, “One-Dimensional Dissipative BoltzmannEquation: Measure Solutions, Cooling Rate, And Self-Similar Profile”, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, (50)1, 1278–1321.
Leif Andreassen, Maria Laura Di Tommaso, Steinar Strom, “Nurses and physicians: A longitudinal analysis of mobility between jobs and labor supply”, Empirical Economics, 52 (4) , pp 1235-1269, December 2017.
Cristiano Antonelli, The Evolutionary Complexity of Endogenous Innovation: The Engines of the Creative Response, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
Cristiano Antonelli, From the Economics of Information to the Economics of Knowledge, in Cristiano Antonelli (ed.) Recent developments in the economics of information, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Cristiano Antonelli, Francesco Crespi, Cristian Mongeau Ospina, Giuseppe Scellato, “Knowledge composition, Jacobs externalities and innovation performance in European regions”, Regional Studies, 51(11), 1708-1720, November 2017.
Cristiano Antonelli, Gianluigi Ferraris, “The Marshallian and Schumpeterian microfoundations of evolutionary complexity: An agent based simulation model”, in Pyka, A., Cantner, U. (eds), Foundations of Economic Change. A Schumpeterian View on Behaviour, Interaction and Aggregate Outcomes, Springer, Heidelberg, 461-500, 2017.
Julyan Arbel, Stefano Favaro, Bernardo Nipoti, Yee Whye Teh, “Bayesian Nonparametric Inference For Discovery Probabilities: Credible Intervals and Large Sample Asymptotics”, Statistica Sinica, 27, 839-858, March 2017.
Charles Ayoubi, Michele Pezzoni, Fabiana Visentin, “The important thing is not to win, it is to take part: What if scientists benefit from participating in research grant competitions?”, Research Policy, 48, 84-97.
Sergio Bacallado, Marco Battiston, Stefano Favaro, L. Trippa, “Sufficientness Postulates for Gibbs-Type Priors and Hierarchical Generalizations”, Statistical Science, 32, 487-500, October 2017.
Filippo Barbera, Alessandro Corsi, Egidio Dansero, Cristiana Peano, Alternative Food Networks. An Interdisciplinary Assessment, Palgrave Macmillan.
William Barcella, Stefano Favaro, Maria De Iorio, Gary Rosner, “Dependent generalized Dirichlet priors for the analysis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia”, Biostatistics, 2018, vol. 19, pp. 342-358.
Cristian Bartolucci, Claudia Villosio, Mathis Wagner, “Who migrates and Why? Evidence from Italian Administrative Data”, Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 36, N. 2, pp 551-588.
Cristian Bartolucci, Francesco Devicienti, Ignacio Monzon, “Identifying Sorting in Practice”, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, (2018). 10(4). pp. 408-438.
Marco Battiston, Stefano Favaro, Daniel M. Roy, Yee Whye The, “A characterization of product-form exchangeable feature probability functions”, The Annals of Applied Probability, 28, 1423 – 1448.
Marco Battiston, Stefano Favaro, Yee Whye The, “Multi-Armed Bandit for Species Discovery: A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113, 455 – 466.
Leonardo Becchetti, Stefano Castriota, Pierluigi Conzo, “Disaster, Aid and Preferences: The Longrun Impact of the Tsunami on Giving in Sri Lanka”, World Development, 94C, 157-173, June, 2017.
Leonardo Becchetti, Pierluigi Conzo, “Preferences for Well-Being and Life Satisfaction” Social Indicators Research, n/a (not assigned to print issue), 1-31, February 2017.
Leonardo Becchetti, Pierluigi Conzo, Francesco Salustri, “The Impact of Health Expenditure on the Number of Chronic Diseases”, Health policy, 121(92), 955-962, September 2017.
Fabio Berton, Matteo Richiardi, Sauro Mocetti, Andrea Presbitero, “Banks, firms and jobs” Review of Financial Studies, 31, 2113-2156.
Fabio Berton, Daniele Bondonio, “The Impact of Degree Duration on Higher Education Participation: Evidence from a Large-scale Natural Experiment”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 80, 905-930.
Fabio Berton, Anna Carreri, Francesco Devicienti, “Rent-sharing, Sindacato e Contrattazione: Il caso Italiano”, in Dell'Aringa Carlo, Lucifora Claudio e Treu Tiziano, Salari, produttività, disuguaglianze. Verso un nuovo modello contrattuale?, Il Mulino, Roma, 305-330, 2017.
Francesca Bettio, Maria Laura Di Tommaso, Marina Della Giusta, “Sex work and trafficking: Moving beyond dichotomies”, Feminist Economics, 23 (3), 1-22, July 2017.
Stefano Bianchini, Jackie Krafft, Francesco Quatraro, Jacques Ravix, “Corporate governance and innovation: Does firm age matter?” Industrial and Corporate Change, 27, 349-370.
Francesco Billari, Vincenzo Galasso, Chiara Pronzato, Paola Profeta, , “Information and Women’s Intentions: Experimental Evidence About Child Care”, European Journal of Population, 33, 109-128, February 2017.
Giuliano Bobba, G., Cristina Cremonesi, Moreno Mancosu, Antonella Seddone, “Populism and the Gender Gap: Comparing Digital Engagement with Populist and Non-populist Facebook Pages in France, Italy, and Spain”, The International Journal of Press/Politics, 23(4), 458-475.
Giuliano Bobba, Antonella Seddone, “La campagna elettorale 2018 tra populismo e polarizzazione” in Marco Valbruzzi, Rinaldo Vignati (eds), Il vicolo cieco. Le elezioni politiche del 4 marzo 2018, Il Mulino, Bologna: il Mulino.
Camilla Borgna, Emanuela Struffolino, “Unpacking configurational dynamics. Sequence analysis and QCA as a mixed-method design'” in Studer M. & Ritschard G. (a cura di), Advances in Sequence Analysis and Related Methods for Life Course Studies, Springer.
Tiziana Caponio, Teresa Cappiali, “Italian Migration Policy in Times of Multiple Crises: Social and Political Implications”, South European Society and Politics, 23 (1), 115-132.
Francesca Campomori, Tiziana Caponio, “Immigrant integration policymaking in Italy: regional policies in a multi-level governance perspective”, International Review of Administrative Science, 83, 303-321, 2, 2017.
Maria Teresa Cappiali, “An Italian 'Integration Crisis: The Role of the State and Political Actors in Excluding Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities”, in Matthew Anthony Evangelista, Italy from Crisis to Crisis: Political Economy, Security, and Society in the 21st Century, Routledge, New York, 168-198, 2017.
Federico Caviggioli, Antonio De Marco, Giuseppe Scellato, Elisa Ughetto, “Global markets for technology: evidence from patent transactions”, Research Policy, 46 (9), 1644-1654, November 2017.
Federico Caviggioli, Antonio De Marco, Giuseppe Scellato, Elisa Ughetto, “Corporate strategies for technology acquisition: evidence from patent transactions”, Management Decision, 55 (6), 1163-1181, June 2017.
An Chen, Elena Vigna, “A unisex stochastic mortality model to comply with EU Gender Directive”, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 73, 124-136, March 2017.
Francis Cheneval, Mónica Ferrín, “Referendums in the European Union: Defective by Birth?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 56 (5), 1178-1194.
Dalit Contini, Maria Laura Di Tommaso, Silvia Mendolia, “The gender gap in mathematics achievement: Evidence from Italian data”, Economics of Education Review, 58, 32-42, June 2017.
Pierluigi Conzo, Giulia Fuochi Letizia Mencarini, “Fertility and Life Satisfaction in Rural Ethiopia”, Demography, 54 (4), 1331-1351, August 2017.
Marc Cowling, Giuseppe Scellato, Elisa Ughetto, “Cost of capital and public loan guarantees to small firms”, Small Business Economics, 49(2), 319-337, August, 2017.
Marc Cowling, Neil Lee, Elisa Ughetto “The innovation debt penalty: Cost of debt, loan default, and the effects of a public loan guarantee on high-tech firms”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 127, 166-176.
Alessandra Colombelli, Francesco Quatraro “New firm formation and regional knowledge production modes: Italian evidence” Review of Financial Studies, 31, 2113-2156.
Annalisa Croce, Francesca Tenca, Elisa Ughetto, “How business angel groups work: rejection criteria in investment evaluation”, International Small Business Journal, 35 (4), 405-426, June, 2017.
Annalisa Croce, Massimiliano Guerini, Elisa Ughetto, “Angel Financing and the Performance of High-Tech Start-Ups”, Journal of Small Business Management, 56(2) 208–228.
Luca Dall'Asta, Deborah Beghè, Claudia Garavelli, Augusto Alberto Pastorelli, Marilena Muscarella, Gloria Saccani, Marina Aiello, Ernesto Crisafulli , Massimo Corradi, Paolo Stacchini, Alfredo Chetta, Giuseppina Bertorelli, “Sarcoidosis in an Italian province. Prevalence and environmental risk factors”, PLoS ONE, 12(5), e0176859, May 2017.
Marina Della Giusta, Maria Laura Di Tommaso, Sarah Jewell, “Stigma and Risky Behaviors Among Male clients of Sex Workers in the UK in 2001”, Feminist Economics, 23 (3), 23-48, July 2017.
Francesco Devicienti, Paolo Naticchioni, Andrea Ricci, “Temporary employment, demand volatility and unions: firm-level evidence”, Industrial and Labor Relation Review, 71(1), 174-207.
Francesco Devicienti, Elena Grinza, Davide Vannoni, “The Impact of Part-Time Work on Firm Productivity: Evidence from Italy”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 27, 2, 321-347.
Stefano Favaro “Dependent generalized Dirichlet process priors for the analysis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia”, Biostatistics, 19, 342 – 358.
Mónica Ferrín, Marta Fraile; Gema García-Albacete, “Is it simply Gender? Format, Content and Time in Political Knowledge Measures, Politics & Gender”, 14, 162-185.
Stefano Favaro, María Lomelí, Yee Whye Teh, “A Marginal Sampler for σ-Stable Poisson–Kingman Mixture Models”, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26, 44-53, February 2017.
Stefano Favaro, Mingyuan Zhou, Stephen G Walker, “Frequency of Frequencies Distributions and Size Dependent Exchangeable Random Partitions”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112, 1623-1635, December 2017.
Francesco Figari, Alari Paulus, Holly Sutherland, Panos Tsakloglou, Gerlinde Verbist, Francesca Zantomio “Removing Homeownership Bias in Taxation: The Distributional Effects of Including Net Imputd Rent in Taxable Income”, Fiscal Studies, 38, 525-557, December 2017.
Francesco Figari, Alari Paulus, Holly Sutherland, “The design of fiscal consolidation measures in the European Union: distributional effects and implications for macro-economic recovery”, Oxford Economic Papers, 69, 632-654, July 2017.
Christos Genakos, Mario Pagliero, “The Impact of Maximum Markup Regulation On Prices”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 66, 239-300.
Paolo Ghirardato, Marciano Siniscalchi, “Risk sharing in the small and in the large”, Journal of Economic Theory, 175, 730-765.
Jakob Grazzini, Matteo Richiardi, “Bayesian estimation of agent-based models”, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 77, 26-47, April, 2017.
Elisa Luciano, Clas Wihlborg, “Financial synergies and systemic risk in the organization of banks” Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 88, March 2018, pp. 208-224.
Elisa Luciano, Luca Regis, Elena Vigna, “Single and cross-generation natural hedging of longevity and financial risk”, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 84, 961-986, September, 2017.
Ugo Mattei, “The Cold War and Comparative Law”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, 65, 1-41, October, 2017.
Francesco Menoncin, Elena Vigna, “Mean-variance target-based optimisation for defined contribution pension schemes in a stochastic framework”, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 76, 172-184, September 2017.
Daniela Piazzalunga, Steinar Strom, Alessandra Venturini, Claudia Villosio, “Wage assimilation of immigrants and internal migrants: the role of linguistic distance”, Regional Studies, Vol.52, N. 10, pp. 1423-1434.
Francesco Quatraro, Stefano Usai, “Are knowledge flows all alike? Evidence from European regions”, Regional Studies, 51, 1246-1258, August 2017.
Mariacristina Rossi, Dario Sansone, “Precautionary savings and the self-employed”, Small Business Economics, online, 2017.
Mariacristina Rossi, Dario Sansone, “Precautionary savings and the self-employed”, Small Business Economics, vol. 51(1), 105-127, June.
Maricristina Rossi, Eva Sierminska (eds), Wealth and Homeownership. Women, Men and Families, Palgrave.
Alessandra Venturini, Claudia Villosio, “Are migrants an asset in recession? Insights from Italy”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 44, N. 14, pp 2340-2357.
Luca Anderlini, Dino Gerardi, Roger Lagunoff, “Persuading Effort-Exerting Politicians”, mimeo.
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Graziano Abrate, Federico Boffa, Fabrizio Erbetta, Davide Vannoni, “Voters’ Information, Corruption, and the Efficiency of Local Public Services”, Sustainability, 10(12), 4775; https://doi.org/10.3390/su10124775.
Leif Andreassen, Maria Laura Di Tommaso, “Estimating capabilities with random scale models. Women’s freedom of movement”, Social Choice and Welfare, 50(4), pp 625-661.
Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll, “English Proficiency and Mathematics Test Scores of Immigrant Children in the US”, Economics of Education Review, 2018, vol. 64, issue C, 102-113.
Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll, Zoë Kuehn, “Immigrant networks and remittances: Cheaper together?”, World Development, Elsevier, vol. 111(C), pages 225-245.
Fabio C. Bagliano, Raffaele Corvino, Carolina Fugazza, Giovanna Nicodano, "Hedging Labor Income Risk over the Life-Cycle," Working paper 058, Department of Economics and Statistics (Dipartimento di Scienze Economico-Sociali e Matematico-Statistiche), University of Torino https://ideas.repec.org/p/tur/wpapnw/058.html.
