Seminars in Politics and Society

Seminars in Politics and Society

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[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Annabelle Berthiaume (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)

"The "Activation" Funnel: Mother's Involvement in Anti-Poverty Intervention in the Era of Social Investment" Abstract How anti-poverty interventions are involving mothers ? Recent redefinition of policies and programs in the social sector has been concomitant with a reconfiguration of responsibilities and responses to poverty from the state, the private sector, community organizations, families and individuals.…

[Academic Events] Seminars in Politics and Society Fabien Accominotti (London School of Economics)

How the Reification of Merit Breeds Inequality: Theory and Experimental Evidence Abstract: In a variety of social contexts, measuring merit and performance are crucial steps toward enforcing meritocratic ideals. At the same time, workable measures are bound to obfuscate the fuzziness and ambiguity of merit, i.e. to reify performance into an artificially crisp and clear-cut…

Seminars in Politics and Society Camilla Borgna (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Old habits die hard? Educational inequalities in Germany after the rise of comprehensive schools" abstract Comparative research has shown that in Germany the level of intergenerational mobility in educational attainment is one of the lowest of the industrialized world. This negative record has often been attributed to the country’s rigidly tracked secondary school system. At the…

Seminars in Politics and Society Andreas Schedler (Center for Economic Research and Teaching, Mexico)

"A Threat to Democracy? Donald Trump in Comparative Perspective" at Campus Luigi Einaudi (Sala Lauree Rossa piccola) abstract Since his irruption into the 2016 presidential contest, Donald Trump has engendered intense public debate about him representing a “threat to democracy” and herewith forming part of a wider international trend of democratic subversion by illiberal leaders. In…

Seminars in Politics and Society Glyn Morgan (Maxwell Syracuse University)

"Is the European Union Imperialist?" abstract A common charge of Eurosceptics is that the project of European Integration constitutes a form of imperialism. In recent years, this charge appeared during the Eurozone Crisis, it was reiterated by “Leavers” both during and after the Brexit campaign, and it can be heard today in Hungary and Poland…

Seminars in Politics and Society Rhonda Breitkreuz (University of Alberta)

"Closing the gap? Making sense of mothers’ employment in Canada" Abstract In international comparison, Canadian mothers have exceptional educational attainment and above average employment rates. However, Canadian mothers have lower employment rates and lower earnings than their male counterparts. In this lecture, I first provide an overview of the conceptualizations of mothers’ employment. I then…

Seminars in Politics and Society Mara Yerkes (Utrecht University)

"Creating capabilities: Childcare policies in comparative perspective" Abstract This paper analyses childcare services in six countries, assessing this policy instrument’s potential to facilitate parents’ real opportunities to arrange childcare. It draws on Sen’s capability approach to investigate cross-national varieties of defamilialism and gender assumptions in a regime perspective. We seek to conceptualise and assess five…

Seminars in Politics and Society Virginie Guiraudon (Science Po Paris)

"EU borders policies and its effects on migrants" abstract The “state monopolization of the legitimate control of movement” to use John Torpey’s phrase is a recent phenomenon, that can be dated back to the nineteenth century in Europe. Since the 1990s, scholars have sought to analyze the shift of policy-making to supranational venues such as…

Seminars in Politics and Society Gilles Pinson (Science Po Bordeaux)

"Beyond neoliberal imposition: State-local cooperation and the blending of social and economic objectives in French urban development corporations" Abstract For more than 15 years, the French central State created Etablissements publics d’aménagement in a series of major cities. These EPAs are in charge of large urban development projects mixing infrastructure, office development and housing projects…

Seminars in Politics and Society Ana Marta Guillen Rodriguez (University of Oviedo, Spain)

"Walking in others’ shoes? Welfare reform in Germany and Southern Europe" Abstract The study analyses comparatively the trajectories of social policy reform in the four Southern European countries and Germany since the turn of the millennium. For those countries in the periphery of the Eurozone, the crisis has brought about austerity in public expenditure as…

Seminars in Politics and Society Ben Stanley (SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities)

"Voting Populist or Just Voting for Populists? A Comparative Analysis of Populist Attitudes and Vote Choice in Central and Eastern Europe" Abstract This paper uses data from a new survey on populism and voting behaviour in eight countries of Central and Eastern Europe to examine the relationship between populist attitudes, ideological attitudes, and voting behaviour.…

Seminars in Politics and Society Simona Guerra (University of Leicester)

"Public Euroscepticism after the 2016 British referendum: Unleashing emotion" abstract What is Euroscepticism? This presentation will explore how the study of public Euroscepticism has changed since the EU fifth enlargement (2004-07) and the recent British referendum. It is widely accepted that social learning, interaction and political communication have a significant impact on individual political opinions…

Seminars in Politics and Society Karoly Takacs (Corvinus, University of Budapest)

"Dynamics of Multiplex Networks in Schools" abstract Previous research has looked at the dynamics of social networks mainly in the context of friendship relations. In this seminar, the benefits of studying social network dynamics in multiplex dimensions are illustrated using social network panel data from Hungarian schools. By taking into account positive as well as…

Seminars in Politics and Society Sandro Cattacin (Université de Genève)

"Unexpected Inclusions: Migration, Mobility and the Open City" abstract Self-organisation of migrant association, independent civil society initiatives and established ritualised practices of inclusion in the city occur outside formal migration and integration policies and improve the dynamics of belonging and peaceful coexistence between the established and newcomers. Rather than crisis discourses, we are interested in routinised…

Seminars in Politics and Society Pekka Sulkunen (Università of Helsinki)

"Common Good, Common Interest – Public Good, Public Interest. What Do We Promote (and Prevent) with Lifestyle Regulation Policies?" abstract Lifestyle risks account for a major part of the global burden on health as well as on welfare and security. The oldest part of welfare state institutions and policies have been directed at lifestyle issues:…