Seminars in Politics and Society

Seminars in Politics and Society

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Seminars in Politics and Society Tiziana Nazio (CCA)

"Institutional clocks and family structures on the organization of care for children in Italy" Abstract Using time-use data for Italy (2008-09), on a sample of around 3.800 households with children below 14, this paper assesses the differences in the amount of time parents devote to childcare in differently shaped family structures (marital or cohabiting union,…

Seminars in Politics and Society Birgit Pfau-Effinger (University of Hamburg)

"The Contribution of Cultural Change to Welfare State Change - Tracing Cultural Processes" at Campus Einaudi (CLE) Abstract The presentation aims to discuss the question: How can cultural change contribute to institutional change in welfare state institutions? The role of ideas for institutional change is increasingly discussed. The focus is usually on the ideas that are…

Seminars in Politics and Society Barbara Risman (University of Illinois at Chicago)

"From Sex Roles to Gender Structure: Understanding Inequality for Social Change" at Campus Einaudi (CLE), Dept of Cultures, politics and society, 3rd floor, room D233 abstract This talk has three  major goals.  First, I provide a succinct intellectual history of research and theorizing about gender in the social sciences in the 20th Century until today.  I do…

Seminars in Politics and Society Ute Klammer (Univ of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)

"Gender, employment biographies and EU employment and social policy strategies" abstract Within the European Union, a number of demographic trends such as low fertility, rising life expectancy and the aging of the population have widely been discussed. Looking at the labour market, it can be observed that unemployment, the rise of precarious jobs and the…

Seminars in Politics and Society Alexandre Afonso (Univ. of Leiden, Netherlandes)

"Institutional Change in South European Labour Market Regimes After the Crisis" abstract This paper seeks to map and compare change in labour markets regimes in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece in the aftermath of the financial crisis. While the extent of austerity policies in terms of fiscal retrenchment in these countries has been the subject of much interest, we still…

Seminars in Politics and Society Christoph Scherrer (Univ. of Kassel, Germany)

"The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Limiting Policy Space?" abstract The EU currently negotiates with the USA a comprehensive trade and investment agreement. The talk will provide a brief overview of the objectives, the differences between the trading partners, and the likely outcome of the negotiations. It will focus on the question to what…

Seminars in Politics and Society Armando Barrientos (University of Manchester)

"Social Assistance in Developing Countries: Progress, innovations, and challenges?" abstract Since the turn of the century, large-scale programmes providing regular and reliable direct transfers to households in poverty have mushroomed in in low- and middle-income countries. By 2010, conservative estimates indicate that around one billion people in low- and middle-income countries lived in households receiving…

Seminars in Politics and Society Brent Simpson (University of South Carolina)

"Moral Judgments, Material Sanctions, and Collective Action" at Campus Luigi Einaudi (Room 3D233) Abstract In group settings individuals can often benefit more by free-riding, letting others make costly contributions to collective efforts. The threat of free-riding makes the marshalling of cooperation from group members a fundamental challenge of social life. Drawing on classical sociological theory,…

Seminars in Politics and Society Anton Hemerijck (VU University, Amsterdam)

"Welfare states in transition and E(M)U crisis management. The imperative of a post-neoliberal consensus" (Note: the seminar is on Tuesday) Abstract Half a decade after the Euro crisis, the EU is in dire need of a growth strategy that is – all at once – economically viable, politically legitimate and thus seen as socially fair. Without…

Seminars in Politics and Society Giuliano Bonoli (Univ of Lausanne)

"The signaling value of labor market programs" Abstract This paper investigates how employers interpret participation in active labor market programs for hiring decisions. Drawing on signaling theory, we assume that employers use program participation as a signal for a candidate’s qualities. On the basis of a factorial survey experiment, we simulated a hiring process for…

Seminars in Politics and Society Teresa Cappiali (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Challenges and Opportunities for Immigrant Workers Organizing in the Globalized Economy: Case Studies from Italy and Spain" abstract This talk focuses on key theoretical issues to examine the challenges and opportunities of migrant workers organizing in the globalized economy from a national comparative perspective. It builds on Adler et al.’s (2014) work on mobilizations by migrant…

Seminars in Politics and Society CANCELLED: Blanca Garcés Mascareñas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)

"Deservingness frames on citizenship: what gives the right to have rights" abstract In this presentation I will discuss how the boundary between citizens and non-citizens is constantly negotiated at the formal policy and discursive level. By analysing immigration and integration policies as well as current political debates on immigrants and refugees in Europe, I will…

Seminars in Politics and Society Thomas Paster (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Business and Politics: A Relationship of Dominance or of Adaptation?" abstract How influential are business interest groups in politics? Scholars in the field of business and politics try to understand the causes and mechanisms of business influence, such as lobbying, elite networks, political donations, and structural dependence of governments on investments. Thereby, research creates a…

Seminars in Politics and Society Bea Cantillon (University of Antwerp, Antwerpen)

"Reconceptualizing the welfare state. An empirical investigation of its growing symbiosis and contradiction with capitalism in rich European democracies." abstract The welfare state is often seen too narrowly as a 'moral economy': capitalism with a social face, forged by harsh social conflict. However, the welfare state is also an important way to support the capitalist…

Seminars in Politics and Society Giulia Dotti Sani (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Two hearts and a loan? Employment insecurity, income and mortgage access among young couples in six European countries" Abstract  Homeownership is increasingly being understood by policy makers and social scientists as a fundamental asset against poverty risks, especially in times of economic uncertainty. Yet, in several Western countries, access to homeownership among younger generations appears…

Seminars in Politics and Society Javier Moreno Fuentes (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid)

"Immigrant populations and the economic crisis in Spain. The role of the Welfare State" Abstract The economic crisis severely deteriorated the socio-economic situation of immigrant populations in Spain over the last years. Often pushed to the margins of the labor market, they survive with informal jobs in the underground economy and with a precarious access…

Seminars in Politics and Society Matteo Luppi (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Dependency and Poverty. The effect of LTC spending on dependent elderly people and their families' income" Abstract This work examines the economic conditions of dependent elderly people and their families in order to investigate the existence of a relation between the condition of dependence and the risk of falling into poverty. For this purpose, we…