[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Albrecht Glitz (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
"Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrants"
[Outreach Events] Distinguished Scientific Lectures Onorato Castellino Lecture: Guido Tabellini
"Gli europei sono troppo diversi tra loro per costruire un’unione politica?"
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Bernardo Fanfani (University of Torino)
"The effects of collective bargaining on employment and growth" Abstract This paper analyses the employment effects of the Italian sectoral wage bargaining system. The study is based on high-frequency, comprehensive and updated information on employment and wages derived from administrative data on private-sector social security contributions, matched with precise information on the economic content of…
[Academic Events] Seminars in Statistics Eleni Matechou (University of Kent)
"Bayesian nonparametric modelling of phenology using capture-recapture data"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Fabien Accominotti (London School of Economics)
How the Reification of Merit Breeds Inequality: Theory and Experimental Evidence Abstract: In a variety of social contexts, measuring merit and performance are crucial steps toward enforcing meritocratic ideals. At the same time, workable measures are bound to obfuscate the fuzziness and ambiguity of merit, i.e. to reify performance into an artificially crisp and clear-cut…
[Hosted Events] 24 ore del RIUSO
La 24 ore del Riuso presenta gli Stati Generali del Riuso Realizzato da: Tavolo del Riuso Piemonte e Rete ONU (Operatori Nazionali dell'Usato)
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Andrea Attar (Toulouse School of Economics and Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
"Entry-Proofness and Market Breakdown under Adverse Selection"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Marcin Kacperczyk (Imperial College London)
"Do Foreign Investors Improve Market Efficiency?" Abstract We study the impact of foreign institutional investors on global capital allocation and welfare using firm-level international data. Using MSCI index inclusion as an exogenous shock to foreign ownership, we show that greater foreign ownership leads to more informative stock prices and this effect arises more from increased…
[Outreach Events] Distinguished Scientific Lectures Inauguration Ceremony A.Y. 2018-2019
Carlo Alberto Medal Lecture by Alessandra Voena, University of Chicago
[Academic Events] Job Market Seminars Ilaria Piatti (Oxford Said Business School)
"Rationality and Subjective Bond Risk Premia"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Camilla Gaiaschi (Univesrità di Milano)
"Women’s progression in medical careers parallel worsening work-conditions. A case of gender paradox? Findings from Italy"
[Hosted Events] Hosted events Common Constitutional Traditions in Europe
ELI CCT Project Kick-Off Conference Giovanni Pitruzzella, newly-appointed Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the EU, and former head of the Italian Competition Authority, will give a keynote speech. Other speakers include Sabino Cassese, former judge of the Italian Constitutional Court, Giacinto Della Cananea, Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Francis Jacobs, former Advocate General…
Monday Lunch Seminars Federico Boffa (UniBolzano)
"Congestion Externality and Autonomous Vehicles"
Seminars in Politics and Society Pedro Ferreira Marques (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia)
"Innovation in less developed regions"
Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Carlos Serrano (UPF)
"How Redeployable are Patent Assets? Evidence from Failed Startups" ABSTRACT Entrepreneurial firms are important sources of patented inventions. Yet little is known about what happens to patents “released” to the market when startups fail. This study provides a first look at the frequency and speed with which patents originating from failed startups are redeployed to…
Seminars in Economics Gordon Dahl (UC Berkeley)
"Intergenerational Spillovers in Disability Insurance"
Seminars in Politics and Society David Nicolas Hopmann (University of Southern Denmark, SDU)
"Comparing Political Journalism" at Campus Luigi Einaudi (Aula 3d233)
Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Nicolas Carayol (Université de Bordeaux)
"Team Work Complexity, Scientific Competition and Interdisciplinary Research" Abstract This paper aims at understanding the increasing complexity of researchprojects as one of the possible explanations for the fall in researchers’ productivity observedover decades. We conceptualize a research project as an idea and a team of researchers.Each idea is associated to a given knowledge production function…