Vincent Pons (Harvard University)
"Electoral Turnovers and Country Performance: Evidence from 2,500 National Elections."
Laura Khoury (Norwegian School of Economics)
“Prison, Mental Health and Family Spillovers”
Matteo Camboni (Northwestern University) (Webinar)
"Monitoring Team Members: Information Waste and the Self-Promotion Trap"
Cecilia Diaz Campo (Western University)(Webinar)
“Dynamic Moral Hazard in Nonlinear Health Insurance Contracts”
The notion and regulation of SOEs in the EU: on State aid, mergers and foreign subsidies control (Webinar)
Webinar Series on State-owned enterprises in global trade: time for refreshing studies?
Alessandro Melone (Vienna Graduate School of Finance) (Webinar)
"Consumption Disconnect Redux"
Lorenzo Maria Stanca (Northwestern University)
"Recursive Preferences, Correlation Aversion, and the Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty"
Mariana Odio Zuniga (Washington University in St. Louis) (Webinar)
"Informality, Family, and Taxation: How Joint-Household Behavior Affects the Labor Market"
Ranae Jabri (Duke University) (Webinar)
"Algorithmic Policing"
Annika Bacher (European University Institute)
“Housing and Savings Behavior Across Family Types”
Sergio Galaz Garcia (Princeton University)
"The Impact of Historical Events on Political Talk: Comparative Quantitative Evidence from Western Europe, 1973–2002"
Michele Andreolli (London Business School)
" Monetary Policy and the Maturity Structure of Public Debt "
Sara Shahanaghi (Columbia University)(Webinar)
"Competition and Errors in Breaking News"
Fabrizio Colella (HEC – University of Lausanne)
" The Effect of Trade on Skill Requirements: Evidence from Job Postings "
Riccardo Degasperi (University of Warwick) (Webinar)
"Identification of Expectational Shocks in the Oil Market using OPEC Announcements"
Stefano Pica (Boston University)
"Housing Markets and the Heterogeneous Effects of Monetary Policy Across the Euro Area"
Incontro “Europa, riforme, risparmio: Le basi per il rilancio”
in collaborazione con Centro Einaudi e Intesa Sanpaolo
Xiao Lin (Penn State University) (Webinar)
“Credible Persuasion”
Felipe Gonzalez (Pontificia Universidad Catòlica de Chile) (Webinar)
"The Economics of the Public Option: Evidence from Local Pharmaceutical Markets"
Vincenzo Galasso (Bocconi University)
"Fighting Populism on Its Own Turf: Experimental Evidence"