[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Basit Zafar (University of Michigan) (webinar)
"Gender Differences in Job Search and the Earnings Gap: Evidence from Business Majors"
joint with Bocconi University
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Nicolò Barbieri (University of Ferrara) (webinar)
POSTPONED "Green Technologies, Interdependencies and Policy"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Eleonora Marucci (University of Groeningen) (webinar)
"The Role Of Teacher Attunement In Shaping Peer Status Norms With Respect To Bullying And Prosociality"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Statistics Paul Jenkins (University of Warwick) (webinar)
"Asymptotic genealogies of interacting particle systems"
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance, Monday Lunch Seminars Andrea Modena (University of Bonn, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) (webinar)
"Recapitalization, Bailout, and Long-run Welfare in a Dynamic Model of Banking"
[Academic Events] Carlo Alberto Law Seminars “Un esempio di legal mobilisation: l’azione antidiscriminatoria”
Ciclo di seminari “Eppur si muove” – Strumenti di tutela dei diritti dei migranti
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Carlo Schwarz (Bocconi University) (webinar)
"Gender Gaps in Academia: Global Evidence, 1900-1969"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Francesco Lissoni (Université de Bordeaux) (webinar)
"Free Movement of Inventors: Open-Border Policy and Innovation in Switzerland"
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Federico Vaccari (Università di Trento) (webinar)
"Competition in Signaling"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Phil Tomlinson (University of Bath) (webinar)
"Industrial policy and strategy in the UK in the Brexit (and Coronavirus) era"
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Juan Morales (Collegio Carlo Alberto) (webinar)
"Cancelled: Conformity or Silence?"
[Outreach Events] Distinguished Scientific Lectures Carlo Alberto Medal Lecture: “The Global Capital Allocation Project”
Matteo Maggiori, Stanford Graduate School of Business
[Academic Events] Carlo Alberto Law Seminars “Le cliniche legali: dall’orientamento legale al contenzioso strategico”
Ciclo di seminari “Eppur si muove” – Strumenti di tutela dei diritti dei migranti
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop “Has Covid-19 wounded interpersonal trust? Six papers in search of an answer”
Online workshop organized by Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto "Has Covid-19 wounded interpersonal trust? Six papers in search of an answer" Presenters: Pierluigi Conzo et al. (CCA, Unito) Gianmarco Daniele &…
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop: “Dynamic Games and Incentives”
The workshop brings together microeconomic theorists from around the world. The focus is on how information shapes agents' incentives in dynamic settings.
[Academic Events] Carlo Alberto Law Seminars “SOEs in multilateral trade regulation”
“SOEs in multilateral trade regulation”
[Academic Events] Schools NASP – CCA Days 2021: Frontiers of Methods in Social and Political Sciences
NASP – CCA Days 2021: Frontiers of Methods in Social and Political Sciences NASP - CCA Days is jointly organised by the Collegio Carlo Alberto and the Ph.D. programs in Economic…
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance, Monday Lunch Seminars Lorenzo Schoenleber (Collegio Carlo Alberto) (webinar)
"Investor Behavior under Prospect Theory: Evidence from Mutual Funds"
[Academic Events] Robo-advisors : What we know and what we expect.
Milo Bianchi (Toulouse School of Economics) ; Marie Brière (Amundi) Abstract: In the first part of the lecture, we provide an overview of some of the key reasons behind…