[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance Anastasia Kartasheva (University of Pennsylvania)
"Insurance protection gaps and economic resilience to climate change"
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance Raffaele Della Croce (OECD)
"Investing in Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure"
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance Fabio Moneta (University of Ottawa)
"Holding Horizon: A New Measure of Active Investment Management"
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance Milo Bianchi (Toulouse School of Economics)
"Return Predictability and Long Term Investment: Experimental Evidence"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Sohnke Bartram (Warwick Business School)
"Real Effects of Climate Policy: Financial Constraints and Spillovers"
[Academic Events] Workshop Second Asset Pricing Conference by LTI
This one-day conference on October 8th 2019, hosted by the Collegio Carlo Alberto, aims to promote the highest level and up-to-date research in asset pricing within the European academic community. Speakers and discussants are selected among the most innovative junior researchers and established scholars. Call for Job Market Paper One presentation slot is devoted to…
[Academic Events] Workshop Long Term Investment e Fondi ELTIF
Ersel, Piazza Solferino 11, TorinoIl trasferimento del risparmio all'economia reale.
[Outreach Events] Workshop LTI@UniTo Conference: “Evolving landscapes of bank and non-bank finance”
Banca d’Italia-LTI@UniTo Conference "Evolving landscapes of bank and non-bank finance" Rome, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi conference centre, December 7, 2018 The conference addresses a range of issues related to the evolution of bank and non-bank finance and its implications for the real economy
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance LTI Press Conference
Invito Stampa Sole 24 ore TorinOggi Comunicato stampa
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance Gli investimenti fisici alternativi
Gacomo Andreoli, Il Mercato dell’Oro Marcello Manna, Il Mercato dei Diamanti Filippo Bolaffi, Il Mercato dei Collectibles Venue: Ersel, Torino, Piazza Solferino 11
Collegio Aperto Lancio del Think Tank “Long-Term Investors@UniTO”
Aula Magna Rettorato - Via Po, 17 Torino Video
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance LTI: Official Launch
Official Launch: July 12, 2017 PRESENTATIONS video of the launch of LTI, July 12th, 2017 interview with Prof. Elisa Luciano UnitoNews COMUNICATO STAMPA RASSEGNA STAMPA