Filippo Barbera, Joselle Dagnes, Roberto Di Monaco, “Mimetic quality. Consumer quality conventions and strategic mimicry in food distribution”, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 253-273.
Filippo Barbera, Angelo Salento, Nicola Negri, “From individual choice to collective voice: foundational economy, local commons and citizenship”, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, special issue, a. LVIX, n. 2, aprile-giugno, pp. 371-397.
Filippo Barbera, Angelo Salento, “La grande rimozione: impresa, accumulazione finanziaria e lavoro nell’economia dell’arricchimento”, Sociologia del lavoro, Quarant’anni di Sociologia del lavoro, Ritrovarsi per rinnovarsi, n. 149, pp. 151-166.
Filippo Barbera, Sandro Busso, Joselle Dagnes e Angelo Salento, “L’economia fondamentale”, in L. Bifulco, V. Borghi, M. Bricocoli, D. Mauri (eds.), Azione e conoscenza pubblica, Mimesis.
Filippo Barbera, Tania Parisi, “Gli innovatori sociali e le aree interne”, in A. de Rossi (eds.), Riabitare l’Italia, Roma, Donzelli.
Filippo Barbera, Joselle Dagnes, Andrea Membretti “Nuovi immaginari e rappresentazioni dei territori”, in A. de Rossi (eds.), Riabitare l’Italia, Roma, Donzelli.
Laura Bartolini, Eleonora Castagnone, Tiziana Nazio, Bruno Schoumaker, “Understanding Afro-European Economic Integration Between Origin and Destination Countries”, in C. Beauchemin (ed.), Migration between Africa and Europe, Springer.
Marco Battiston, Stefano Favaro, Yee Whye Teh, “Multi-armed bandits for species discovery: a Bayesian nonparametric approach”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2018, vol. 113, 455-466.
Marco Battiston, Stefano Favaro, Daniel M. Roy, Yee Whye Teh, “A characterization of product-form exchangeable feature probability functions”, Annals of Applied Probability, 2018, vol. 28, pp. 1423-1448.
Leonardo Becchetti, Pierluigi Conzo, Mirko Di Febbraro, M. (2018). The Monetary‐Equivalent Effect of Voluntary Work on Mental Wellbeing in Europe, Kyklos, 71(1), 3-27.
Leonardo Becchetti, Pierluigi Conzo, Fabio Pisani, “Education and health in Europe”, Applied Economics, 50(12), 1362-1377.
Enrico Bibbona, Mauro Gasparini, Giovanni Pistone, “The Empirical Identity Process: asymptotics and applications”, Canadian Journal of Statistics 46(4), 654-672, doi:10.1002/cjs.11478.
Pietro Biroli, Daniela Del Boca, James J. Heckman, Lynne Pettler, Yu Kyung Koh, Sylvi Kuperman, Sidharth Moktan, Chiara D. Pronzato, Anna L. Ziff, "Evaluation of the Reggio approach to early education," Research in Economics, Elsevier, vol. 72(1), pages 1-32.
Richard Black, Eleonora Castagnone, Tiziana Nazio, Peter Quartey, Bruno Schoumaker, Andonirina Rakotonarivo, “Ghanaian Migration: Economic Participation”, in C. Beauchemin (ed.), Migration between Africa and Europe, Springer.
Camilla Borgna, Heike Solga, Paola Protsch, “Overeducation, labor market dynamics, and economic downturn in Europe”', European Sociological Review, https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcy046.
Anna Bottasso, Maurizio Conti, Davide Vannoni, “Scale and (Quasi) Scope Economies in Airport Technology: An Application to UK Airports”, Working paper 056, Dipartimento di Scienze Economico-Sociali e Matematico-Statistiche, Università di Torino.
Paolo Buonanno, Mario Pagliero, “Occupational Licensing, Labor Mobility, and the Unfairness of Entry Standards”, CEPR Discussion Paper 13076.
Alessandra Casarico, Daniela Del Boca, “Poco rosa nel governo Conte” lavoce.info, 12 giugno.
Eleonora Castagnone, Albert Phongi Kingiela, Tiziana Nazio, Andonirina Rakotonarivo, Bruno Schoumaker, “Congolese Migrants’ Economic Trajectories in Europe and After Return”, in C. Beauchemin (ed.), Migration between Africa and Europe, Springer.
Eleonora Castagnone, Tiziana Nazio, Andonirina Rakotonarivo, Papa Sakho, Bruno Schoumaker, “Migrants’ Economic Participation in Origin and Destination Countries: The Case of Senegal”, in C. Beauchemin (ed.), Migration between Africa and Europe, Springer.
Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Luigi Montrucchio, “Commutativity, comonotonicity, and Choquet integration of self-adjoint operators!”, Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 30, No.10, 1850016.
Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Massimo Marinacci, Elena Vigna, Principles of Mathematics and Economics, Springer.
An Chen, Montserrat Guillen, Elena Vigna, "Solvency requirement in a unisex mortality model", ASTIN Bulletin 48, 1219-1243.
Flavia Coda Moscarola, Elsa Fornero, Mariacristina Rossi, “The family as an informal market and the (low) mobility of the Italian young” Politica Economica, Journal of Economic Policy, vol. XXXIV(1), 2018, April, 45-78.
Pierluigi Conzo, “Natural Disasters and Social Preferences: The Effect of Tsunami-Memories on Cheating in Sri Lanka”, The Journal of Development Studies, 54(10), 1912-1931.
Francesco Costamagna, “Implementation of the Duty of Care by the World Bank”, in A. De Guttry et al., The Duty of Care of International Organizations Towards Their Civilian Personnel: Legal Obligations and Implementation Challenges, Asser Press - Springer, pp. 357-379.
Francesco Costamagna, “National Social Spaces as Adjustment Variables in the EMU: A Critical Legal Appraisal”, European Law Journal, 24, 2018, 163-190.
Francesco Costamagna, Caroline Kleiner, “Territoriality in Investment Arbitration: The Case of Financial Instruments”, Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 9, 2018, 315-338.
Pierpaolo De Blasi, Tore Schweder, “Confidence distributions from likelihoods by median correction”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 195, 35-46.
Daniela Del Boca, Daniela Piazzalunga, Chiara Pronzato, "The role of grandparenting in early childcare and child outcomes," Review of Economics of the Household, Springer, vol. 16(2), June, pages 477-512.
Daniela Del Boca, Chiara Pronzato, Giuseppe Sorrenti, "The Impact of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Households' Well-Being", HCEO Working Papers, 2018-093, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
Daniela Del Boca, Chiara Monfardini, Sarah Grace See, "Government Education Expenditures, Pre-Primary Education and School Performance: A Cross-Country Analysis," IZA Discussion Papers, 11375; WP 2018-020, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group; CESifo Working Paper Series, 6934; CEPR Discussion Papers, 12756.
Daniela Del Boca, HCEO Research Spotlight: “Government education expenditures, pre-primary education and school performance: A cross-country analysis “, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group.
Daniela Del Boca, Paola Profeta, “8 marzo tutto l’anno”, lavoce.info, 8 marzo.
Daniela Del Boca, “Un‘onda rosa attraversa l’America”, lavoce.info, 12 giugno.
Tommaso Denti, Massimo Marinacci, Luigi Montrucchio, “Rational inattention and rate distortion theory: a teaching note”, IGIER Working Paper, 630.
Francesco Devicienti, Elena Grinza, Davide Vannoni, “Why Do Firms (Dis)Like Part-Time Contracts?” Working paper 052, Dipartimento di Scienze Economico-Sociali e Matematico-Statistiche, Università di Torino.
Francesco Devicienti, Elena Grinza, Alessandro Manello e Davide Vannoni “Quando è meglio avere un manager donna”, La Voce.Info, 01 giugno.
Maria Laura Di Tommaso, Anna Maccagnan, Silvia Mendolia, “The Gender Gap in Attitude and Test Scores: a New Construct of the Mathematical Capability”, Working Paper, Dept. of Economics and Statistics, QR 15/2018; IZA Discussion Paper No.11843.
Maria Laura Di Tommaso, Daniela Piazzalunga, “The increase of the gender wage gap in Italy during the 2008-2012 economic crisis”, Journal of Economic Inequality, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10888-018-9396-8.
Giulia Dotti Sani, Trudie Knijn, Manuela Naldini, Cristina Solera, Mara. Yerkes “National attitudes as barrier to European citizenship rights? The case of parenthood and partnership rights for individuals in diverse family forms” in T. Knijn and M. Naldini: (eds), Gender and Generational Division in EU Citizenship. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship Series, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 60-84.
Giulia Dotti Sani, Mara A. Yerkes, Cristina Solera, “Attitudes towards parenthood, partnership and social rights for diverse families: Evidence from a pilot study of five countries”, Journal of Homosexuality, n.65 (1), pp. 80-99.
Stefano Favaro, Shui Feng Fuqing Gao, “Moderate deviations for Ewens-Pitman sampling models”, Sankhya, vol. 80, pp. 330-341.
Stefano Favaro, Stephen G. Walker, “On a general Maclaurin's inequality”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2018, vol. 146, pp. 175-188.
Marianna Filandri, Tiziana Nazio, The luck is in the family: Continued financial support after leaving the nest, in J. O'Reilly, C. Moyart, T. Nazio and M. Smith (eds), Youth Employment - STYLE Handbook, Bristol: Policy Press.
Marianna Filandri, Tiziana Nazio; Jacqueline O’Reilly, “Is any job better than no job?”, in J. O'Reilly, Moyart, T. Nazio and M. Smith (eds), Youth Employment - STYLE Handbook, Bristol: Policy Press.
Elsa Fornero, Chi ha paura delle riforme. Illusioni, luoghi comuni e verità sulle pensioni. Milano: Università Bocconi Editore, 2018.
Elsa Fornero, Anna Lo Prete, “Voting in the Aftermath of a Pension Reform: The Role of Financial Literacy”, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2019, pp. 1-30.
Elsa Fornero, Mariacristina Rossi, Dario Sansone, “’Four Bright Coins Shining at Me’ Financial Education in Childhood, Financial Confidence in Adulthood”, Journal of Consumers Affairs, 2018, doi.org/10.1111/joca.12207.
Chiara Franzoni, Giuseppe Scellato, Paula Stephan, “Context Factors and the Performance of Mobile Individuals in Research Teams”, Journal of Management Studies, 55 (1), 27-59.
András Gábos, Tiziana Nazio, “Introduction: How do families matter in helping young people find work?”, in J. O'Reilly, C. Moyart, T. Nazio and M. Smith (eds), Youth Employment - STYLE Handbook, Bristol: Policy Press.
András Gábos, Tiziana Nazio, “Policy themes on family matters”, in J. O'Reilly, C. Moyart, T. Nazio and M. Smith (eds), Youth Employment - STYLE Handbook, Bristol: Policy Press.
Andrea Gallice, “Social Status, Preferences for Redistribution and Optimal Taxation: A Survey, Economics: The Open-Access”, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 12 (55), 1-17.
Elena Grinza, Francesco Devicienti, Maria Cristina Rossi, Davide Vannoni, “Diventare genitori ci rende più tradizionalisti nella divisione dei ruoli all'interno delle coppie”, Ingenere.it, 20 febbraio.
Michael Hasler, Mariana Khapko, Roberto Marfé, “Should Investors Learn about the Timing of Equity Risk?”, Journal of Financial Economics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2018.11.011.
Toomas Hinnosaar, “On the Impossibility of Protecting Risk‐takers”, The Economic Journal, Volume 128, Issue 611, 1 June 2018, Pages 1531–1544, https://doi.org/10.1111/ecoj.12446.
Marit Hinnosaar, “How long do healthy habits last? The role of prices”, CEPR DP12815.
Marit Hinnosaar, “The Impact of Retirement on the Healthiness of Food Purchases”. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3235215.
Teresa Jurado-Guerrero, Manuela Naldini, “Child and Family Policy in Southern Europe” in: G. B. Eydal, T. Rostgaard (eds) Handbook of Child and Family Policy, Edward Elgar.
Trudie Knijn, Manuela Naldini, (a cura di), Gender and Generational Division in EU Citizenship. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship Series, Edward Elgar.
Trudie Knijn, Manuela Naldini, “Gender and Generational Interdependences and Divisions among EU citizens”, in: S. Seubert, M. Hoogenboom, T. Knijn, S. de Vries and F. Waarden: Moving Beyond Barriers: Prospects for EU Citizenship, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 221-241.
Tudie Knijn, Manuela Naldini, “Introduction: citizenship along gendered and generational divides” in: T. Knijn and M. Naldini (eds), Gender and Generational Division in EU Citizenship. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship Series, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 1-18.
Guillaume Kon Kam King, Omiros Papaspiliopoulos and Matteo Ruggiero, “Bayesian inference for hidden Markov models via duality and approximate filtering distributions”. In: Abbruzzo A., Brentari E., Chiodi M., Piacentino D. (a cura di), Book of short Papers SIS 2018, Pearson.
Guillaume Kom Kam King, O. Papaspiliopoulos, Matteo Ruggiero, “Bayesian inference for hidden Markov models using duality and approximate filtering distributions”. Proceedings of the 49th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society.
Guillaume Kon Kam King, Antonio Canale, and Matteo Ruggiero, “Bayesian Functional Forecasting with Locally-Autoregressive Dependent Processes”, Bayesian Analysis, advance publication, 20 December 2018. doi:10.1214/18-BA1140.
Guilliaume Kon Kam King, Bray J.P., Reich J., Nichols S.J., Mac Nally R., Thompson R., O'Reilly-Nugent A., Kefford B., “Biological interactions mediate context and species-specific sensitivities to salinity”, Philosphical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374: 20180020, http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2018.0020.
