[Academic Events] Seminars in Statistics Stefano Peluchetti (Cogent Labs Tokyo)
"Deep neural networks and stochastic processes"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Statistics Daniel Kowal (Rice University)
"Scalable Bayesian Inference and Summarization for Functional Data"
[Academic Events] Occasional Seminars Defense Session
JUNIOR ALLIEVI 10.30: Badr Hasnaoui Title: "Overconfidence and political beliefs" SENIOR ALLIEVI 11.00: Matteo Godio Title: A Statistical approach to privacy: Differential Privacy and Local Private Hypothesis Testing
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Lucio Sarno (Cass Business School)
“Foreign Exchange Volume”
[Academic Events] Occasional Seminars Defense session
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop on “The light that failed”
The new book by Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes.
[Academic Events] Workshop 12th PhD Workshop in Economics
Vilfredo Pareto Doctoral Program in Economics Keynote Lecturers: Joan Llull (UAB, Barcellona) Paolo Ghirardato (University of Torino and Fond. Collegio Carlo Alberto)
[Outreach Events] Collegio Aperto “How Democracies Perish and How They Can Resurrect”
Stephen Holmes (New York University) Introduction by Michele Graziadei (University of Torino and Fond. Collegio Carlo Alberto) Simultaneous translation available Please confirm your participation at: A series organised by Diego Gambetta, Carlo Alberto Chair
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Armando Rungi (IMT Lucca)
"Innovation and Foundation Ownership"
(Note: the seminar is on Wednesday)
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Ludovica Gambaro (DIW Berlin)
"The effect of early childhood care services on the social integration of refugee families"
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Francesco Passarelli (Università di Torino)
"Collective Emotions and Protest Vote"
[Academic Events] Occasional Seminars Defense session
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Claudia Ghisetti (UNICATT)
"Design and innovation: Does the “green-matching” actually help?"
[Hosted Events] Hosted events “Il paradosso della produttività e quinta rivoluzione industriale: opportunità per l’Italia”
Lezioni cinesi. Come l'Europa può uscire dalla crisi
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Giuseppe Sorrenti (UZH)
"The causal impact of socio-emotional skills training on educational success"
[Academic Events] Distinguished Scientific Lectures Lezione Onorato Castellino 2019: “La Corte costituzionale e l’economia al tempo della crisi”
Marta Cartabia, Professor of Constitutional Law and Vice President of the Italian Constitutional Court
[Hosted Events] Hosted events International Workshop: “The Digital World, Cognition and Behaviour”
5th Herbert Simon Honorary Lecture: Hersh SHEFRIN (Santa Clara University)
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Joseph-Simon Goerlach (Università Bocconi)
Borrowing Constraints, Migrant Selection, and the Dynamics of Return and Repeat Migration