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Monday Lunch Seminars Andrea Gallice (Universita’ di Torino e Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Economic and Class Voting in a Model of Redistribution with Social Concerns" abstract We investigate how concerns about social status may affect individuals' preferences for redistribution. In our model, agents are heterogeneous across two dimensions, productivity and social class, and an individual's social status is defined as his relative standing in terms of a weighted…

Seminars in Politics and Society CANCELLED: Blanca Garcés Mascareñas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)

"Deservingness frames on citizenship: what gives the right to have rights" abstract In this presentation I will discuss how the boundary between citizens and non-citizens is constantly negotiated at the formal policy and discursive level. By analysing immigration and integration policies as well as current political debates on immigrants and refugees in Europe, I will…

Monday Lunch Seminars Leandro Gorno (Getulio Vargas Foundation)

"Revealed preference and identification" abstract I develop a theory of revealed preference based on the assumption that we observe some optimal choices rather than all of them, as is traditionally assumed. I establish sufficient conditions to uniquely recover preferences from behavioral data for three standard cases: ordinal continuous preferences, von Neumann-Morgenstern preferences and qualitative probabilities.…

Seminars in Politics and Society Thomas Paster (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Business and Politics: A Relationship of Dominance or of Adaptation?" abstract How influential are business interest groups in politics? Scholars in the field of business and politics try to understand the causes and mechanisms of business influence, such as lobbying, elite networks, political donations, and structural dependence of governments on investments. Thereby, research creates a…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Program Defense Sessions

11.15 Francesca Ferrarotitle: The gender gap in stock market: an empirical analysis among households in Italy 12.00 Marco Ballesiotitle: Indirect Inference for Time-Homogeneous Stochastic Differential Equations Based on Moment Expansions 12.45 Andrea Napolitanotitle: Discussion of "Maximizing the Spread of Influence through a Social Network" by David Kempe, Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos

Seminars in Politics and Society Bea Cantillon (University of Antwerp, Antwerpen)

"Reconceptualizing the welfare state. An empirical investigation of its growing symbiosis and contradiction with capitalism in rich European democracies." abstract The welfare state is often seen too narrowly as a 'moral economy': capitalism with a social face, forged by harsh social conflict. However, the welfare state is also an important way to support the capitalist…

Monday Lunch Seminars Cornelia Metzig (Imperial College)

"Scaling and Evolutionary Growth in a Macroeconomic Agent-Based Model" abstract I present a simple stock-flow consistent macroeconomic agent-based model for the production cycle, composed of firms, households and a financial sector. Competition of firms in the markets generates a stochastic process for firm evolution, which can be described theoretically. Results are several interrelated distributions for…

Seminars in Statistics Emilie Kaufmann (CNRS, France)

The information complexity of sequential resource allocation I will talk about sequential resource allocation, under the so-called stochastic multi-armed bandit model. In this model, an agent interacts with a set of (unknown) probability distributions, called 'arms' (in reference to 'one-armed bandits', another name for slot machines in a casino). When the agent draws an arm,…