[Academic Events] Occasional Seminars Stefania Ottone (Università di Torino)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite”
[Outreach Events] Collegio Aperto, Distinguished Scientific Lectures Proclamazione dei diplomati e inaugurazione a.a. Master WeDA
Master in Welfare: Fondamenti teorici e Data Analysis
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop: “The Economics of Risk. Econometric Tools and Policy Implications”
Organized by Collegio Carlo Alberto, ESOMAS Dept. and Datalab
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance, Monday Lunch Seminars Andrea Roncoroni (ESSEC Business School)
Operational Resilience Anew
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Andreas Kleiner (University of Bonn)
From Design to Disclosure
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Vikram Maheshri (University of Houston)
AI at the Wheel: The Effectiveness of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Implications for Policy
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop “The Economics of Risk”
Organized by BIS, ESM, EUI, CCA and HEC Montréal
[Hosted Events] Hosted events Il patrimonio immateriale delle comunità: idee per valorizzare gli asset e l’impatto delle fondazioni di comunità, oltre il patrimonio finanziario
Il patrimonio immateriale delle comunità: idee per valorizzare gli asset e l’impatto delle fondazioni di comunità, oltre il patrimonio finanziario Incontro conclusivo del percorso Il percorso formativo, ideato e organizzato…
[Academic Events] Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” Alejandra Vasquez (Universidad de Santiago del Chile USACH)
An investigation of the interplay between individual and social preferences: Inequality Aversion in Chile a Lab in the Field experiment
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Dan Breznitz (University of Toronto)
Business Networks, Enclave Formation, and the Failure of Foreign Investment to Transfer Technology
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Roberto Corrao (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Optimally Coarse Contracts
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Daniel Naurin (University of Gothenburg)
The EU's Efforts to Remedy Democratic Backsliding Among its Member States: Effective, counterproductive or of no importance?
[Academic Events] Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” Isabel Rodríguez (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
A Validated Survey Instrument for Measuring Social Norms
[Outreach Events] Collegio Aperto Una Notte Al Collegio Carlo Alberto
Evento in collaborazione con Club Silencio
[Academic Events] Workshop 7th Asset Pricing Conference by LTI@UniTO
Jointly organized by LTI@UniTO and Collegio Carlo Alberto
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Petri Rouvinen (ETLA Economic Research)
A corporate failure as a source of entrepreneurial creative destruction: Case Nokia mobile phones in 2008–2014
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Richard Van Weelden (University of Pittsburgh)
Inequality, Polarization, and Culture Wars
[Outreach Events] Collegio Aperto Cerimonia di Apertura e Presentazione Project Work – Master in Insurance Innovation
Master in Insurance Innovation
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Can Gao (University of St. Gallen and Swiss Finance Institute.)
Debt and Deficits: Fiscal Analysis with Stationary Ratios