DataLab applies state-of-the-art insights from academic research to answer policy and business questions

DataLabMicro specializes in rigorous microeconometric analysis using vast and comprehensive data sets, including transaction-level data, balance sheets, administrative data and disaggregated financial flow data. Our expertise covers questions in firm dynamics and corporate finance, retail pricing and trade, auctions, and behavioural theory, educational policies, economics of organized crime, political behaviour and social norms, corporate social responsibility, health economics. Tools used include structural analysis, algorithmic nonparametric analysis, and survey experiments.
What are the most in – demand professional profiles by companies in Piedmont
What are the most in – demand professional profiles by companies in Piedmont? The goal of the…
Did the pandemic affect students’ learning performances?
Collegio Carlo Alberto > Research > DataLab > Did the pandemic affect students’ learning performances? Did the…
Do Teachers’ Labor Contracts Matter?
Do Teachers’ Labor Contracts Matter? This study estimates the impact of teachers’ employment contracts on students’ academic…