Maria Koumenta, Mario Pagliero, “Occupational Licensing in the European Union: Coverage and Wage Effects”, CEPR Discussion Paper 12577.
Maria Koumenta, Mario Pagliero, Davud Rostam-Afschar, rapporto di ricerca per la Commissione Europea: “Effects of Regulation on Service Quality: Evidence from Six European Cases”, http://ec.europa.eu/growth/content/effects-regulation-service-quality_en.
Joelle Long, Manuela Naldini, Arianna Santero, “The Role of Reproductive Rights and Family Policies in Defining Parenthood”, in: T. Knijn and M. Naldini (eds), Gender and Generational Division in EU Citizenship. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship Series, Edward Elgar Publishing, 87-110.
Luigi Malago’, Luigi Montrucchio, Giovanni Pistone, “Wasserstein Riemannian geometry of Gaussian densities”, Information Geometry, 1, 137-179.
Moreno Mancosu, Contexts, Networks, and the Vote. An Analysis of Environmental Effects on Electoral Behavior in Italy, Roma: Aracne.
Moreno Mancosu, Cristiano Vezzoni, “Actor‐Partner Interdependence Models (APIM) and Voting Behavior: Methodology and Applications”, Political Psychology, 39(1), 163-176.
Moreno Mancosu, Cristiano Vezzoni, “Local and national effects in the electoral cycle: the case of Italy (2001–2009)”, Territory, Politics, Governance, 6(3), 381-399.
Moreno Mancosu, “Populism, Emotionalized Blame Attribution and Selective Exposure in Social Media. A Comparative Analysis of Italy and UK. Comunicazione politica, 19(1), 73-92.
Moreno Mancosu, Riccardo Ladini, “The ‘new’ League success in the red belt and its post-fascist inheritance: evidence from 2018 National Elections”, SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/u2rq7.
Letizia Mencarini, Cristina Solera, “The gender division of housework after the first child: a comparison among Bulgaria, France and the Netherlands”, in Riva E. (a cura di), A time for renewal: developing a sustainable community, work and family interface, Community, Work & Family. Vol. 21, No. 5, 519–540.
Matteo Migheli, Giovanni B. Ramello, “The Market of Academic Attention”, Scientometrics, 114(1): 113–133.
Matteo Migheli, “Brown Parents, Green Dads: Gender, Children and Environmental Taxes”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 180: 183–197.
Matteo Migheli, “Breadwinner’s Education and Household’s Income in India”, International Journal of Statistics & Economics, 19(2): 66–77.
Mauro Migliavacca, Manuela Naldini, “Tra famiglia e lavoro, quattro sistemi a confronto. I casi di Australia, Stati Uniti, Italia e Giappone”, Rivista Italiana delle Politiche Sociali/Italian Journal of Social Policy, 1/2018, pp. 23-47.
Alessandro Milazzo, Elena Vigna, “The Italian Pension Gap: a Stochastic Optimal Control Approach", Risks, Vol. 6, n. 48.
Juan S. Morales, “The impact of internal displacement on destination communities: Evidence from the Colombian conflict”, Journal of Development Economics, 131.
Clémentine Moyart, Tiziana Nazio, Jacqueline O’Reilly, Mark Smith, “Strategic Transitions for Youth Labour in Europe”, in J. O'Reilly, C. Moyart, T. Nazio and M. Smith (eds), Youth Employment - STYLE Handbook, Bristol: Policy Press.
Manuela Naldini, Tiziana Caponio, T. Riccardo Ricucci (eds), Politiche e pratiche di genitorialità in un contesto multiculturale, Bologna, Il Mulino.
Manuela Naldini, Cristina Solera, "When Husbands and Wives Don’t Agree, Who ‘Wins’? Value/Practice Dissonance in the Division of Work Around Parenthood in Italy”, in Musumeci R. Santero A. (eds), Fathers, Childcare and Work: Cultures, Practices and Policies, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.45-76.
Manuela Naldini, “Fare famiglia in Europa: convergenza o divergenza”, in Lazar, M., Salvati, M. Sciolla, L. (eds), Europa, Culture e Società, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, pp. 357-366.
Manuela Naldini, “Modelli e politiche sociali a sostegno dell’infanzia”, in: Minori e Giustizia, n.3. Tiziana Nazio, Clémentine Moyart, Jacqueline O’Reilly, Mark Smith, (a cura di), “Strategic Transitions for Youth Labour in Europe”, Bristol: Policy Press.
Tiziana Nazio, “Informal Support in Ageing: the Demography of Family Care”, Policy Brief, Caring project.
Giovanni Pistone, “Lagrangian Function on the Finite State Space Statistical Bundle”, Entropy 2018, 20, 139, doi: 10.3390/e20020139.
Nicola Negri, Chiara Saraceno, “The Mediterranean welfare states between recalibration and change in the cultural paradigm”, in A. Andreotti, D. Benassi and Y Kazepov (eds), Western Capitalism in transition, Manchester University Press, pp. 127-144.
Giovanni Pistone, Grazia. Vicario, “Simulated variogram-based error inspection of manufactured parts”, Statistical Papers, 59, 1411-1423, doi:10.1007/s00362-018-1030-0.
Giovanni Pistone, “Information Geometry of the Gaussian Space”, in Ay, N., Gibilisco, P., Matús, F. (eds), Information Geometry and Its Applications, Springer, pp. 119-155.
Mariacristina Rossi, Dario Sansone, “Precautionary savings and the self-employed”, Small Business Economics, vol. 51(1), 105-127.
Matteo Ruggiero, Matteo Sordello, “Clustering dynamics in a class of normalised generalised gamma dependent priors”, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 70, 83-98.
Arianna Santero, Cristina Solera “Le interruzioni lavorative delle donne migranti in transizione alla genitorialità in Italia”, in Solera C., Pavolini E. (a cura di), “Che “genere” di welfare? L’Italia in prospettiva comparata”, La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, n. 1., pp. 49-69.
Chiara Saraceno, “Beyond the Stereotype. The Obstacle Course of Motherhood in Italy”, in: Penelope Morris, Perry Willson (eds.): La mamma, Italian and Italian American Studies Series, Palgrave, pp. 215-235.
Chiara Saraceno, “Family matters: Social policy, an overlooked constraint on the development of European citizenship” in A. Kessler Harris, M. Vaudagna (eds), Democracy and the welfare state, Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 229-248.
Chiara Saraceno, “La sorella di Shakespeare e I canoni universitari”, Micromega, 6, 2018, pp.41-49.
Chiara Saraceno, “Così il reddito di cittadinanza può migliorare il REI”, lavoce.info, 13 marzo.
Chiara Saraceno, “Periferie ancora al palo”, lavoce.info, 25 settembre.
Chiara Saraceno, “Fondi per le periferie. Un ripensamento a metà”, lavoce.info, 9 novembre.
Chiara Saraceno, “Il lavoro non basta a proteggere dalla povertà”, neodemos.info.
Chiara Saraceno La morte degli altri da noi, rivistailmulino.it, 5 luglio.
Chiara Saraceno, “Ddl sull’affido dei figli: rischi e trappole della bigenitorialità perfetta”, welforum.it, 25 settembre.
Chiara Saraceno, “La metamorfosi del reddito di cittadinanza”, Menabò di Etica e Economia (eticaeconomia.it), 16 ottobre.
Chiara Saraceno, “Aging Women under Pressure in Italian Families”, Ethnologie francaise, 48 (3), pp.439-450.
Chiara Saraceno, “La dimensione di genere nell’analisi del welfare e nelle proposte di riforma”, La rivista delle politiche sociali/Italian Journal of Social Policy, (1), pp. 113-130.
Chiara Saraceno, “Un diritto all'autodeterminazione parziale”, La rivista delle politiche sociali/Italian Journal of Social Policy, (2), pp. 79-93.
Chiara Saraceno, “Pensare al reddito minimo nell'ottica dell'"utopia realistica" del reddito di base”, Notizie di Politeia, XXXIV (132), S.,74-80.
Cristina Solera, “Do ’his’ education and class matter? The changing effect of the husband on women’s labour-market transitions in Italy and Britain”, British Journal of Sociology. doi: 10.1111/1468-4446.12373.
Annamaria Viterbo, “Immunità dalla giurisdizione della Banca mondiale e diritto di accesso al giudice”, in Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, vol. 12, n. 2, pp. 397-420, DOI: 10.12829/90773.
Annamaria Viterbo, “The Role of the International Financial Institutions in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries”, in G. Cellamare, Peace Maintenance in Africa, Springer, pp. 111-134, ISBN 978-3-319-72292-4, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-72293-1.
Annamaria Viterbo, “Implementation of the Duty of Care by the World Bank”, in A. De Guttry et al., The Duty of Care of International Organizations Towards Their Civilian Personnel: Legal Obligations and Implementation Challenges, Asser Press - Springer, pp. 357-379.
C. Antonelli, “The derived demand for knowledge”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 26 (8): 183-194.
C. Antonelli, Barbiellini Amidei, F., Feder, C., “Directed technological change and productivity growth. The Italian evidence 1861-2010”, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 7 (3) 238-255.
C. Antonelli, “Digital knowledge generation and the appropriability trade-off”, Telecommunications Policy 40 (10) 991-1002.
C. Antonelli, “Endogenous innovation: The creative response” Economics of Innovation and New Technology 26 (8) 689-718.
C. Antonelli, “The engines of the creative response” Economía: Teoría y práctica 47, 9-30.
F. Bagliano, C. Morana, "It ain't over till it's over: a global perspective on the Great Moderation-Great Recession interconnection”, Applied Economics, 49, 4946-4969.
F. Bagliano, C. Fugazza, G. Nicodano, “A Life-Cycle Model with Unemployment Traps”, Department Of Economics And Statistics Working Paper Series/Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Economico-Sociali e Matematico-Statistiche n. 41, ISSN 2279-7114.
F. Barbera, I. Pais (a cura di), Fondamenti di sociologia economica, Milano, Egea, 2017.
F. Barbera, A. Salento, J. Dagnes, “Why élites matter? A sociological assessment”, Sociologica, 2, Doi: 10.2383/85288.
F. Barbera, J. Dagnes, “Le filiere agroalimentari alternative a Torino e in Piemonte: una questione di qualità”, Bollettino Società Geografica Italiana, Serie XIII, vol. X, pp. 169-179.
F. Barbera, I. Pais “Afterword”, in M. Granovetter (a cura di), Società ed economia, Egea, pp. 253-266.
F. Barbera, E. Durkheim, “Contratti e rituali”, in F. Barbera e I. Pais (a cura di), Fondamenti di sociologia economica, Milano, Egea, pp. 17-30 (with N. Negri).
F. Barbera, “La selezione del problema di ricerca”, in F. Barbera e I. Pais (a cura di), Fondamenti di sociologia economica, Milano, Egea (online section).
F. Barbera, “La Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella”, in L. Burroni, Ramella, F. e Trigilia, C. (a cura di), Fondazioni e sviluppo locale, Roma, Donzelli, pp. 113-145.
F. Barbera, “La Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fossano”, in L. Burroni, Ramella, F. e Trigilia, C. (a cura di), Fondazioni e sviluppo locale, Roma, Donzelli, pp. 181-213.
F. Barbera, T. Parisi, “L’innovazione sociale radicale”, in A. Quarta e M. Spanò (a cura di), Rispondere alla crisi, Ombre Corte, pp. 55-66.
F. Barbera (a cura di), “Imprenditorialità diffusa e filiere di comunità nelle Terre Alte” Rapporto, Compagnia di S. Paolo e Collegio Carlo Alberto.
R. Calcagno "Financial inclusion – products and initiatives tailored to vulnerable consumers", CeRP-Finkit Report n. 5, settembre.
D. Del Boca, E. Martino, D. Piazzalunga, “Early investments and child outcomes: short and long‐run effects”, CESIFO Dice, gennaio 2017.
D. Del Boca, D. Piazzalunga, C. Pronzato “Child care arrangements and social Inequalities in the UK” in ‘Early Child Care and inequalities: an international perspective’ (a cura di H. Blossfeld et al.) Edward Elgar, aprile 2017.
D. Del Boca con Biroli P. Heckman, J., Kuperman, S. , Moktan, S. , Pettler Heckman, L. ,Pronzato, C. , Ziff, A., "Evaluation of the Reggio Approach to Early Education,", CEPR Discussion Papers 12031, 2017.
D. Del Boca (con Biroli P. Heckman, J., Kuperman, S. , Moktan, S. , Pettler Heckman, L. ,Pronzato, C., Ziff, A.) "Evaluation of the Reggio Approach to Early Education," NBER Working Papers 23390.
D. Del Boca, C. Pronzato, G. Sorrenti, “An Evaluation of a CCT program to families with young children in Italy”, Collegio Carlo Alberto Report, mimeo 2017.
D. Del Boca, “A Reggio Emilia e altrove andare all’asilo fa bene”, lavoce.info, www.lavoce.info/archives/47892/reggio-emilia-altrove-andare-allasilo-bene.
D. Del Boca, “L’asilo fa bene allo sviluppo”, www.lavoce.info/archives/46197/lasilo-nido-bene-allo-sviluppo-dei-bambini-quanto.
D. Del Boca, C. Monfardini and C. Nicoletti. "Parental and child time investments and the cognitive development of adolescents, Journal of Labor Economics, April, 2017.
M.L. Di Tommaso, Andreassen, L. (2017), “Estimating capabilities with random scale models. Women’s freedom of movement”, Social Choice and Welfare, forthcoming, doi.org/10.1007/s00355-017-1099-8.
