Impact Evaluation Unit (IEU)

Assessing Impact: Science Serving Social Transformation


Flavia Coda Moscarola, Daniela Del Boca, Giovanna Paladino "Intergenerational transmission of time preferences and saving attitude: the role of information sharing" Review of Economics of the Household, November 2024

D.Del Boca C. Pronzato "The Impact of a Multifaceted Program on Households’ Welfare"  Labour Settembre 2024

D. Del Boca, C. Pronzato and L. Schiavon) "The Evaluation of Short Repeated Programs: The Case of Parenting Skills Programs" (with C. Pronzato and L. Schiavon) Evaluation and Program Planning August, 2024

S. Basiglio, Del Boca D.,  and C. Pronzato "Coding Girls The effect of a Program Coding Girls on Boys and Girls outcomes" Cesifo Economic Studies June, 2024

"Preferences, Parenting Styles and Children Outcomes" (D. Del Boca, F. Coda Moscarola and G Paladino) CEPR Discussion Papers 18261s and Notebook 697, CCA

When Randomization Is Not Feasible: The Case of Parenting Skills Programs” (D. Del Boca, C. Pronzato and L. Schiavon) IZA working paper 16694

"The Impact of the “Coding Girls” Program on High School Students’ Educational Choices" (Basiglio S.,Del Boca D.and C. Pronzato) Notebook 689, CCA

"Participation to Parenting Courses and Parental awareness," Daniela Del Boca, Chiara Daniela Pronzato, Lucia Schiavon, submitted

"Did COVID-19 affect the division of labor within the household? Evidence from two waves of the pandemic in Italy", Carlo Alberto Notebook, No. 654 | June 2021 (Daniela Del Boca, Noemi Oggero, Paola Profeta, Maria Cristina Rossi), IZA Journal of Labor Economics 2022

"How Parents' skills affect their time-use with children? Evidence from an RCT experiment in Italy" (Daniela Del Boca, Chiara Daniela Pronzato,  Lucia Schiavon), Review of Italian Evaluation Summer 2022

"Pension information and women’s awareness", CCA Notebook 615/2020 (Marta Angelici, Daniela Del Boca, Noemi Oggero, Paola Profeta, Maria Cristina Rossi, Claudia Villosio), Journal of Economics of Aging 2022

"The Impact of a Multifaceted Program on Fragile Individuals. Evidence from a RCT in Italy" by Daniela Del Boca and Chiara Pronzato

"Non‐cognitive skills and childcare attendance", by Daniela Del Boca, Enrica Martino and Chiara Pronzato, Review of Economics of the Household, 2022

"Conditional and Unconditional Cash transfers and Household Labor Supply", by Daniela Del Boca, Chiara Pronzato and Giuseppe Sorrenti, European Economic Review 136, July 2021

"Counterfactual evaluation of youth employment policies. Methodological guide", A report by the team of the Project YEpartnerSHIP

"Women’s and men’s work, housework and childcare, before and during COVID-19", Review of Economics of the Household, 2020 (Daniela Del Boca, Noemi Oggero, Paola Profeta, Maria Cristina Rossi)

"Women’s work, housework and childcare, before and during COVID-19" Covid Economics, Issue 28 (Daniela Del Boca, Noemi Oggero, Paola Profeta, Maria Cristina Rossi)

"Cash Transfer and Household Labor Supply" Notebook Collegio Carlo Alberto No. 605 March 2020 ( Daniela Del Boca, Chiara  Pronzato, Giuseppe Sorrenti)

The Impact of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Households’ Well-BeingNotebook Collegio Carlo Alberto No. 559 December 2018

When Rationing Plays a Role: Selection Criteria in the Italian Early Childcare System” Cesifo Economic Studies 2016 (Daniela Del Boca, Chiara Pronzato, Giuseppe Sorrenti)

"Intergenerational transmission of time preferences and saving attitude: the role of information sharing", Review of Economics of the Household, November 2024  (Flavia Coda Moscarola, Daniela Del Boca, Giovanna Paladino)