[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society POSTPONED: Gemma Dipoppa (University of Pennsylvania)
"How Criminal Organizations Expand to Strong States: Migrants' Exploitation and Vote Buying in Northern Italy"
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars POSTPONED: Lynn Prince Cooke (University of Bath (UK))
"Establishment Relations and Fatherhood Wage Premiums: New Insights from Finnish Administrative Data"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society POSTPONED: Belinda Hewitt (University of Melbourne)
"Stability and change in household composition and the general health of Australian Indigenous children and mothers: Evidence from the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (LSIC)"
[Academic Events] Collegio Aperto, Workshop Migration Observatory 4th Annual Conference
"The drivers and consequences of migration restrictions and border enforcement"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Zoltan Fazekas (Copenhagen Business School)
"Similar Citizen Portrayals? Exclusionary Media Populism in Tabloids and Broadsheets"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Giulia Andrighetto (ISCT, Rome)
"Norm Emergence and Change in a Collective-risk Social Dilemma"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics Roberto Galbiati (Sciences Po)
"J’Accuse...! Antisemitism and Financial Markets in 19th Century France"
[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars, Seminars in Politics and Society Moti Michaeli (The Univeristy of Haifa)
"The Vanishing Trial: a Dynamic Model with Adaptive Agents"
Workshop Workshop on Labour Market Policies and Dynamics
The workshop is a joint initiative of: Youth employment partnerSHIP: evaluation studies in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland Research project of the Collegio Carlo Alberto funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment Young in, Old out. Demography and Labor Policy Research project of the University of…
[Academic Events] Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Sergio Petralia (London School of Economics)
"Disruptive Innovation and Inter-regional Inequality"
[Academic Events] Job Market Seminars Marlon Seror (Paris School of Economics)
"Industrial clusters in the long run: Evidence from Million-Rouble plants in China"
[Hosted Events] Hosted events Herbert Simon Society Distinguished Lecture Series, Ambasciatore Francesco M. Talò, Rappresentante Permanente d’Italia presso il Consiglio Atlantico (NATO)
"La NATO a 70 anni si adegua alle nuove sfide: sicurezza cibernetica, attacchi ibridi e tecnologie dirompenti"
[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Davide Barrera (University of Turin)
"The effects of framing and incentives on prosocial behavior
[Academic Events] Job Market Seminars Clara Martinez-Toledano (Paris School of Economics)
"House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling"
[Academic Events] Job Market Seminars Laia Navarro Sola (Northwestern)
"Secondary School Expansion through Televised Lessons: The Labor Market Returns of the Mexican Telesecundaria"