M.L. Di Tommaso, Villosio C., Grinza E., Rossi M.C., Piazzalunga D., Mantouvalou K.and Caisl J. (2017). Economic benefits of gender equality in the European Union. Literature review: existing evidence and methodological approaches. European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), ISBN 978-92-9493-197-9 doi:10.2839/3096
E. Fornero, “Per un paese riformista”, Il Foglio, 16 settembre.
E. Fornero, I. Lagrosa, “L’educazione finanziaria? Serve per le riforme. E per crescere”, lavoce.info, 13 ottobre 2017.
E. Fornero, “Pensioni e Costituzione: lo spirito della Carta tutela l’equità tra le generazioni”, Il Foglio, 25 ottobre.
E. Fornero, F. Coda Moscarola, E. Brandimarti, “La conoscenza finanziaria di base: un nuovo strumento di progresso individuale e sociale”, Rapporto “Indagine sul risparmio e sulle scelte finanziarie degli italiani 2017” di Centro Einaudi/Intesa Sanpaolo.
E. Fornero, C. Boggio, H. Prast, J. Sanders, "Seven ways to knit your portfolio: Is the language of investor communication gender neutral?” in G. Garzone, P. Catenaccio, K. Grego, R. Doerr (a cura di), Milano: Ledizioni.
M. Mancosu, Interpersonal communication, voting behaviour and influence in an election campaign: The 2009 German elections. Austian Journal of Political Science, 46(3), 33-44.
M. Mancosu, “L’analisi spaziale” in Barbera, F. Pais, I. Fondamenti di sociologia economica. Milano, Egea
M. Mancosu, Vassallo, S., Vezzoni, C. Believing in Conspiracy Theories: Evidence from an Exploratory Analysis of Italian Survey Data. South European Society and Politics 22(3), 327-344.
M. Naldini, A. Santero, “Migrant Parents in Italy: Gendered Narratives on Work/Family Balance”, Journal of Family Studies (RJFS), http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13229400.2017.1345319.
M. Naldini, J. Long, “Geographies of Families in The European Union: A Legal and Social Policy Analysis” Int J Law Policy Family 2017; 31 (1): 94-113. doi: 10.1093/lawfam/ebw017
M. Naldini, "The Sociology of the Families", in: K. O. Korgen (a cura di), The Cambridge Handbook of Sociology: Core Areas in Sociology and Development of the Discipline, Vol. 1, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 297-304, doi:10.1017/9781316418376.029, pp.
M. Naldini, M. Luppi, A. Santero, T. Knijn, “Gender and generational dimensions in accessing to Social Rights by EU mobile citizens” (Deliverable 9.2) Beu Citizen. http://beucitizen.eu/publications/gender-and-generational-dimensions-in-accessing-to-social-rights-by-eu-mobile-citizens-deliverable-9-2/.
G. Nicodano, L. Regis, “A Trade-off Theory of Ownership and Capital Structure” Department Of Economics And Statistics Working Paper Series/Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Economico-Sociali e Matematico-Statistiche, n. 45, ISSN 2279-7114.
G. Pistone, D. Brigo, “ Dimensionality reduction for measure valued evolution equations in statistical manifolds” in F. Nielsen, F. Critchley, C. Dodson (a cura di), Computational Information Geometry. Signals and Communication Technology, 217-265, Springer 2017.
G. Pistone, L. Montrucchio, “Deformed exponential bundle: the linear growth case. Geometric Science of Information”, in F. Nielsen, F. Barbaresco (a cura di), Springer pp. 239-246.
G. Pistone, “Translations in the exponential Orlicz space with Gaussian weight. Geometric Science of Information” in F. Nielsen, F. Barbaresco (a cura di), Springer pp. 569-576.
G. Pistone, “Lagrangian Function on the Finite State Space Statistical Bundle”, preprints 2017, 2017120191 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201712.0191.v1)
C. Pronzato, M. Bratti, E. C. Meroni, "Motherhood Postponement and Wages in Europe", ifo DICE Report 15 (2), 2017, 31–37.
M. Richiardi, Berton F, Mocetti S, Presbitero A, “Firms, Banks, and Jobs. Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
M. Richiardi, Campaniello N.. The role of museums in bilateral tourist flows: Evidence from Italy. Oxford Economic Papers, forthcoming.
M. Richiardi, M. Richardson, JAS-mine: A New Platform for Microsimulation and Agent-Based Modelling. International Journal of Microsimulation, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 106-134.
M. Richiardi, The Future of Agent-Based Modelling. Eastern Economic Journal, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 271-287.
M. Richiardi, Nolan B, Rahbari E, Valenzuela Rivera L, Nabarro B, Inequality and Prosperity in the Industrialized World. Addressing a Growing Challenge. Citi GPS Global Perspectives and Solutions, September 2017.
C. Saraceno, L’equivoco della famiglia, Roma, Laterza 2017.
C. Saraceno, L. Natali, “The impact of the great depression on child poverty. The case of Italy”, in B. Cantillon, Y. Chzhen, S. Handa (eds), Children of Austerity, Unicef/Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 170-190.
C. Saraceno, “Southern European Welfare Regimes: from differentiation to reconvergence?” in P. Kennett and N. Lendvai-Bainton (eds), Handbook of European Social Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2017, pp. 218-229.
C. Saraceno, “Family relationships and gender equality in the social investment discourse: An overly restrictive view?”, in A. Hemerijck (ed.), The uses of social investment, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, pp. 59-65.
C. Saraceno, “Vite rimandate”, Italianieuropei, 1, 2017, pp. 18-24.
C. Saraceno, “L’Istat ora vuole eliminare le classi sociali”, con Marzio Barbagli e Antonio Schizzerotto, lavoce.info, 23.05.2017, www.lavoce.info/archives/46942/listat-scomparire-le-classi-sociali.
C. Saraceno, “Disabili gravi: dall’indennità ai servizi ‘su misura’”, lavoce.info, 10.03.2017, www.lavoce.info/archives/45485/persone-non-autosufficienti-dallindennita-ai-servizi-su-misura.
C. Saraceno, “Ma i nidi non sono strumento di pari opportunità”, con Emmanuele Pavolini, lavoce.info, 03.02.2017, www.lavoce.info/archives/44918/perche-le-porte-del-nido-restano-chiuse-per-tanti-bambini.
C. Saraceno, “Il No allo jus soli tra fake news e ragioni deboli”, Neodemos.it, 19.9.2017, www.neodemos.info/articoli/obiezioni-alla-legge-sullo-jus-soli-tra-fake-news-ragioni-deboli.
C. Saraceno, “Non autosufficienza. L’indennità di accompagnamento non basta”, Neodemos.it, 17.03.2017, www.neodemos.info/articoli/non-autosufficienza-lindennita-accompagnamento-non-basta.
C. Saraceno, “Il decreto legislativo sui nidi: un passo avanti, ma la strada è lunga”, Neodemos.it, 10.02.2017, www.neodemos.info/articoli/il-decreto-legislativo-sui-nidi-un-passo-avanti-ma-la-strada-e-lunga/.
A. Viterbo, “IMF Facilities”, in K. Nadakavukaren Schefer, T. Cottier (a cura di), Encyclopaedia of International Economic Law, Edward Elgar, 2017, p. 610.
A. Viterbo, “Financial Challenges to Solidarity: Building the European Banking Union in Times of Crisis, in L. Daniele, P. Simone, R. Cisotta (a cura di), Democracy in the EMU in the Aftermath of the Crisis, Springer, 2017, pp. 267-282.
A. Viterbo, “La ristrutturazione del debito sovrano greco allo scrutinio della Corte europea dei diritti umani: nessuna tutela per i piccoli investitori, Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2017, vol. 11, n. 1, pp. 294-300, DOI: 10.12829/86215.
Graziano Abrate, Fabrizio Erbetta, Giovanni Fraquelli and Davide Vannoni. “Bet big on doubles, bet smaller on triples. Exploring scope economies in multi-service passenger transport companies,” Transport Policy, 52: 81-88, November 2016.
Fabrizio Altarelli, Alfredo Braunstein, Luca Dall'Asta, Caterina de Bacco, Silvio Franz. "The Edge-Disjoint Path Problem on Random Graphs by Message-Passing," PLoS ONE, 10(12): e0145222, December 2015.
Fabrizio Altarelli, Alfredo Braunstein, Luca Dall'Asta. "Statics and Dynamics of Selfish Interactions in Distributed Service Systems," PLoS ONE, 10(7): e0119286, July 2015.
Cristiano Antonelli and Pierpaolo Patrucco. “Organizational Change, Technological Innovation and ICTs: the Case of Platforms” in “Handbook on the Economics of the Internet”, 323-343, Edward Elgar, 2016.
Cristiano Antonelli and Claudio Fassio. “The role of external knowledge(s) in the introduction of product and process innovations,” in R&D Management, 46: 979-991, October 2016.
Cristiano Antonelli and Paul a. David. “The Economic Properties of Information and Knowledge: an Introduction,” in “The Economic Properties of Information and Knowledge,” Routledge, 15, 2016.
Cristiano Antonelli and Paul a. David. “The Generation of Knowledge as an Emergent System Property: an Introduction,” in “The Generation of Knowledge as an Emergent System Property,” Routledge, 18, 2016.
Cristiano Antonelli and Paul a. David. “The Useful Application of Knowledge: an Introduction,” in “The Useful Applications of Knowledge,” Routledge, 16, 2016.
Cristiano Antonelli and Paul a. David. Knowledge. “Institutions and Economic Policy: an Introduction,” in “Knowledge, Institutions and Economic Policy,” Routledge, 17, 2016.
Cristiano Antonelli and Agnieszka Gehringer. “The cost of knowledge and productivity dynamics, An empirical investigation on a panel of OECD countries,” in “Strategic Alliances Leveraging economic growth and development,” Routledge, 155-174, 2016.
Cristiano Antonelli. "A Schumpeterian Growth Model: Wealth and Directed Technological Change," Journal of Technology Transfer, 41: 395-406, May 2016.
Cristiano Antonelli and Claudio Fassio. "Globalization and the Knowledge-Driven Economy," Economic Development Quarterly, 30: 3-14, January 2016.
Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll and Zoe Kuehn. “Does Foreign Language Proficiency Foster Migration of Young Individuals within the European Union?,” in “The Economics of Language Policy”, 331-335, MIT Press, 2016.
Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll and Veruska Oppedisano. “Should I stay or should I go? Sibling effects in household formation,” in Review of Economics of the Household, 14: 1007-1027, December 2016.
Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll. "Returns to Education and Educational Outcomes: The Case of the Spanish Housing Boom," Journal of Human Capital, 10: 235-265, 2016.
Julyan Arbel, Kerrie Mengersen and Judith Rousseau. “Bayesian nonparametric dependent model for partially replicated data: the influence of fuel spills on species diversity,” in The Annals of Applied Statistics, 10: 1469-1516, September 2016.
Julyan Arbel, Antonio Lijoi, Bernardo Nipoti. "Full Bayesian inference with hazard mixture models," Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 93: 359–372, January 2016.
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Pierpaolo De Blasi, Stefano Favaro, Antonio Lijoi, Ramses Mena, Igor Pruenster, Matteo Ruggiero. "Are Gibbs-Type Priors the Most Natural Generalization of the Dirichlet Process?" IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37: 212-229, 2015.
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Stefano Favaro and Shui Feng. "Large deviation principles for the Ewens-Pitman sampling model," Electronic Journal of Probability, 20: 1-26, 2015.
Stefano Favaro, Maria Lomeli and Yee Whye Teh. "On a class of sigma-stable Poisson–Kingman models and an effective marginalized sampler," Statistics and Computing, 25: 67-78, 2015.
Stefano Favaro, Bernardo Nipoti and Yee Whye Teh. "Random variate generation for Laguerre-type exponentially tilted α-stable distributions," Electronic Journal of Statistics, 9: 1230-1242, 2015.
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Bertrand Lods and Giovanni Pistone. "Information Geometry Formalism for the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann EquationInformation Geometry Formalism for the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation," Entropy, 17: 4323-4363, 2015.
Bertrand Lods and Giovanni Pistone. "Information Geometry Formalism for the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation," Entropy, 17(6): 4323-4363, 2015.
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Ekaterina L. Markova, Ambra Poggi, Karin Sardadvar and Claudia Villosio. "Low-Paid but Satisfied? How Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Workers in Low-Wage Jobs Make Sense of Their Wages," in "Hard Work in New Jobs", 151-168, 2015.
Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Paolo Pinotti. "Legal Status and the Criminal Activity of Immigrants," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7: 175-207, 2015.
Giovanni Mastrobuoni. "The Value of Connections: Evidence from the Italian-American Mafia," Economic Journal, 125(586): 256-288, 2015.
Giovanni Pistone. "Natural Gradient Flow in the Mixture Geometry of a Discrete Exponential Family," Entropy, 7(6): 4215-4254, 2015.
Ambra Poggi and Claudia Villosio. "Subjective Well-Being at the Workplace," in "Hard Work in New Jobs", 70-83, 2015.
Francesco Quatraro and Marco Vivarelli. "Drivers of Entrepreneurship and Post-entry Performance of Newborn Firms in Developing Countries," The World Bank Research Observer, 30: 277-305, 2015.
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Stefano Sacchi. "Conditionality by other means: EU involvement in Italy’s structural reforms in the sovereign debt crisis," Comparative European Politics, 13: 77-92, January 2015.
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Riccardo Boero, Matteo Morini, Michele Sonnessa, Pietro Terna. "Agent-based Models of the Economy. From Theories to Applications," Palgrave Macmillan, June 2015. The book is also related to the simulation code at https://github.com/terna/SLAPP
Arnstein Aassve, Giulia Fuochi and Letizia Mencarini. "Desperate Housework Relative Resources, Time Availability, Economic Dependency, and Gender Ideology Across Europe," Journal of Family Issues, 35(8): 1000-1022, June 2014.
