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[Hosted Events] Hosted events The 4th Herbert Simon Honorary Lecture

"Come cambiare il comportamento del cittadino e preservare la sua autonomia di scelta"

RALPH HERTWIG (Direttore del Center of Adaptive Rationality-ARC, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlino)                           

Vincitore del premio Leibniz 2017

[Hosted Events] Hosted events Master Class: Risk Literacy and Medical Decision Making

Collegio Carlo Alberto Piazza Arbarello 8, Torino, Italy

La Master Class in Risk Literacy in ambito sanitario è organizzata dalla Herbert Simon Society in collaborazione con il CIT-Cognitive Insights Team.

Sarà tenuta da LAURA MARTIGNON (Università di Ludwigsburg), specializzata in educazione matematica, modellizzazioni e processi decisionali applicati in contesti scientifici interdisciplinari, e da SHABNAM MOUSAVI (Max Planck Institute and President of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics).

[Hosted Events] Hosted events XXVIII Tavola rotonda in ricordo di Franco Momigliano

10.00 Registrazione e welcome Coffee 10.30 Apertura dei lavori Massimo DEANDREIS, Presidente GEI e Direttore SRM 10.45 Tavola rotonda 1988-2018 Riflessione sulla politica industriale in Italia ed Europa a trent'anni dalla morte di Franco Momigliano Modera FRANCESCO ANTONIOLI, La Repubblica Interventi di: GIUSEPPE BERTA, Professore Università Bocconi DARIO GALLINA, Presidente Unione Industriale di Torino DOMENICO SINISCALCO, Vice…

[Academic Events] Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense

JUNIOR ALLIEVI 9.30: Ludovico De Fazio Title: The impact of immigration on the destination economy 10.00: Federico Boscaino Title: The international trade: effects on global growth and the case of developing countries SENIOR ALLIEVI 10.45:  Valerio Di Tommaso Title: Identifying the effects of monetary policy in a data-rich environment 11.30: Samuele Bertaina Title: Non-parametric Bayesian Functional…

[Academic Events] Monday Lunch Seminars Giovanna Nicodano (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Does Bankruptcy Risk Increase Value?" Abstract We show that bankruptcy exposure increases ex-post average firm value due to a survivorship bias. The reason is that bankruptcy cancels rms with the lowest realized cash ows from databases. Such bias gives rise to known pricing puzzles. It generates a discount on diversified companies when diversification helps their survival. Moreover, it…

[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Annabelle Berthiaume (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)

"The "Activation" Funnel: Mother's Involvement in Anti-Poverty Intervention in the Era of Social Investment" Abstract How anti-poverty interventions are involving mothers ? Recent redefinition of policies and programs in the social sector has been concomitant with a reconfiguration of responsibilities and responses to poverty from the state, the private sector, community organizations, families and individuals.…

[Hosted Events] Hosted events Presentazione del libro: “Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments. The Limits of Amendment Powers”

Prof. Yaniv Roznai (Senior Lecturer at the Radzyner School of Law) Discussant: Jörg Fedtke (Università di Passau) Introduce Riccardo De Caria (Università degli Studi di Torino) Dr Roznai earned his Ph.D and is a Senior Lecturer alla Radzyner School of Law. He will present his book, Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments. The Limits of Amendment Powers (Oxford University Press, 2017). The…