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Monday Lunch Seminars Vincenzo Merella (Università di Cagliari)

"Sectoral Shocks and Asset Pricing: The Role of Consumer Confidence" (Note: the seminar is on Wednesday) Abstract This paper proposes a theory for the observed relationship between consumer confidence and consumption growth. The idea is thatindicators of confidence identify information on the structure of consumer spending that is not contained in other data. We construct amultisectoral…

Seminars in Economics Ugo Panizza (UN Conference on Trade and Development)

"Too Much Finance?" AbstractThis paper examines whether there is a threshold above which financial development no longer has a positive effect on economic growth. We develop a simple model in which the expectation of a bailout may lead to a financial sector which is too large with respect to the social optimum. We then use…

Distinguished Scientific Lectures Onorato Castellino Lecture: Annamaria Lusardi

"Financial illiteracy: a (solvable) problem of our time" Introduction by Elsa Fornero Annamaria Lusardi is Joel Z. and Susan Hyatt Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College and Research Associate at National Bureau of Economic Research. Elsa Fornero is Professor of Economics, University of Torino, Scientific Coordinator of CeRP and Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board, Intesa…