[Outreach Events] Distinguished Scientific Lectures Master’s and Allievi Programs Commencement Ceremony a.y. 2018-19
Commencement Lecture by Elena Zambon, Presidente Zambon SPA
Welcome Home Meeting
Organizzato dall'Associazione Allievi
Allievi Defenses
JUNIOR ALLIEVI 9.30 Edoardo Bella Title: International trade, wealth redistribution and political polariation 10.00 Enrico Turri Title: On efficiency in decentralised markets
[Academic Events] Carlo Alberto Law Seminars “From Broadcasting to Soul- Searching: Immigration Law’s Expressive Function”
Campus Luigi EinaudiFrancesca Strumia (University of Sheffield) Discussant: John Torpey (Graduate Center, CUNY) Moderator: Andrea Spagnolo (University of Turin)
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Richard Evans (Darden School of Business – University of Virginia)
"Peer versus pure benchmarks in the compensation of mutual fund managers"
Schools EITM Europe 2019 – Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models Summer Institute 2019
New Developments in Designs and Methods in Survey Research NASP in cooperation with the University of Mannheim
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Paul David (Stanford University)
Campus Luigi Einaudi"Keeping Our Bearings in Mission-Oriented Public R&D Funding with Prizes - Lessons from Britain's Longitude Board (1714 -1828)" At Campus Luigi Einaudi
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Daniela Iorio (University of Bologna)
"Disparities in the battle against infertility: Evidence from IVF success"
Allievi Defenses
JUNIOR ALLIEVI 9.30: Mattia Gallese Title: The intended and unintended consequences of financial-market regulations: A general-equilibrium analysis 10.00: Stefano Pavesio Title: The life-cylcle theory of consumption and savings
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Stefano Gagliarducci (University of Roma Tor Vergata)
"Hurricanes, Climate Change Policies and Electoral Accountability"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Enrico Moretti (Berkeley)
"The Effect of High Tech Clusters on the Productivity of Top Inventors"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Statistics Subhashis Ghoshal (North Carolina State University)
"Posterior Contraction and Credible Sets for Filaments of Regression Functions"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Dan Breznitz (University of Toronto)
"Innovation Agencies: Pragmatism, Strategic Logic and the Political Economy of Success"
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Marco Pangallo (Mathematical Institute)
"How big data may explicitly show the usefulness of complex systems methods in economics"
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Juan Morales (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
"Violence Against Journalists and Freedom of the Press: Evidence from Mexico"
[Hosted Events] Hosted events Pratiche innovative di coaching e orientamento per donne fragili con carichi di cura: l’esperienza del progetto
Info e iscrizioni su
[Outreach Events] Collegio Aperto Crepe nel sistema: verso un nuovo (dis)ordine monetario internazionale?
"Crepe nel sistema: verso un nuovo (dis)ordine monetario internazionale?"