Graziano Abrate, Fabrizio Erbetta, Giovanni Fraquelli and Davide Vannoni. "The Costs of Disposal and Recycling: An Application to Italian Municipal Solid Waste Services," Regional Studies, 896-909, April 2014.
Graziano Abrate, Fabrizio Erbetta, Giovanni Fraquelli and Davide Vannoni. "Size and Density Economies in Refuse Collection," in "Handbook on Waste Management," 416-441, Edward Elgar, 2014.
Marco Albertini and Letizia Mencarini. "Childlessness and Support Networks in Later Life: New Pressures on Familistic Welfare States?," Journal of Family Issues, 35(3): 331–357, February 2014.
Ricardo J. Alonso and Bertrand Lods. "Boltzmann model for viscoelastic particles : asympto- tic behavior, pointwise lower bounds and regularity," Communications in Mathematical Physics, 331: 554-591, October 2014.
Fabrizio Altarelli, Alfredo Braunstein, Luca Dall'Asta, Alessandro Ingrosso and Riccardo Zecchina. "The patient-zero problem with noisy observations," in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiments, vol 10, P10016, November 2014.
Fabrizio Altarelli, Alfredo Braunstein, Luca Dall'Asta, JR Wakeling and Riccardo Zecchina. "Containing epidemic outbreaks by message-passing techniques," in Physical Review X, 4 (2): 21024, May 2014.
Fabrizio Altarelli, Alfredo Braunstein, Luca Dall'Asta, Alejandro Lage-Castellanos and Riccardo Zecchina. "Bayesian Inference of Epidemics on Networks via Belief Propagation," in Physical Review Letters, pp 112, March 2014.
Cristiano Antonelli and Claudio Fassio. "The heterogeneity of knowledge and the academic mode of knowledge governance: Italian evidence in the first part of the 20th century," Science and Public Policy, 41: 15-28, February 2014.
Cristiano Antonelli and Claudio Fassio. "The economics of the light economy.Globalization, skill biased technological change and slow growth," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 87: 89-107, September 2014.
Cristiano Antonelli and Francesco Quatraro. "The effects of biased technological change on total factor productivity: A rejoinder and new evidence," Journal of Technology Transfer, 39: 281-299, February 2014.
Cristiano Antonelli. "Globalization and Innovation in Advanced Economies," in "Entreprenuership and Global Competitiveness in Regional Economies: Determinants and Policy Implications Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth," Volume 22, 21-46, Emerald, 2011.
Cristiano Antonelli and Alessandra Colombelli. "Globalization and Directed Technological Change at the Firm Level: the European Evidence," in "Entreprenuership and Global Competitiveness in Regional Economies: Determinants and Policy Implications Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth," Volume 22, 1-20, Emerald, 2011.
Cristiano Antonelli. "Globalization and Technological Congruence: an Interpretative Framework of the Slow Growth of the Knowledge Economy," in "The Economics of Knowledge Generation and Distribution," 139-165, Routledge, 2014.
Cristiano Antonelli, Federico Barbiellini Amidei and Claudio Fassio. "L’IRI, la ricerca, lo sviluppo tecnologico, la crescita (1950-1994). Esternalità e governo della conoscenza," in "Storia dell'IRI," Volume 5, 839-918, Laterza, 2014.
Cristiano Antonelli and Albert Link. "Building the economics of knowledge: A roadmap," in "Recent Developments in the Economics of Science and Innovation," Edward Elgar, 2014.
Luisa Arlotti, Bertrand Lods and Mustapha Mokhtar-Kharroubi. "Non-autonomous honesty theory for positive evolution families in abstract state spaces with applications to linear kinetic equations," Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 13: 729-771, March 2014.
Luisa Arlotti and Bertand Lods. "Transport semigroup associated to positive boundary conditions of unit norm: A Dyson-Phillips approach," Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 19: 2739-2766, November 2014.
Bruno Arpino, Chiara D. Pronzato and Lara P. Tavares. "The Effect of Grandparental Support on Mothers’ Labour Market Participation: An Instrumental Variable Approach," European Journal of Population, 30(4): 369-390, November 2014.
Orazio P. Attanasio and Margherita Borella. "Modeling Movements in Individual Consumption: a Time-Series Analysis of Grouped Data," International Economic Review, 55: 959-991, November 2014.
Fabio C. Bagliano, Carolina Fugazza and Giovanna Nicodano. "Optimal life-cycle portfolios for heterogenous workers," Review of Finance, 18: 2283-2323, October 2014.
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Cristian Bartolucci. "Understanding the Native-Immigrant Wage Gap Using Matched Employer-Employee Data: Evidence from Germany," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 67(4): 1166-1202, October 2014.
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Jackie Krafft, Francesco Quatraro and Pier Paolo Saviotti. "Knowledge characteristics and the dynamics of technological alliances in pharmaceuticals: empirical evidence from Europe, US and Japan," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 24: 587-622, July 2014.
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Ramses H. Mena, Consuelo Nava, Igor Pruenster. "On Some Stationary Models: Construction and Estimation" in "Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics N. 63," 187-191, Berlin, 2014.
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Tiziana Nazio, Jacqueline O’Reilly and José Manuel Roche. "Compromising Conventions: Attitudes of dissonance and indifference towards full-time maternal employment in Denmark, Spain, Poland and the UK," Work, Employment and Society, 28(2): 168-188, April 2014.
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Francesco Quatraro. "The Co-Evolution of Knowledge and Economic Structure: Evidence from European regions," in "The Economics of Knowledge Generation and Distribution The Role of Interactions in the System Dynamics of Innovation and Growth," 166-198, Routledge, 2014.
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Cristiano Antonelli, Francesco Crespi. "The "Matthew Effect" in R&D Public Subsidies: the Italian Evidence," in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80: 345-376, October 2013.
Cristiano Antonelli, Giuseppe Scellato. "Complexity and technological change: knowledge interactions and firm level total factor productivity," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23: 77-96, January 2013.
Cristiano Antonelli, Francesco Quatraro. "Localized Technological Change and Efficiency Wages across European Regional Labour Markets," Regional Studies, 47: 1686-1700, October 2013.
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Paolo Buonanno, Giovanni Mastrobuoni. "Centralized versus Decentralized Police Hiring in Italy and in the United States," in "Lessons from the Economics of Crime," 189-205, The MIT Press, 2013.
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Tiziana Caponio. "Il quadro normativo nazionale e internazionale," in "Stranieri e diseguali. Le diseguaglianze nei diritti e nelle condizioni di vita degli immigrati," 39-60, Il Mulino, 2013.
Tiziana Caponio, Francesca Campomori. "Le politiche per gli immigrati: istituzionalizzazione, programmazione e trasparenza," in "Il divario incolmabile. Rappresentanza politica e rendimento istituzionale nelle regioni italiane," 249-278, Il Mulino, 2013.
Tiziana Caponio, Francesca Campomori. "Competing Frames of Immigrant Integration in the EU: geographies of social inclusion in Italian regions," Policy Studies, 34: 162-179, February 2013.
Philip Cook, Olivier Marie, Stephen Machin and Giovanni Mastrobuoni. "Crime Economics in Its Fith Decade," in "Lessons from the Economics of Crime," The MIT Press, 2013.
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Francesco Crespi, Valeria Costantini. "BioPat: An Investigation Tool for Analysis of Industry Evolution, Technological Pathsand Policy Impact in the Biofuels Sector," in "The Dynamics of Environmentaland Economic Systems: Innovation, Environmental Policy and Competitiveness," 203-226, Springer, 2013.
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Stefano Favaro, Matteo Ruggiero, Stephen G. Walker. "Alpha-diversity processes and normalized inverse-Gaussian diffusions," Annals of Applied Probability, 23: 386-425, February 2013.
Stefano Favaro, Antonio Lijoi, Igor Pruenster. "Conditional formulae for Gibbs-type exchangeable random partitions," The Annals of Applied Probability, 23: 1721-1754, October 2013.
Stefano Favaro, Stephen G. Walker. "Slice sampling sigma-stable Poisson-Kingman mixture models," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 22: 830-847, October 2013.
Roberto Fontana, Giovanni Pistone. "Algebraic Generation of Orthogonal Fractional Factorial Designs" in "Advances in Theoretical and Applied Statistics", 61-71, Springer-Verlag, 2013.
Aldo Geuna, Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas, Federica Rossi. "Finding the right partners: Institutional and personal modes of governance of university–industry interactions," Research Policy, 42: 50-62, February 2013.
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Alberto Martin, Filippo Taddei. "International capital flows and credit market imperfections: A tale of two frictions," Journal of International Economics, 89: 441-452, March 2013.
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Mario Pagliero. "The impact of potential labour supply on licensing exam difficulty," Labour economics, 25: 141-152, December 2013.
Giovanni Pistone, Maria Piera Rogantin. "The algebra of reversible Markov chains," in Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 65: 269-293, April 2013.
Giovanni Pistone, Grazia Vicario. "Kriging Prediction from a Circular Grid: Application to Wafer Diffusion," in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 29: 350-361, July/August 2013.
Giovanni Pistone. "Nonparametric Information Geometry," in "Geometric Science of Information", 5-36, Springer-Verlag, 2013.
Giovanni Pistone. "Examples of Application of Nonparametric Information Geometry to Statistical Physics," Entropy-Switz, 15: 4042-4065, 2013.
Igor Pruenster, Matteo Ruggiero. "A Bayesian nonparametric approach to modeling market share dynamics," Bernoulli, 19: 64-92, February 2013.
Matteo Richiardi. "The missing link: AB models and dynamic microsimulation," in "Artificial Economics and Self-Organization", Springer, Marzo 2013.
Marta Regalia, Stefano Sacchi. "Eguaglianza e solidarietà," in "La qualità della democrazia in Italia", 268-292, Il Mulino, Bologna 2013.
Stefano Sacchi. "Le riforme del welfare nella crisi del debito italiano: pensioni, lavoro, ammortizzatori sociali," in "Politica in Italia. Edizione 2013", 218-236, Il Mulino, Bologna 2013.
Stefano Sacchi. "Italy's labour policy and policy making in the crisis: from distributive coalitions to the shadow of hierarchy," in "The Politics of Structural Reforms," 192-214, Edward Elgar, 2013.
Giuseppe Scellato, Elisa Ughetto. "Real effects of private equity investments: Evidence from European buyouts," Journal of Business Research, 66: 2642-2649, December 2013.
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Addabbo T., Di Tommaso M. L., Maccagnan A. “Gender Differences in Italian Children Capabilities,” Feminist Economics, forthcoming.
Di Tommaso M. L. “Stigma and risky behaviors among clients of prostitution” (with M. Della Giusta), Chapter in (Cunningham S. and Shah M.), “Handbook of the Economics of Prostitution”, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
Luca Anderlini, Dino Gerardi, Roger Lagunoff. "Communication and Learning," Review of Economic Studies, 79: 419-450, April 2012.
Cristiano Antonelli. "Technological congruence and productivity growth," in "Innovation and Growth - From R&D strategies of innovating firms to economy-wide technological change", 209-232, Oxford University Press, 2012.
Cristiano Antonelli and Morris Teubal. "From the corporation to venture capitalism: New surrogate markets for knowledge and innovation-led economic growth," in "Handbook on the economics and theory of the firm," 545-560, Edward Elgar, 2012.
Cristiano Antonelli, Francesco Crespi, Giuseppe Scellato. "Inside Innovation Persistence: New Evidence from Italian Micro-data," Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 23: 341-353, December 2012.
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Cristian Bartolucci and Enrique Moral-Benito. "Income and democracy: Revisiting the evidence," Economic Letters, 117: 844-847, December 2012.
Cristian Bartolucci. "Credible Threats in a Wage Bargaining Model with on-the-job Search," Economic Letters, 117: 657-659, December 2012.
Cristian Bartolucci. “Business Cycles and Wage Rigidity,” Labour Economics, 19(4): 568-583, August 2012.
Enrico Eraldo Bertacchini, Giangiacomo Bravo, Massimo Marrelli, Walter Santagata. “Cultural Commons: A New Perspective on the Production and Evolution of Cultures”, Edward Elgar, 2012.
Fabio Berton, Pietro Garibaldi. “Workers and firms sorting into temporary jobs,” Economic Journal, 122: F125-F154, August 2012.
Fabio Berton, Matteo Richiardi, Stefano Sacchi. "The political economy of work security and flexibility," The Policy Press, 2012.
Fabio Berton, Cinzia Di Novi. “Occupational hazards of hospital personnel: assessment of a safe alternative to formaldehyde,” Journal of Occupational Health, 54: 74-78, January 2012.
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Alfredo Braunstein, Indaco Biazzo, Riccardo Zecchina. "Performance of a cavity-method-based algorithm for the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem on graphs," Physical Review E, 86: 26706, August 2012.
S. Cerreia-Vioglio, F. Maccheroni, M. Marinacci, L. Montrucchio. "Probabilistic sophistication, second order stochastic dominance and uncertainty aversion," Journal of Mathematical Economics, 48: 271-283, October 2012.
Dalit Contini and Matteo Richiardi. "Reconsidering the effect of welfare stigma on unemployment," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 84 (1): 229-244, September 2012.
Vera Chiodi, Esteban Jaimovich, Gabriel Montes-Rojas. “Migration, Remittances and Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Rural Mexico,” Journal of Development Studies, 48: 1139–1155, August 2012.
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Luca Dall'Asta, Paolo Pin, Matteo Marsili. "Collaboration in social networks," Proceedings of NAS, 109 (12): 4395-4400, March 2012.
Daniela Del Boca, Christopher Flinn. "Endogenous Household Interaction," Journal of Econometrics, 166 (1): 49-65, 2012.
