Seminars in Economics Gustavo Manso (Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley)
"Shareholder Litigation and Corporate Innovation"
Monday Lunch Seminars Stephen Zeldes (Columbia GSB)
"Should the Government Be Paying Investment Fees on $3 Trillion of Tax-Deferred Retirement Assets?"
[Hosted Events] Hosted events “Rigorous Impact Evaluation in Europe”
A Research Conference in Honor of Alberto Martini Rigorous Impact Evaluation in Europe? Motives for Optimism and Reasons for Pessimism Alberto Martini, Università del Piemonte Orientale and Associazione per lo Sviluppo della Valutazione e l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche (ASVAPP) Rigorous Impact Evaluation: The Impact Assessment Office of the Italian Senate Sen. Laura Bottici, Questore del…
Seminars in Politics and Society Andreas Schedler (Center for Economic Research and Teaching, Mexico)
"A Threat to Democracy? Donald Trump in Comparative Perspective" at Campus Luigi Einaudi (Sala Lauree Rossa piccola) abstract Since his irruption into the 2016 presidential contest, Donald Trump has engendered intense public debate about him representing a “threat to democracy” and herewith forming part of a wider international trend of democratic subversion by illiberal leaders. In…
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance Gli investimenti fisici alternativi
Gacomo Andreoli, Il Mercato dell’Oro Marcello Manna, Il Mercato dei Diamanti Filippo Bolaffi, Il Mercato dei Collectibles Venue: Ersel, Torino, Piazza Solferino 11
Seminars in Economics Simone Galperti (UC San Diego)
"Shared Knowledge and Competition for Attention in Information Markets"
Seminars in Economics Luigi Pistaferri (Stanford University)
"Wealth Returns Persistence and Heterogeneity"
Monday Lunch Seminars Willa Friedman (University of Houston)
"What Happens to Babies Born During Health-Worker Strikes?" abstract Health worker strikes are a growing but still under-studied phenomenon in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the past few years alone, health worker strikes limited service provision in more than 18 countries. We use panel data from Kenya linked with a newly compiled record of the timing and…
Occasional Seminars Giuseppe Bertola (University of Torino)
"EEAG Report on the European Economy"
Seminars in Politics and Society Glyn Morgan (Maxwell Syracuse University)
"Is the European Union Imperialist?" abstract A common charge of Eurosceptics is that the project of European Integration constitutes a form of imperialism. In recent years, this charge appeared during the Eurozone Crisis, it was reiterated by “Leavers” both during and after the Brexit campaign, and it can be heard today in Hungary and Poland…
Seminars in Economics Huseyin Yildirim (Duke University)
"Social Pressure, Transparency, and Voting in Committees"
Seminars in Economics CANCELLED: Geert Rouwenhorst (Yale School of Management)
"A Tale of Two Premiums: The Role of Hedgers andSpeculators in Commodity Futures Markets"
Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Pierre Mohnen (University of Maastricht, The Netherlands)
"Exploring complementarity between R&D, ICT and organizational change"
Seminars in Economics Francesco Drago (Università degli Studi di Messina)
"Voters' Response to Public Policies: Evidence from a Natural Experiment" abstract How do voters assess policy makers in the presence of incomplete information? We address this question by providing quasi-experimental evidence on voters' electoral response to the realized effects of public policies and by also unmasking the underlying mechanism linking public policies and electoral behavior…
Collegio Aperto COLLEGIO APERTO: “Oro”
Pietro Terna IntroductionPresidente Collegio Carlo Alberto Giorgio Barba Navaretti videoVice Presidente Collegio Carlo Alberto Maurizio Ferraris videoProfessore ordinario di Filosofia Teoretica,Università di Torino Licia Mattioli videoAmministratrice Delegata Mattioli Spa Pietro Terna videoPresidente Collegio Carlo Alberto discutono del nuovo libro di Salvatore Rossi videoDirettore Generale della Banca d'Italia Dibattito video Conclusioni video registrazione online Per informazioni:011.6705000 -…
Monday Lunch Seminars Marit Hinnosaar (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
"How long do healthy habits last? The role of prices" Abstract When a policy gives temporary incentives for healthy behaviors, how long does the impact last? I study the U.S. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, which gives vouchers for healthy foods. Using household-level scanner data, I find that the effect of…