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[Hosted Events] Hosted events La virtù della finzione

Aula Magna All’incontro, condotto dal drammaturgo Alberto Gozzi, interverranno fra gli altri il regista Beppe Navello, le attrici Eleni Molos e Maria Alberta Navello, l’attore Antonio Sarasso, Francesco Ghisi (videomaker),…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense Session

JUNIOR ALLIEVI 10.00 Mariachiara BoTitle: Poisson Process and first passage times 10.30 Mattia Luchese Title: Maximum principle for elliptic pde 11.00 Fabio BuccolieroTitle: Theory of nodes SENIOR ALLIEVI  11.30 Laura RissoTitle: Preferential…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense Session

SENIOR ALLIEVI 10.00 Lucia DonatoTitle: The Phillips Curve before and  after the Great Recession: What has changed 10.45 Martino BanchioTitle: Information Disclosure with Imperfect Identification

Seminars in Statistics Jan Naudts (Universiteit Antwerpen)

Non-Commutative Information Geometry   Information geometry is concerned with the study of statistical manifolds. These are differentiable manifolds consisting of probability distributions. In the param- eterized case their geometry is…