[Academic Events] Carlo Alberto Law Seminars “L’accesso civico e la democratizzazione delle politiche migratorie”
Ciclo di seminari “Eppur si muove” – Strumenti di tutela dei diritti dei migranti
[Outreach Events] Collegio Aperto Atoms for Peace and Development. Science and Technology for a Better and Safer World
Special event of the Colloquia on Science Diplomacy, organized by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, in collaboration with Fondazione "I Lincei per la Scuola", Fondazione Agnelli, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto, Istituto Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani. Atoms for Peace and Development Science and Technology for a Better and Safer World with H.E. Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director…
[Academic Events] Robo-advisors : What we know and what we expect.
Milo Bianchi (Toulouse School of Economics) ; Marie Brière (Amundi) Abstract: In the first part of the lecture, we provide an overview of some of the key reasons behind the academic and industry interest in robo-advisors, highlighting how robo-advice could potentially address some fundamental problems in investors' decision making as well as in traditional…
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance, Monday Lunch Seminars Lorenzo Schoenleber (Collegio Carlo Alberto) (webinar)
"Investor Behavior under Prospect Theory: Evidence from Mutual Funds"
[Academic Events] Schools NASP – CCA Days 2021: Frontiers of Methods in Social and Political Sciences
NASP – CCA Days 2021: Frontiers of Methods in Social and Political Sciences NASP - CCA Days is jointly organised by the Collegio Carlo Alberto and the Ph.D. programs in Economic Sociology and Labour Studies (ESLS) and Political Studies (POLS) at the University of Milan. Its aim is twofold. First, it offers NASP students training on the frontier of…
[Academic Events] Carlo Alberto Law Seminars “SOEs in multilateral trade regulation”
“SOEs in multilateral trade regulation”
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop: “Dynamic Games and Incentives”
The workshop brings together microeconomic theorists from around the world. The focus is on how information shapes agents' incentives in dynamic settings.
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop “Has Covid-19 wounded interpersonal trust? Six papers in search of an answer”
Online workshop organized by Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto "Has Covid-19 wounded interpersonal trust? Six papers in search of an answer" Presenters: Pierluigi Conzo et al. (CCA, Unito) Gianmarco Daniele & Francesco Passarelli (Bocconi, Unito) Sergio Loiacono et al. (Utrecht) Moreno Mancosu et. al (CCA, Unito) Dag Wollebaek (Institute for Social Research, Oslo) Organisers: Diego Gambetta…
[Academic Events] Carlo Alberto Law Seminars “Le cliniche legali: dall’orientamento legale al contenzioso strategico”
Ciclo di seminari “Eppur si muove” – Strumenti di tutela dei diritti dei migranti
[Outreach Events] Distinguished Scientific Lectures Carlo Alberto Medal Lecture: “The Global Capital Allocation Project”
Matteo Maggiori, Stanford Graduate School of Business
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Juan Morales (Collegio Carlo Alberto) (webinar)
"Cancelled: Conformity or Silence?"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Phil Tomlinson (University of Bath) (webinar)
"Industrial policy and strategy in the UK in the Brexit (and Coronavirus) era"
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Federico Vaccari (Università di Trento) (webinar)
"Competition in Signaling"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Francesco Lissoni (Université de Bordeaux) (webinar)
"Free Movement of Inventors: Open-Border Policy and Innovation in Switzerland"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Carlo Schwarz (Bocconi University) (webinar)
"Gender Gaps in Academia: Global Evidence, 1900-1969"
[Academic Events] Carlo Alberto Law Seminars “Un esempio di legal mobilisation: l’azione antidiscriminatoria”
Ciclo di seminari “Eppur si muove” – Strumenti di tutela dei diritti dei migranti
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance, Monday Lunch Seminars Andrea Modena (University of Bonn, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) (webinar)
"Recapitalization, Bailout, and Long-run Welfare in a Dynamic Model of Banking"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Statistics Paul Jenkins (University of Warwick) (webinar)
"Asymptotic genealogies of interacting particle systems"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Eleonora Marucci (University of Groeningen) (webinar)
"The Role Of Teacher Attunement In Shaping Peer Status Norms With Respect To Bullying And Prosociality"