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Monday Lunch Seminars Nicola Borri (LUISS)

"Limited Participation and Local Currency Sovereign Debt" Abstract Emerging country governments increasingly issue bonds denominated in local currency and the share of this market held by foreign investors, once negligible, has been progressively growing. This paper presents a model of segmented markets, in which specialized foreign investors can access multiple local markets only after paying an…

Collegio Aperto Stephen Zeldes (Columbia University)

"Enhancing Retirement Security" Introduction by Giovanna Nicodano (Collegio Carlo Alberto, Universtà di Torino) A simultaneous translation service will be available. Please confirm your participation at An initiative of the Master in Finance Insurance and Risk Management More information at 011-6705000 Video

Monday Lunch Seminars Filippo De Marco (Bocconi)

"Banks as Patient Lenders: Evidence from a Tax Reform" Abstract We test whether the composition of bank funding, and the share of deposit funding in particular, affects bank risk-taking and loan maturity. For identification, we exploit a tax reform in Italy that created incentives for households to hold deposits rather than bank bonds. Using geographically…

Job Market Seminars Jules Tinang (Toulouse School of Economics)

"Macro Uncertainty and the Term Structure of Risk Premium" abstract Abstract:Leading frictionless consumption-based asset pricing models (Long run risks and Habit formation) predict that the expected return on assets whose cash flows appear in the distant future are higher than or equal to the expected returns on assets which pay-off in the near future. Contrary…

Job Market Seminars Elisabeth Proehl (Université de Geneve)

"Approximating Equilibria with Ex-Post Heterogeneity and Aggregate Risk" Job Market paper abstract Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models with ex-post heterogeneity due to idiosyncratic risk have to be solved numerically. This is a nontrivial task as the cross-sectional distribution of endogenous variables becomes an element of the state space due to aggregate risk. Existing global solution…

Job Market Seminars Giovanni Nicolò (UCLA)

"Monetary Policy, Expectations and Business Cycles in the U.S. Post-War Period" Job Market Paper Abstract This paper examines the interactions between monetary policy and the formation of expectations to explain U.S. business cycle fluctuations in the post-war period. I estimate a conventional medium-scale New-Keynesian model, in which I relax the assumption that the central pursued…

Seminars in Economics Francesco Sangiorgi (Frankfurt School)

"Why is capital slow moving? Liquidity hysteresis and the dynamics of limited arbitrage" Abstract Will arbitrage capital flow into a market experiencing a liquidity shock, mitigating the adverse effect of the shock on liquidity? Using a stochastic dynamic model of equilibrium pricing with privately informed capital-constrained arbitrageurs, we show that arbitrage capital may actually flow…

Monday Lunch Seminars Stefano Sacchetto (IESE)

"How Costly Are External Financing and Agency for Private Firms?" abstract We estimate the magnitude of external financing costs and manager-shareholder conflicts for large U.S. private firms, and compare the results of the estimation to those from a sample of comparable public firms. Large private firms face marginal equity issuance costs for the first million…

Monday Lunch Seminars Carolina Fugazza (Università di Torino)

"A Life-Cycle Model with Unemployment Traps" abstract The Great Recession has highlighted that long-term unemployment may become a trap with loss of human capital. This paper extends the life-cycle model allowing for a small risk of long-term unemployment with permanent effects on labour income. Such nonlinear income risk dampens both early consumption and early investment…