Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences – David Card
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Collegio Carlo Alberto congratulates David Card, one of the three recipients of this year’s Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. David, who shares the…
Read MorePaolo Ghirardato new Dean of CCA
Paolo Ghirardato new Dean Starting on October 1, Paolo Ghirardato is the new Dean of Collegio Carlo Alberto, in charge of the scientific direction of the Foundation and of chairing…
Read MoreFrancesca Parodi wins SIEP prize
Congratulations to our Assistant Professor Francesca Parodi, who is the recipient of the 2021 edition of the Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica (SIEP) prize, intended for an outstanding unpublished paper,…
Read MoreCALL FOR PROPOSALS: Trapezio – Paving the way to research excellence and talent attraction
Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation has launched a call for proposals entitled TRAPEZIO – Paving the way to research excellence and talent attraction CCA is an eligible entity to receive…
Read MoreTorino si candida per il Festival dell’Economia
A seguito della rinuncia della città di Trento a ospitare l’annuale appuntamento del Festival dell’Economia, il quotidiano La Stampa ha promosso una raccolta di firme per sostenere la candidatura della…
Read MoreNew resident scholars @ CCA
The Collegio Carlo Alberto is pleased to welcome the new Assistant Professors in Economics Christoph Albert and Brett McCully, as well as the new Post-Doc in Political Sciences Giovanna Invernizzi. Christoph Albert (PhD in Economics,…
Read MoreCALL FOR PAPERS: “Workshop on Contracts, Incentives and Information”
The Collegio Carlo Alberto and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) invite paper submissions for their first annual joint workshop. The workshop is on Contracts, Incentives and Information and…
Read MoreCall for applications 2021-22: Allievi Honors Program; Masters in Economics; Finance, Insurance and Risk Management; Insurance Innovation
The Collegio Carlo Alberto invites applications for the a. y. 2021/2022 edition of the following programs: Allievi Honors Program; Master in Economics; Master in Finance, Insurance and Risk Management and…
Read MoreCall for submissions: ETTA CHIURI PRIZE 2021
The Società italiana di economia pubblica (SIEP), together with the Associazione italiana economisti del lavoro (AIEL), the Centre for Household, Income, Labour and Demographic economics (CHILD – Collegio Carlo Alberto),…
Read MoreThe Collegio community has grown
The Collegio’s community has grown! This month we welcome a new group of Affiliates and Fellows, selected through an open call among the scholars in the field of social sciences…
Read MoreThe project “Pandemic Tail Risk” by Matthijs Breugem, Raffaele Corvino, Roberto Marfè, and Lorenzo Schoenleber selected for funding by Inquire Europe
The project “Pandemic Tail Risk” by Matthijs Breugem (Collegio Carlo Alberto and University of Turin), Raffaele Corvino (University of Turin and CERP), Roberto Marfè (Collegio Carlo Alberto and University of…
Read MoreFour members of Collegio confirmed CEPR Fellows for 2020-2024
We are pleased to announce that four members of Collegio Carlo Alberto have been confirmed CEPR Fellows for 2020-2024: Daniela del Boca (Labor Economics) Pietro Garibaldi (Labor Economics) Dino Gerardi…
Read MoreLatest Carlo Alberto Notebooks
The Collegio issues a Working Paper series, called Carlo Alberto Notebooks. The scholars at Collegio write papers that are then included in the Carlo Alberto Notebooks. This allows for a…
Read MoreInomics lists the Collegio among the ‘Top 3 Places to Do a PhD’
Collegio Carlo Alberto & the University of Turin have been selected as one of the “Top 3 Places to Do a PhD” in the 2021 INOMICS Awards. The awards celebrate…
Read MoreChiara Saraceno selected to head new Ministry of Labour Committee
On March 10, 2021 the Ministry of Labour of the Italian Government appointed a Scientific Committee tasked with evaluating the impact of the Reddito di Cittadinanza (RdC), a minimum income…
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