[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Elena Paglialunga (University of Urbino) (webinar)
"Network-driven positive externalities in clean energy technology production"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Antonio Nicolò (University of Padua) (webinar)
"Populism as Policy Commitment"
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance, Seminars in Economics Hugues Langlois (HEC Paris) (webinar)
"What matters in a characteristic?"
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Giovanna Invernizzi (Columbia University) (webinar)
"Politics by Denunciation"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Emmy Lindstam (University of Mannheim) (webinar)
"My History or Our History? Historical Revisionism and Entitlement to Lead"
[Outreach Events] Collegio Aperto Science and Solidarity for a Sustainable Planet
Special event of the "Colloquia on Science Diplomacy", organized by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, in collaboration with Fondazione "I Lincei per la Scuola", Fondazione Agnelli, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto, Istituto Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani. Science and Solidarity for a Sustainable Planet with H.E. Inger Andersen, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations…
[Academic Events] Seminars in Statistics Gilles Stupfler (ENSAI Rennes and CREST, France) (webinar)
"Asymmetric least squares techniques for extreme risk estimation"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Jan Sprenger (University of Turin) (webinar)
"Bayesian Philosophy of Science: A Guide for Hypothesis Testing in Social Science"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Francesco Nicolli (University of Ferrara) (webinar)
"Inequality, technological change and the environment"
[Academic Events] Workshop 2nd LTI/Bank of Italy Workshop on “Long-term investors’ trends: theory and practice”
An initiative by LTI@UniTO and the Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research of the Bank of Italy
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Pietro Terna (University of Torino) (webinar)
"An Agent-Based Model to simulate the Covid-19 epidemic diffusion with the use of Genetic Algorithms to optimize vaccinations"
[Academic Events] Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense
Matteo Filippi
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Giulia Tattarini (WBZ & University of Potsdam) (webinar)
"Bad job, bad health? A longitudinal analysis of the interaction between precariousness, gender and self-perceived health in Germany"
[Academic Events] LTI@UniTO Seminars in Finance, Seminars in Economics Fabio Trojani (University of Geneva and AXA Chair, UniTO) (webinar)
"Smart Stochastic Discount Factors"
[Outreach Events] Collegio Aperto Incontro “Industria, impresa e innovazione”
Ciclo "Le città del futuro"
[Academic Events] Carlo Alberto Law Seminars State Sovereignty, Asylum and Migration: New Trends and Persistent Challenges
"People and Sovereignty" Series
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Aron Szekely (Collegio Carlo Alberto) (webinar)
"Cultural Change and Disease in 43 Countries: Did COVID-19 Strengthen General and Specific Social Norms?"
[Academic Events] Schools 2021 ECSR-CCA-NASP Spring School
"The impact of Covid-19 on Social Inequality"