[Academic Events] Seminars in Statistics Matteo Sesia (Stanford University)
"New tools for reproducible variable selection with knockoffs"
[Hosted Events] Hosted events Seminario: Progetto Tu.S.Alp Turismo sostenibile nelle Alpi
Evento realizzato nell’ambito del progetto "Turismo alpino sostenibile: un laboratorio di pratiche di sostenibilità nelle Alpi italiane".
[Hosted Events] Hosted events International Conference: Heuristics in Organizations and Society
organized by the Herbert Simon Society at the Collegio Carlo Alberto Conference Programme Online registration For further information please e-mail:
[Hosted Events] Hosted events The 4th Herbert Simon Honorary Lecture
"Come cambiare il comportamento del cittadino e preservare la sua autonomia di scelta"
RALPH HERTWIG (Direttore del Center of Adaptive Rationality-ARC, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlino)
Vincitore del premio Leibniz 2017
[Hosted Events] Hosted events Master Class: Risk Literacy and Medical Decision Making
Collegio Carlo Alberto Piazza Arbarello 8, Torino, ItalyLa Master Class in Risk Literacy in ambito sanitario è organizzata dalla Herbert Simon Society in collaborazione con il CIT-Cognitive Insights Team.
Sarà tenuta da LAURA MARTIGNON (Università di Ludwigsburg), specializzata in educazione matematica, modellizzazioni e processi decisionali applicati in contesti scientifici interdisciplinari, e da SHABNAM MOUSAVI (Max Planck Institute and President of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics).
[Academic Events] Seminars in Statistics Gary L. Rosner (Johns Hopkins University)
"Bayesian Approaches in Regulatory Science"
[Hosted Events] Hosted events XXVIII Tavola rotonda in ricordo di Franco Momigliano
10.00 Registrazione e welcome Coffee 10.30 Apertura dei lavori Massimo DEANDREIS, Presidente GEI e Direttore SRM 10.45 Tavola rotonda 1988-2018 Riflessione sulla politica industriale in Italia ed Europa a trent'anni dalla morte di Franco Momigliano Modera FRANCESCO ANTONIOLI, La Repubblica Interventi di: GIUSEPPE BERTA, Professore Università Bocconi DARIO GALLINA, Presidente Unione Industriale di Torino DOMENICO SINISCALCO, Vice…
[Academic Events] Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense
JUNIOR ALLIEVI 9.30: Ludovico De Fazio Title: The impact of immigration on the destination economy 10.00: Federico Boscaino Title: The international trade: effects on global growth and the case of developing countries SENIOR ALLIEVI 10.45: Valerio Di Tommaso Title: Identifying the effects of monetary policy in a data-rich environment 11.30: Samuele Bertaina Title: Non-parametric Bayesian Functional…
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Giovanna Nicodano (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
"Does Bankruptcy Risk Increase Value?" Abstract We show that bankruptcy exposure increases ex-post average firm value due to a survivorship bias. The reason is that bankruptcy cancels rms with the lowest realized cash ows from databases. Such bias gives rise to known pricing puzzles. It generates a discount on diversified companies when diversification helps their survival. Moreover, it…
[Outreach Events] Workshop LTI@UniTo Conference: “Evolving landscapes of bank and non-bank finance”
Banca d’Italia-LTI@UniTo Conference "Evolving landscapes of bank and non-bank finance" Rome, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi conference centre, December 7, 2018 The conference addresses a range of issues related to the evolution of bank and non-bank finance and its implications for the real economy
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Annabelle Berthiaume (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
"The "Activation" Funnel: Mother's Involvement in Anti-Poverty Intervention in the Era of Social Investment" Abstract How anti-poverty interventions are involving mothers ? Recent redefinition of policies and programs in the social sector has been concomitant with a reconfiguration of responsibilities and responses to poverty from the state, the private sector, community organizations, families and individuals.…
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Ben Brooks (Chicago University)
"Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrants"
[Outreach Events] Collegio Aperto Collegio Aperto: “Chi ha paura delle riforme. Illusioni, luoghi comuni e verità sulle pensioni”
Collegio Carlo Alberto Piazza Arbarello 8, Torino, Italydi Elsa Fornero
Dialogano con l'autrice: Giorgio Barba Navaretti (Università di Milano, Vice Presidente del Collegio Carlo Alberto) e Luigi Guiso (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance).
Modera: Tonia Mastrobuoni (La Repubblica)
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Luigi Guiso (EIEF)
"Populism: Demand and Supply"
[Hosted Events] Hosted events Presentazione del libro: “Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments. The Limits of Amendment Powers”
Prof. Yaniv Roznai (Senior Lecturer at the Radzyner School of Law) Discussant: Jörg Fedtke (Università di Passau) Introduce Riccardo De Caria (Università degli Studi di Torino) Dr Roznai earned his Ph.D and is a Senior Lecturer alla Radzyner School of Law. He will present his book, Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments. The Limits of Amendment Powers (Oxford University Press, 2017). The…
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Giovanni Mastrobuoni (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
"Open or Close the Door? Prison Conditions and Recidivism" Abstract The question of how prison conditions affect recidivism is very important. In designing a prison system, one would want to know the answer. We estimate the effect on recidivism of replacing time served in a common closed-cell prison with time served in an open-cell one, mimicking an experiment…
[Hosted Events] Hosted events Progetto HPC4AI: High-Performance Computing for Artificial Intelligence
• 09.30-09.45 Saluti istituzionali: interventi da Regione e Università
• 09.45-11.00 Presentazione progetto HPC4AI e i suoi obiettivi
• 11.00-11.30 Pausa caffè
• 11.30-13.00 HPC4AI incontra le aziende - tavola rotonda per discutere strumenti di collaborazione
• 13.00-14.30 Light lunch
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge CANCELLED: Wes Cohen (Duke University)
"Academics’ motives, opportunity costs and commercial activities across fields" at Department of Economics and Statistics S. Cognetti de Martiis Abstract Scholarly work seeking to understand academics’ commercial activities often draws on abstract notions of the institution of science and of the representative scientist. Few scholars have examined whether and how scientists’ motives to engage in commercial…