Daniela Del Boca, Letizia Mencarini, Silvia Pasqua. "Valorizzare le donne conviene," Il Mulino, Bologna 2012.
Daniela del Boca and Anna Mancini. "Child poverty and Child well being", in "Family Well-Being: European Perspectives", Social Indicators Research Series Springer, editor A. Moreno Miguez, 2012.
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Stefano Favaro, Antonio Lijoi, Igor Pruenster. "A new estimator of the discovery probability," Biometrics, 68: 1188-1196, December 2012.
Stefano Favaro, Igor Pruenster, Antonio Lijoi. "Asymptotics for a Bayesian nonparametric estimator of species variety," Bernoulli, 18: 1267-1283, November 2012.
Stefano Favaro, Alessandra Guglielmi, Stephen Walzer. “A class of measure-valued Markov chains and Bayesian nonparametrics,” Bernoulli, 18: 1002-1030, August 2012.
Stefano Favaro, Lorenzo Trippa. “A class of normalized random measures with an exact predictive sampling scheme,” Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 39: 444-460, September 2012.
Stefano Favaro, Antonio Lijoi, Igor Pruenster. “On the stick-breaking representation of normalized inverse Gaussian priors,” Biometrika, 99: 663-674, September 2012.
Stefano Favaro, Igor Pruenster, Stephen G. Walker. "On a generalized Chu-Vandermonde identity," Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 14: 253-262, June 2012.
Chiara Franzoni, Giuseppe Scellato, Paula Stephan. "Foreign-born scientists: mobility patterns for 16 countries," Nature Biotechnology, 30: 1250-1253, December 2012.
Christos Genakos and Mario Pagliero. "Interim rank, risk taking, and performance in dynamic tournaments," Journal of Political Economy, 120: 782-813, August 2012.
Dino Gerardi, Lucas Maestri. “A Principal-Agent Model of Sequential Testing,” Theoretical Economics, 7: 425-463, September 2012.
P. Ghirardato, M. Siniscalchi. "Ambiguity in the small and in the large," Econometrica, 80: 2827-2847, November 2012.
Maela Giofrè. "Convergence of EMU equity portfolios," Open Economies Review, 23 (2): 381-419, April 2012.
Russell Gerrard, Bjarne Hoejgaard, Elena Vigna. “Choosing the optimal annuitization time post-retirement,” Quantitative Finance, 12: 1143-1159, July 2012.
Gianna Claudia Giannelli, Ursula Jaenichen, Claudia Villosio. "Have Labor Market Reforms at the Turn of the Millennium Changed the Job and Employment Durations of new Entrants? A Comparative Study for Germany and Italy," Journal of Labor Research, 33(2): 143-172, June 2012.
Jakob Grazzini, Matteo Richiardi. “Small sample bias in MSM estimation of agent-based models,” in “Managing Market Complexity. The Approach of Artificial Economics”, Spriger, Berlino, 2012.
Esteban Jaimovich. "Import Diversification along the Growth Path," Economics Letters, 117: 306-310, August 2012.
Esteban Jaimovich, Vincenzo Morella. “Quality ladders in a ricardian model of trade with nonhomothetic preferences,” Journal of the European Economic Association, 10: 908–937, August 2012.
Elisa Luciano, Elena Vigna, Luca Regis. "Delta-gamma hedging of mortality and interest rate risk," Insurance Mathematics Economics, 50: 402-412, May 2012.
Annalaura Mancini and Silvia Pasqua. "Asymmetries and interdependencies in time use between Italian parents," Applied Economics, 44(32): 4153-4171, November 2012.
Massimo Marinacci, Luigi Montrucchio. "Finitely well-positioned sets," Journal of Convex Analysis, 19: 249-279, February 2012.
Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Eleonora Patacchini. “Organized Crime Networks: an Application of Network Analysis Techniques to the American Mafia,” Review of Network Economics, 11(3): article 10, September 2012.
Letizia Mencarini, Maria Sironi. "Happiness, Housework and Gender Inequality in Europe," European Sociological Review, 28 (2): 203-219, April 2012.
Anna Menozzi, Maria Gutierrez Ortiaga, Davide Vannoni. "Board composition, politicalconnections and performance in state-owned enterprises," Industrial and Corporate Change, 21 (3): 671-698, May 2012.
Mario Pagliero. "The Impact of Price Discrimination on Revenue: Evidence from the Concert Industry," Review of Economics and Statistics, 94: 359-369, February 2012.
Pier Paolo Patrucco. "Innovation Platforms, Complexity and The Knowledge-Intensive Firm," in "Handbook on the Economics and Theory of the Firm," pp 358-374, Edward Elgar, 2012.
Chiara Pronzato, Arnstein Aassve and Elena Meroni. "Grandparenting and Childbearing in the Extended Family," European Journal of Population, 28 (4): 499-518, November 2012.
Chiara Pronzato, Letizia Mencarini, Elena Meroni. "Leaving Mum Alone? The Effect of Parental Separation on Children’s Decisions to Leave Home," European Journal of Population, 28 (3): 337-357, September 2012.
Chiara Pronzato. "An examination of paternal and maternal intergenerational transmission of schooling," Journal of Population Economics, 25 (2): 591-608, January 2012.
Francesco Quatraro. "The Economics of Structural Change in Knowledge," Routledge, 2012.
Abolfazl Ramezanpour, Riccardo Zecchina. "Cavity approach to sphere packing in Hamming space," Physical Review E, 85, February 2012.
Abolfazl Ramezanpour, Riccardo Zecchina. "Sign problem in the Bethe approximation," Physical Review B, 86, October 2012.
Matteo Richiardi. "Agent-based Computational Economics. A Short Introduction," Knowledge Engineering Review, 27: 137-149, June 2012.
Aleksey Tetenov. "Statistical Treatment Choice Based on Asymmetric Minimax Regret Criteria," Journal of Econometrics, 166: 157-165, January 2012.
Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Luigi Montrucchio. "Signed Integral Representations of Comonotonic Additive Functionals," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 385: 895-912, January 2012.
Bruno Contini, Ambra Poggi. "Employability of Young Italian Males after a Jobless Period", Labour, Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, vol.26, n.1, March 2012.
Bruno Contini. "Youth Employment in Europe: do Institutions and Social Capital Explain Better than Mainstream Economics ?", European Journal of Comparative Economics, forthcoming, 2012.
Bruno Contini. "Forecasting errors: yet more problems for identification", Economia Politica, Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, n. 2, 2011-10-12.
Ricardo J. Alonso, Bertand Lods. "Free cooling and high-energy tails of granular gases with variable restitution coefficient", SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 42: 2499-2538, October 2010.
Fabrizio Altarelli, Alfredo Braunstein, Riccardo Zecchina. "Stochastic Matching Problem," Physical Review Letters, 106, May 2011.
Fabrizio Altarelli, Alfredo Braunstein, Abolfazl Ramezanpour and Riccardo Zecchina. "Stochastic Matching Problem," Physical Review Letters,106, May 2011.
Fabrizio Altarelli, Alfredo Braunstein, Abolfazl Ramezanpour and Riccardo Zecchina. "Stochastic optimization by message passing," Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 11: 11009-1, 11009-45, November 2011.
Cristiano Antonelli, Alessandra Colombelli. The generation and exploitation of technological change: market value and total factor productivity," The Journal of Technology Transfer, 36: 353-382, August 2011.
Cristiano Antonelli, Giuseppe Scellato. "Out-of-equilibrium profit and innovation," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 20: 405-420, July 2011.
Cristiano Antonelli, Pierpaolo Patrucco, Francesco Quatraro. "Productivity growth and pecuniary knowledge externalities: An empirical analysis of agglomeration economies in European regions," in "Economic Geography", 87: 23-50, January 2011.
Cristiano Antonelli, Chiara Franzoni, Aldo Geuna. "The organization, economics and policy of Scientific Research. What we do know and what we don't know- A research agenda," in "Industrial and Corporate Change", 20: 201-213, January 2011.
Cristiano Antonelli, Federico Barbiellini Amidei. "The Dynamics of Knowledge Externalities," Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2011.
Cristiano Antonelli, Gianluigi Ferraris. "Innovation as an Emerging System Property: An Agent Based Simulation Model," Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 14:1-63, March 2011.
Cristiano Antonelli, Chiara franzoni, Aldo Geuna. "The Contributions of Economics to a Science of Science Policy," in "Science and Innovation Policy for the New Knowledge Economy," 19-26, Edward Elgar, 2011.
Dominique Anxo, Letizia Mencarini, Ariane Pailhé, Anne Solaz, Maria Letizia Tanturri, and Lennart Flood. "Gender Differences in Time Use over the Life Course in France, Italy, Sweden, and the us," Feminist Economics, 17 (3): 159-195, July 2011.
Claudia Arisi, Federico Pancaldi, Stefano Sacchi. "The Economic Crisis as a Trigger of Convergence? Short-time work in Italy, Germany and Austria," Social Policy and Administration, 45: 465-487, August 2011.
Filippo Barbera. "Jorge Luis Borges: Reduction of Social Complexity," in "Sociological Insights of Great Thinkers", 207-215, Praeger, Santa Barbara, California.
Fabio Berton, Francesco Devicienti, Lia Pacelli. "Are temporary jobs a port of entry into permanent employment? Evidence from matched employer-employee," International Journal of Manpower, 8: 879-899, December 2011.
Tito Boeri, Pietro Garibaldi, Marta Ribeiro. "The lighthouse effect and beyond," Review of Income and Wealth, 74: S54-S78, May 2011.
Anna Bottasso, Maurizio Conti, Massimiliano Piacenza, Davide Vannoni. "The appropriateness of the poolability assumption for multiproduct technologies: Evidence from the English water and sewerage utilities," International Journal of Production Economics, 130 (1): 112-117, March 2011.
Alfredo Braunstein, Farbod Kayhan and Riccardo Zecchina. "Efficient data compression from statistical physics of codes over finite fields," Physical Review E, 84: 51111, November 2011.
Giangiacomo Bravo. "Agents’ beliefs and the evolution of institutions for common-pool resource management," Rationality and Society, 23: 117–152, winter 2011.
Giangiacomo Bravo, Lucia Tamburino. "Are two resources really better than one? Some unexpected results of the availability of substitutes," Journal of Environmental Management, 92 2865-2874 November 2011.
Meta Brown, Christopher Flinn, Andrew Schotter. "Real-Time Search in the Laboratory and the Market," American Economic Review, 101: 948-974, April 2011.
Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Paolo Ghirardato, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Marciano Siniscalchi. "Rational Preferences under Ambiguity,"Economic Theory, 48: 341-375, October 2011.
Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Luigi Montrucchio. "Risk measures: rationality and diversification," Mathematical Finance, 21: 743-774, October 2011.
Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Luigi Montrucchio. "Complete Monotone Quasiconcave Duality," Mathematics of Operations Research, 36: 321-339, May 2011.
Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Luigi Montrucchio. "Uncertainty Averse Preferences," Journal of Economic Theory, 146: 1275-1330, July 2011.
Davide Consoli, Pier Paolo Patrucco. "Complexity and the coordination of technological knowledge: the case of innovation platforms", in Handbook on the Economic Complexity of Technological Change," 201-220, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2011.
Leandro Conte, Mariacristina Rossi, Giovanni Vecchi. "Vulnerabilità," in "In Ricchezza e in povertà. Il benessere degli italiani dall'Unità a oggi," 319-351, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2011.
Pascal Courty, Mario Pagliero. "Does responsive pricing smooth demand shocks?," Applied Economics, 43: 4707-4721, 30, 2011.
Gustavo Crespi, Aldo Geuna, Pablo D’Este, Roberto Fontana. "The impact of academic patenting on university research and its transfer," Research Policy, 40: 55-68, February 2011.
Aldo Geuna, Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas, Federica Rossi. University-Industry interactions The unresolved puzzle, "in "Handbook on the Economic Complexity of Technological Change," 262-285, Edward Elgar, 2011.
Marco Da Rin, Marina Di Giacomo, Alessandro Sembenelli. "Entrepreneurship, firm entry and the taxation of corporate income: Evidence fro Europe," Journal of Public Economics, October 2011, Vol. 95, No. 9-10: 1048–1066.
Daniela Del Boca, Anna Giraldo "Politiche di conciliazione e occupazione femminile: disparità tra generazioni negli ultimi quarant'anni," in "Generazioni diseguali. Le condizioni di vita dei giovani di ieri e di oggi", pp. 341-369, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2011.
Francesco Devicienti, Ambra Poggi. "Income Poverty and Social Exclusion: Two Sides of the Same Coin or Dynamically Interrelated Processes?," Applied Economics, 43: 3549–3571, 2011.
Francesco Devicienti. "Estimating Poverty persistence in Britain," in "Empirical Economics", 40 (3): 657-687, May 2011.
Stefano Favaro , Georgia Hadjicharalambous, Igor Pruenster. "On a class of distributions on the simplex," Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141: 2987 - 3004, September 2011.
Stefano Favaro, Igor Pruenster, Stephen G. Walker. "On a class of random probability measures with general predictive structure," Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 38: 359-376, June 2011.
Carlo Cambini, Massimo Filippini, Massimiliano Piacenza, Davide Vannoni. "Corporatization and Firm Performance: Evidence from Publicly-Provided Local Utilities," Review of Law and Economics, 7, 1, 196-217, January 2011.
Christopher Flinn. "The Minimum Wage And Labor Market Outcomes," MIT press, Cambridge, MA, 2011.
Chiara Franzoni, Giuseppe Scellato, Paula Stephan. "Changing Incentives to Publish," Science, 333: 702-703, August 2011.
Aldo Geuna, Federica Rossi. "Changes to university IPR regulations in Europe and the impact on academic patenting," Research Policy, 40: 1068– 1076, October 2011.
