Monday Lunch Seminars Omer Moav (Warwick)
"The Emergence of Hierarchies and States: Productivity vs. Appropriability"
Seminars in Economics Takuo Sugaya (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
"The Revelation Principle in Multistage Games"
[Academic Events] Workshop Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Political Science
University of Torino, Lungo Dora Siena,100
Seminars in Statistics Jan Naudts (Universiteit Antwerpen)
Non-Commutative Information Geometry Information geometry is concerned with the study of statistical manifolds. These are differentiable manifolds consisting of probability distributions. In the param- eterized case their geometry is described by a metric tensor and a pair of dually flat connections. In the more general non-parameterized case they are Banach manifolds. This area of…
Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense Session
SENIOR ALLIEVI 10.00 Lucia DonatoTitle: The Phillips Curve before and after the Great Recession: What has changed 10.45 Martino BanchioTitle: Information Disclosure with Imperfect Identification
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance LTI Press Conference
Invito Stampa Sole 24 ore TorinOggi Comunicato stampa
Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense Session
JUNIOR ALLIEVI 10.00 Mariachiara BoTitle: Poisson Process and first passage times 10.30 Mattia Luchese Title: Maximum principle for elliptic pde 11.00 Fabio BuccolieroTitle: Theory of nodes SENIOR ALLIEVI 11.30 Laura RissoTitle: Preferential attachment random graphs: analysis and extension 12.15 Marco PontinTitle: Effects of social learning on consumer's quality estimates. An heuristic approach
[Hosted Events] Hosted events La virtù della finzione
Aula Magna All’incontro, condotto dal drammaturgo Alberto Gozzi, interverranno fra gli altri il regista Beppe Navello, le attrici Eleni Molos e Maria Alberta Navello, l’attore Antonio Sarasso, Francesco Ghisi (videomaker), docenti di Letteratura e Spettacolo, tecnici teatrali. Verranno proiettate sequenze da: I tre moschettieri, regia di Beppe Navello Céline sul métro e Maison Savinio, drammaturgia di Alberto…
Distinguished Scientific Lectures Master’s and Allievi Program’s Commencement Ceremony a.y. 2017-2018
Commencement Lectures Federico Sella (Amministratore Delegato BANCA PATRIMONI SELLA & C.) Francesco Grande (Senior Credit Risk Analyst a Intesa Sanpaolo)
Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense Session
SENIOR ALLIEVI 10.30 Gaia RigodanzaTitle: The Bloody Rise of Drug Cartels and the Internal Displacement in Mexico
Monday Lunch Seminars Nicolas Groshenny (University of Adelaide)
"Do we really know that US monetary policy was destabilizing in the 1970s?"
Monday Lunch Seminars Pascal Courty (University of Victoria)
"The Value of Online Scarcity Signals"
Occasional Seminars CANCELLED: Seminar, Gabriella E. Sanchez (Arizona State University)
"The countering of migrant smuggling along the US Mexico Border and what it tells us about the European experience" At Campus Luigi Einaudi abstract Graphic images of migrant suffering in the context of irregular journeys, and narratives that blame the tragedy on migrant smugglers singlehandedly, dominate much of the EU coverage on migration. This level of…
Distinguished Scientific Lectures Vilfredo Pareto Lecture: Christopher Udry (Northwestern University)
"Information, Market Access and Risk: Addressing Constraints to Agricultural Transformation in Northern Ghana" Introduction
Monday Lunch Seminars Dario Sansone (Georgetown University)
"Pink Work: Same-Sex Marriage, Employment and Discrimination" Abstract This paper analyzes how the legalization of same-sex marriage in the U.S. affected gay and lesbian couples in the labor market. Results from a difference-in-difference model emphasize that both partners in same-sex couples were more likely to be employed, to have a full-time contract, and to work…