7 events found.
Week of Events
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Tiziano De Angelis (Università degli Studi di Torino)
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Tiziano De Angelis (Università degli Studi di Torino)
"Some explicit results on Dynkin games with incomplete and asymmetric information"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics David Atkin ( MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (Webinar)
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics David Atkin ( MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (Webinar)
"The Returns to Face-to-Face Interactions: Knowledge Spillovers in Silicon Valley"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Nezih Guner (CEMFI – Center for Monetary and Financial Studies )(Webinar)
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Nezih Guner (CEMFI – Center for Monetary and Financial Studies )(Webinar)
"Rethinking the Welfare State"