Aldo Geuna. "The European university landscape: A micro characterization based on evidence from the Aquameth project," Research Policy, 40: 148-164, February 2011.
Esteban Jaimovich. "Sectoral Differentiation, Allocation of Talent, and Financial Development," Journal of Development Economics, 96: 47-60, September 2011.
Jackie Krafft, Francesco Quatraro, Pier Paolo Saviotti. "The knowledge-base evolution in biotechnology: a social network analysis," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 20: 445-475, July 2011.
Carolina Fugazza, Maela Giofre, Giovanna Nicodano. "International diversification and industry-related labor income risk," International Review of Economics & Finance, 20: 764-783, October 2011.
Fabrizio Leisen, Antonio Lijoi. "Limiting behavior of the search cost distribution for the move-to-front rule in the stable case," Statistics & Probability Letters, 81: 1827-1832, 2011.
Fabrizio Leisen, Antonio Lijoi. "Vectors of two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet processes," Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 102: 482-495, January 2011.
Bertrand Lods, Marzia Bisi, José A. Cañizo. "Uniqueness in the weakly inelastic regime of the equilibrium state to the Boltzmann equation driven by a particle bath," SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 43: 2640-2674, December 2011.
Giovanni Mastrobuoni. "The role of information for retirement behavior: Evidence based on the stepwise introduction of the Social Security Statement," Journal of Public Economics, 95: 913-925, August 2011.
Massimo Marinacci, Luigi Montrucchio. "Necessary And Sufficient Conditions For Optima In Reflexive Spaces," SIAM Journal on Optimization, 21 (1): 174-192, January 2011.
Luisa Arlotti, Bertrand Lods, Mustapha Mokhtar-Kharroubi. "On Perturbed Substochastic Semigroups in Abstract State Spaces," Journal for Analysis and its Applications, 30: 457–495, September 2011.
Ramses Mena, Matteo Ruggiero, Stephen G. Walker. "Geometric stick-breaking processes for continuous-time Bayesian nonparametric modeling," Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141: 3217-3230, September 2011.
Letizia Mencarini, Cristina Solera. "Percorsi verso la vita adulta tra lavoro e famiglia: differenze per genere, istruzione e coorte", in "Generazioni diseguali. Le condizioni di vita dei giovani di ieri e di oggi", 175-209, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2011.
Mario Pagliero. "What is the Objective of Professional Licensing? Evidence from the US Market for Lawyers," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29 (4): 473-483, July 2011.
Pier Paolo Patrucco. "Changing network structure in the organization of knowledge: the innovation platform in the evidence of the automobile system in Turin," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 20 (5): 477–493, July 2011.
Francesco Quatraro. "ICT capital and services complementarities: the Italian evidence," Applied Economics, 43: 2603-2616, September 2011.
Tiziano Razzolini, Davide Vannoni. "Export Premia and Subcontracting Discount: Passive Strategies and Performance in Domestic and Foreign Markets," The World Economy, 34: 984-1013, June 2011.
Stefano Sacchi, Patrik Vesan. "Le Politiche del lavoro," in "Il Welfare in Italia", 147-172, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2011.
Stefano Sacchi, Federico Pancaldi. "The Economic Crisis as a Trigger of Convergence? Short-time work in Italy, Germany and Austria," in Social Policy and Administration, 45: 465-487, August 2011.
Alessia Amighini, Matteo Richiardi. “Delocalizzazione produttiva e mix occupazionale,” in “Reti d'imprese e territorio”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010.
Cristiano Antonelli. "Pecuniary externalities and the localized generation of technological knowledge," in The handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography, pagg. 162-181, ed. by Martin, R. and Boschma, R, 2010.
Cristiano Antonelli. "Venture capital as a mechanism for knowledge governance," in The Capitalization of Knowledge, pagg. 98-120, ed. by Viale, R., Etzkowitz, H., 2010, with Morris Teubal.
Cristiano Antonelli and Francesco Quatraro. "The Effects of Biased Technological Change on Total Factor Productivity. Empirical Evidence from a Sample of OECD Countries," in Journal of Technology Transfer, 35: 361-383, August 2010.
Daniela del Boca. "Home leaving decisions of daughters and sons," in Review of Economics of the Household, vol 8, n. 3, September 2010, with M.C. Chiuri.
Giangiacomo Bravo. "Voluntary contribution to public goods in mutual-help forums: reciprocity or group attachment?", in Socio-Economic Review, 8: 709-733, October 2010.
Pierpaolo De Blasi. "Bayesian nonparametric estimation and consistency of Mixed Multinomial Logit choice models," Bernoulli, 16: 679-704, with Lancelot F. James and John W. Lau, August 2010.
Pierpaolo De Blasi, Stefano Favaro. "A class of neutral to the right priors induced by superposition of beta processes," Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140: 1563-1575, June 2010, with Pietro Muliere.
Francesco Devicienti. "Shapley-value decompositions of changes in wage distributions: a note," Journal of Economic Inequality, 8: 35-45, March 2010.
Andrea Gallice. "The neglected effects of demand characteristics on the sustainability of collusion," Research in Economics, 64: 240-246, Dcember 2010.
Dino Gerardi. "Social Memory, Evidence, and Conflict," in Review of Economic Dynamics, 13: 559-574, July 2010, with Luca Anderlini and Roger Lagunoff.
Aldo Geuna. "University IPRs and knowledge transfer: is university ownership more efficient?", in Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 19: 427-448, October 2010, with Gustavo Crespi, Onder Nomaler and Bart Verspagen.
Paolo Ghirardato. "Ambiguity in Asset Markets: Theory and Experiment," Review of Financial Studies, 23: 1325-1359, with Peter Bossaerts, Serena Guarnaschelli, Bill Zame.
Antonio Lijoi and Igor Pruenster. "On the posterior distribution of classes of random means," Bernoulli, 16: 155-180, February 2010, with Lancelot F. James.
Antonio Lijoi and Igor Prünster. "Models beyond the Dirichlet process," in Bayesian Nonparametrics, pagg. 80-136, 2010, ed. by N.L. Hjort, C.C. Holmes, P. Müller and S.G. Walker, Cambridge University Press.
Antonio Lijoi. "Nonparametric priors for vectors of survival functions," Statistica Sinica, 20: 1455-1484, October 2010, with Ilenia Epifani.
Elisa Luciano. "Multivariate Variance Gamma and Gaussian dependence: a study with copulas," in Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance, 153-164, ed. by M. Corazza and R. Pizzi, Springer Verlag, 2010, with Patrizia Semeraro.
Elisa Luciano. "Single and joint default in a structural model with purely discontinuous assets," Quantitative Finance, pagg. 249-264, 2010, with Filippo Fiorani and Patrizia Semeraro.
Elisa Luciano. "Multivariate Time Changes for Lévy Asset Models: characterization and calibration," in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 233: 1937-1953, February 2010, with Patrizia Semeraro.
Chiara Monticone. "How Much Does Wealth Matter in the Acquisition of Financial Literacy?", in Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44 (2): 403-422, Summer 2010.
Luigi Montrucchio. "Unique Solutions for Stochastic Recursive Utilities," in Journal of Economic Theory, 145: 1776-1804, September 2010, with Massimo Marinacci.
Luigi Montrucchio. "The Bargaining set of a large game," Economic Theory, 43: 313-349, June 2010, with Massimiliano Amarante.
Mario Pagliero. "Price Variation, Antagonism and Firm Pricing Policies," in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 75: 235-249, August 2010, with Pascal Courty.
Mario Pagliero. "Licensing Exam Difficulty and Entry Salaries in the US Market for Lawyers," in British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48: 726-739, December 2010.
Mario Pagliero. "Frictional matching: Evidence from Law Schools," in Economics Letters, 108: 208-211, August 2010, with Pascal Courty.
Silvia Pasqua. "An empirical analysis of the time allocation of Italian couples: are they responsive?," Review of Economics of the Household, vol 8, n. 3, September 2010, with Hans G. Bloemen and Elena G. F. Stancanelli.
Ambra Poggi and Massimo Florio. "Energy deprivation dynamics and regulatory reforms in Europe: Evidence from household panel data," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 38(1): 253-264, January 2010.
Ambra Poggi and J. Silber. "On Polarization and Mobility: A look at polarization in the wage-career profile in Italy," Review of Income and Wealth, Volume 56 (1): 123 - 140, March 2010.
Ambra Poggi. "Job satisfaction, working conditions and aspirations," Journal of Economic Psychology, 31: 936-949, December 2010.
Ambra Poggi. "Measuring Bi-Polarization and Polarization: A Survey," in "The Measurement of Individual Well-Being and Group Inequalities: Essays in Memory of Z. M. Berrebi," ed. by Joseph Deutsch, Jacques Silber, pagg. 49-87, 2010, with Zoya Nissanov, Jacques Silber.
Ambra Poggi. "Empirical Modeling of Deprivation Contagion Among Social Exclusion Dimensions," in "The Measurement of Individual Well-Being and Group Inequalities: Essays in Memory of Z. M. Berrebi," ed. by Joseph Deutsch, Jacques Silber, pagg. 303-316, with Xavier Ramos.
Francesco Quatraro. "Knowledge Coherence, Variety and Economic Growth: Manufacturing Evidence from Italian Regions," Research Policy, 39: 1289-1302, December 2010.
Alessandro Sembenelli. "Corporate Taxation and the Size of New Firms: Evidence from Europe," Journal of the European Economic Association, April/May 2010, Vol. 8, No. 2-3: 606–616, with Marco Da Rin, Marina Di Giacomo.
Davide Vannoni. "Increasing market interconnection: An analysis of the Italian electricity spot market," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28: 311-322, May 2010, with Federico Boffa and Viswanath Pingali.
Cristiano Antonelli. "Localized appropriability: pecuniary externalities in knowledge exploitation," Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 21(6), 727-742, August 2009.
Cristiano Antonelli. "The economics of innovation: from the classical legacies to the economics of complexity," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 18 (7), October 2009.
Michele Belloni. "The importance of financial incentives on retirement choices: New evidence for Italy," Labour Economics, 16 (5), October 2009, 578-588, with Rob Alessie.
Fabio Berton, Matteo Richiardi and Stefano Sacchi. "Flessibilità del lavoro e precarietà dei lavoratori in Italia: analisi empiriche e proposte di policy," Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 1/2009, pp. 33-70, April 2009.
Fabio Berton, Matteo Richiardi and Stefano Sacchi. "Flex-insecurity. Perchè in Italia la flessibilità diventa precarietà," Il Mulino, Bologna, 2009.
Fabio Berton, Matteo Richiardi and Stefano Sacchi. "L'indennità di terminazione: una proposta pratica contro la precarietà," in C. Dell'Aringa e T. Treu, "Le riforme che mancano. Trentaquattro proposte per il welfare del futuro", Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009.
Mario Calderini and Chiara Franzoni. "The Unequal Benefits of Academic Patenting for Science and Engineering Research," IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management, 56(1), 16-30, February 2009.
Alessandra Colombelli. "Firms’ growth: Does the innovation system matter?," Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 20, September 2009, 211–220, with L. Cassia and S. Paleari.
Pierpaolo De Blasi and Igor Prünster. "Asymptotics for posterior hazards," The Annals of Statistics, 37, 1906-1945, with Giovanni Peccati, August 2009.
Pierpaolo De Blasi. "The Bernstein-von Mises theorem in semiparametric competing risks models," Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 2316-2328, with Nils Lid Hjort, July 2009.
Roberto Calcagno, Elsa Fornero, Mariacristina Rossi. "The Effect of House Prices on Household Consumption in Italy," The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Vol. 39, Issue 3, October 2009.
Daniela Del Boca. "Life Cycle Employment and Fertility Across Institutional Environments," with Robert M. Sauer, European Economic Review, Vol no. 53, 3: 274-292, 2009.
Daniela Del Boca, Silvia Pasqua and Chiara Pronzato. "Motherhood and Market decisions in Institutional Contexts: An European Perspective," Oxford Economic Papers, 61: i147-i171, April 2009.
Daniela Del Boca. "Famiglie sole. Sopravvivere con un welfare inefficiente," with Alessandro Rosina, Bologna, 2009.
Dario Di Pierro, Roberto Leombruni and Matteo Richiardi. "Le retribuzioni mancanti," in Berton, Richiardi, Sacchi. "Flex-insecurity. Perché in Italia la flessibilità diventa precarietà," Il Mulino, Bologna.
Dario Di Pierro and Matteo Richiardi. "Quanto è pieno un bicchiere mezzo vuoto? La soddisfazione dei lavoratori atipici," in Berton, Richiardi, Sacchi. "Flex-insecurity. Perché in Italia la flessibilità diventa precarietà," Il Mulino, Bologna.
Stefano Favaro and Igor Prünster. "Bayesian nonparametric inference for species variety with a two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet process prior", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B 71 (2009): 993-1008, with A. Lijoi and R.H. Mena, November 2009.
Stefano Favaro. "On a Gibbs sampler based random process in Bayesian nonparametrics," in Electronic Journal of Statistics, 3: 1556-1566, December 2009, with Matteo Ruggiero.
Carolina Fugazza and Giovanna Nicodano. "Time And Risk Diversification In Real Estate Investments: Assessing The Ex Post Economic Value," Real Estate Economics, 37(3), September 2009, 341-381, with Massimo Guidolin.
Andrea Gallice. "Education, Dynamic Signalling, and Social Distance", Oxford Economic Papers, 61 (2), pp. 304-326, April 2009.
Pietro Garibaldi. "Beyond Eurosclerosis," Economic Policy, 59, July 2009, 409 - 461, with Tito Boeri.
Massimo Marinacci. "Portfolio Selection with Monotone Mean-Variance Preferences," Mathematical Finance, 19(3), July 2009, 487–521, with F. Maccheroni, A. Rustichini and M. Taboga.
Giovanni Mastrobuoni. "The Euro Changeover and Its Effects on Price Transparency and Inflation," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 41(1), 101-129, February 2009, with Wioletta Dziuda.
Giovanni Mastrobuoni. "Labor Supply Effects of the Recent Social Security Benefit Cuts: Empirical Estimates Using Cohort Discontinuities," Journal of Public Economics, Volume 93, Issues 11-12, December 2009, pp. 1224-1233.
Giovanni Mastrobuoni. "Heterogeneity in Intra-Monthly Consumption Patterns, Self-Control, and Savings at Retirement," with Matt Weinberg, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 1(2): 163–89, August 2009.
Massimo Marinacci. "Recursive smooth ambiguity preferences," Journal of Economic Theory, 144(3), 930--976, May 2009.
Giovanna Nicodano and Massimo Guidolin. "Small caps in international equity portfolios: the effects of variance risk", Annals of Finance, 5 (1), 1614-2446, January 2009.
Ambra Poggi e Francesco Devicienti. "Povertà e privazione economica e sociale: nuove analisi dinamiche in Italia," in "Dimensioni della disuguaglianza in Italia: povertà, salute, abitazione", ed. by A. Brandolini, C. Saraceno and A. Schizzerotto, pagg. 71-93, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2009.
Pier Paolo Patrucco. "Collective knowledge production costs and the dynamics of technological systems", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 18 (3), 2009, 295-310, April 2009.
Igor Prünster. "Posterior analysis for normalized random measures with independent increments." Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 36 (2009): 76-97, with Lancelot F. James and Antonio Lijoi, March 2009.
Igor Prünster. "A sensitivity analysis for Bayesian nonparametric density estimators." Statistica Sinica 19 (2009): 685-705, with Luis E. Nieto-Barajas, April 2009.
Igor Prünster. "Distributional properties of means of random probability measures", Statistics Surveys 3 (2009): 47-95, with A. Lijoi, July 2009.
Francesco Quatraro. "Innovation, structural change and productivity growth: evidence from Italian regions, 1980–2003", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33 (5), September 2009, 1001-1022.
Francesco Quatraro, "Diffusion of regional innovation capabilities. Evidence from Italian Patent data", Regional Studies, 43 (10), December 2009, 1333-1348.
Matteo Richiardi. "Agent Based Models in Economics and Complexity," Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, Springer (20), with Mauro Gallegati.
Mariacristina Rossi. "Examining the Interaction between Saving and Contributions to Personal Pension Plans: Evidence from the BHPS," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 71(2), April 2009, 253-271.
Valeria Sparano and Patrick Vesan. "Il consolidamento dei partenariati per lo sviluppo locale. Una ricerca sui Patti territoriali della Provincia di Torino," in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, Vol. 1/2009, pp. 53-86, April 2009.
Matteo Triossi. "Hiring Mechanisms, Application Costs and Stability," Games and Economic Behavior 66 (1), May 2009, 566-575.
Patrick Vesan. "Flessibilità, sicurezza e precarietà," in "Flex-insecurity: Perché in Italia la flessibilità diventa precarietà," Berton F., Richiardi M., Sacchi S., Il Mulino, pp.29-46.
Patrick Vesan. "Breve storia delle politiche del alvoro in Italia," in "Flex-insecurity: Perché in Italia la flessibilità diventa precarietà," Berton F., Richiardi M., Sacchi S., Il Mulino, pp.73-108.
Cristiano Antonelli. Localised Technological Change. Towards the Economics of Complexity, Routledge, London, January 2008.
Cristiano Antonelli. "Pecuniary knowledge externalities: the convergence of directed technological change and the emergence of innovation systems," Industrial and Corporate Change, 17 (October 2008): 1049-1070.
Cristiano Antonelli. "Knowledge-Intensive Property Rights and the Evolution of Venture Capitalism," Journal of Institutional Economics, 4 (2) (2008): 163–182, with Morris Teubal.
Michela Bia. "A Stata package for the estimation of the dose--response function through adjustment for the generalized propensity score," The Stata Journal, 8(3), 354-373, Fall 2008, with A. Mattei.
Bruno Contini, Lia Pacelli, Roberto Leombruni and Claudia Villosio. "Wage Mobility and Dynamics in Italy 1993-1998," in E. Lazear, K. Shaw (eds.) The Structure of Wages: an International Comparison, Chicago University Press, NBER, 2008.
Maurizio Ferrera. "Democratization and Social Policy in Southern Europe: From Expansion to 'Recalibration'," in Y. Bangura (ed.), Democracy and Social Policy(2007) Chap. 4, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke (UK).
Maurizio Ferrera. Governance e Politiche nell'Unione Europea, M. Ferrera and M. Giuliani (eds.), il Mulino, Bologna, 2008.
Maurizio Ferrera and Stefano Sacchi. "Un'Europa più sociale?," in S. Micossi and G.L. Tosato (eds.), L'Unione europea nel XXI secolo. Nel dubbio, per l'Europa", Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008, pp. 47-64.
Christopher Flinn. "Household search and health insurance coverage," in Journal of Econometrics, 145 (2008): 43–63, with Matthew Dey.
Carolina Fugazza, Massimo Guidolin and Giovanna Nicodano. "Diversifying in Public Real Estate: The Ex Post Performance." Journal of Asset Management(2008) Vol. 8 (6): 361–373.
Pietro Garibaldi and Lia Pacelli. "Do larger severance payments increase individual job duration?", Labour Economics (April 2008) 15 (2): 215–245.
Paolo Ghirardato. "Unanimous subjective probabilities." Economic Theory, 34 (2) (February 2008): 383-387, with Kim Border and Uzi Segal.
Paolo Ghirardato and Massimo Marinacci, "Revealed Ambiguity and Its Consequences: Updating," In Advances in Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty, ed. by M. Abdellaoui and J. Hey, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2008, pp. 3-18.
Elisa Luciano. "Copula-Based Default Dependence Modelling and Invariance: Where do we Stand?" in Credit Risk: Models, Derivatives, and Management, ed. by N. Wagner, Chapman & Hall, Financial Mathematics Series.
Elisa Luciano. "Modelling stochastic mortality for dependent lives," Insurance, Mathematics and Economics, 43 (2008): 234-244, with Jaap Spreeuw and Elena Vigna.
Elisa Luciano. "Spark spread options when commodity prices are represented as time-changed processes," in Financial Risk Management in Commodity Markets: From Shipping to Agriculturals and Energy, ed. by H. Geman, J. Wiley, Finance Series 2008.
Massimo Marinacci and Luigi Montrucchio. "On concavity and supermodularity," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 344(2), 642-654, August 2008.
Luigi Montrucchio. "Refinement Derivatives and Values of Games," Mathematics of Operations Research, 33(1) (February 2008): 97-118, with Patrizia Semeraro.
Giovanna Nicodano. "Should Insider Trading Be Prohibited when Share Repurchases Are Allowed?" In Review of Finance, 12(4) (2008): 735-765, with Andrea Buffa.
Mario Pagliero. "Responsive Pricing," in Economic Theory, Vol. 34(2): 235-259, February 2008, with Pascal Courty.
Igor Prünster. "Distributions of linear functionals of two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet random measures," The Annals of Applied Probability, 18 (2008): 521-551, with Lancelot F. James and Antonio Lijoi.
Igor Prünster. "Investigating nonparametric priors with Gibbs structure," Statistica Sinica, 18 (2008): 1653-1668, with Antonio Lijoi and Stephen G. Walker.
Igor Prünster. "Bayesian nonparametric estimators derived from conditional Gibbs structures," The Annals of Applied Probability, 18 (2008): 1519-1547, with Antonio Lijoi and Stephen G. Walker.
Igor Prünster. "Linear and quadratic functionals of random hazard rates: an asymptotic analysis," The Annals of Applied Probability, 18 (2008): 1910-1943, with Giovanni Peccati.
Igor Prünster. "A Bayesian Nonparametric approach for comparing clustering structures in EST libraries," Journal of Computational Biology 15 (2008): 1315-1327, with A. Lijoi and R.H. Mena.
Igor Prünster. "Motor cortex excitability changes following a lesion in the posterior columns of the cervical spinal cord," in Neuroscience Letters, 434 (1): 119-123, March 2008, with R. Nardone, S. Golaszewski, J. Bergmann, A. Venturi, A. Bratti, G. Ladurner e F. Tezzon.
Giovanni Ramello. "Access to vs. Exclusion from Knowledge: Intellectual Property, Efficiency and Social Justice," in A. Gosseries, A. Marciano and A. Strowel (eds.) "Intellectual Property and Theories of Justice", New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Giovanni Ramello. "Concorrenza e cambiamento nel mercato televisivo: il caso della pay-Tv," in "La nuova televisione. Economia, mercato, regole" with Antonio Nicita and Francesco Silva (eds.) Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008, with Francesco Silva.
Matteo Richiardi. "The Asymmetric Effect of Diffusion Processes: Risk Sharing and Contagion," with Gallegati M., Greenwald B., Stiglitz J., The Global Economy Journal, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 3, Article 2.
Stefano Sacchi. "Italy and Social Policy." In S. Fabbrini and S. Piattoni (eds.), Italy in the European Union. Redefining national interest in a compound polity, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008, pp. 153-171.
Stefano Sacchi. "Governance e coordinamento aperto delle politiche sociali", in Maurizio Ferrera and Marco Giuliani (eds.), Governance e politiche dell'Unione Europea (2008) Bologna, il Mulino.
Stefano Sacchi. "L'Europa e l'innovazione del welfare," in L. Guerzoni (ed.), La riforma del welfare. Dieci anni dopo la Commissione Onofri, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008, pp. 31-42.
Giuseppe Scellato. "Patent Litigation Insurance and R&D Incentives", International Review of Law and Economics, 28, 4 (2008): 272-286, with Luigi Buzzacchi.
Alessandro Sembenelli. "Foreign Direct Investment and mark-up dynamics: Evidence from Spanish firms," Journal of International Economics, 76 (September 2008): 107-115, with Georges Siotis.
Alessandro Sembenelli. "Banks and Innovation: Microeconometric Evidence on Italian Firms," Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 90/2, pp. 197-217, with Luigi Benfratello and Fabio Schiantarelli.
Claudia Villosio. "Labour-market assimilation of foreign workers in Italy" in Oxford Review of Economic Policy (2008) Vol. 24 n.3 pagg. 518-542, with A. Venturini.
Maristella Botticini. "From Farmers to Merchants, Conversions and Diaspora: Human Capital and Jewish History." Journal of the European Economic Association 5, no. 5 (September 2007): 885-926, with Zvi Eckstein.
Daniela Del Boca and Cecile Wetzels (eds). Social Policies, Labor Markets and Motherhood. A Comparative Analysis of European Countries. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge (2007).
Daniela Del Boca. "The Mismatch Between Employment and Child Care in Italy: The Impact of Rationing." Journal of Population Economics 20 (4) (October 2007): 805-832, with Daniela Vuri.
Francesco Devicienti and Agata Maida. "Downward Wage Rigidity in Italy: Micro-Based Measures and Implications," The Economic Journal, Vol. 117 Issue 524 (November 2007): F530-F552, (with Paolo Sestito).
Carolina Fugazza, Massimo Guidolin and Giovanna Nicodano. "Investing for the Long-Run in European Real Estate." The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 34, no. 1. (January 2007): 35-80.
Pietro Garibaldi. "Two Tier Reforms of Employment Protection Legislation. A Honeymoon Effect?" Economic Journal 117 (June 2007): F357-F385, with Tito Boeri.
Massimo Marinacci. "Mutual Absolute Continuity of Multiple Priors." Journal of Economic Theory 137 (1) (November 2007): 716–720, with Larry Epstein.
Massimo Marinacci. "Coarse Contingencies and Ambiguity," Theoretical Economics 2: 355-394, 2007, with Larry Epstein and Kyoungwon Seo.
Antonio Mele. "Asymmetric Stock Market Volatility and the Cyclical Behavior of Expected Returns." Journal of Financial Economics 86 (November 2007): 446-478.
Luigi Montrucchio. "Large Newsvendor Games." Games and Economic Behavior58, no. 2 (February 2007): 316-337, with Marco Scarsini.
Giovanna Nicodano. "Privatization and Stock Market Liquidity." Journal of Banking and Finance 31, no. 2 (February 2007): 297-316, with Bernardo Bortolotti, Frank De Jong and Ibolya Shindele.
Igor Pruenster. "On Rates Of Convergence For Posterior Distributions In Infinite-Dimensional Models." Annals of Statistics, Vol. 35, No. 2 (April 2007): 738–746, with Antonio Lijoi and Stephen G. Walker.
Igor Prünster. "Bayesian consistency for stationary models." Econometric Theory23 (August 2007): 749-759, with Antonio Lijoi and Stephen G. Walker.
Igor Prünster. "On convergence rates for nonparametric posterior distributions."Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 49 (September 2007): 209-219, with Antonio Lijoi and Stephen G. Walker.
Igor Prünster. "Controlling the reinforcement in Bayesian nonparametric mixture models." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 69 (September 2007): 715-740, with Antonio Lijoi and Ramsés H. Mena.
Igor Prünster. "A Bayesian nonparametric method for prediction in EST analysis."BMC Bioinformatics 8 (September 2007), 339, with Antonio Lijoi and Ramsés H. Mena.
Igor Prünster. "Bayesian nonparametric estimation of the probability of discovering a new species." Biometrika (2007), 94: 769-786, with Antonio Lijoi and Ramsés H. Mena.
Stefano Sacchi. "Italy: between indifference, exploitation and the construction of a national interest." In Jon Kvist and Juho Saari (eds.) The Europeanisation of Social Protection, The Policy Press: Bristol (2007): 77-98.