Seminars in Economics

Seminars in Economics

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Seminars in Economics Sergei Severinov (University of British Columbia)

"Bilateral Communication and Matching/Partnership Formation" Abstract We consider match formation between two parties, such as marriage, merger or partnership formation. Each party has private information about the value of the match, which creates friction in the matching process. We focus on the role of bilateral communication in this setting and investigate how such communication should…

Seminars in Economics Axel Borsch Supan (Munich Center for the Economics of Aging)

"Human errors and pension reform" abstract The talk will discuss the microeconomic, macroeconomic and public policy implications when many households make mistakes due to myopia, procrastination and/or mispredictions. I will start with the motivation and background for this topic: aging and the general strategy of pension reforms in Europe, including more saving for old-age in…

Seminars in Economics Sarah Auster (Bocconi)*

"Optimal Delegation, Unawareness, and Financial Intermediation" abstract We study the delegation problem between an investor and a financial intermediary. The intermediary has private information about the state of the world that determines the return of the investment. Moreover, he has superior awareness of the available investment opportunities and decides whether to reveal some of them…

Seminars in Economics Marco Scarsini (Luiss University)

"On the asymptotic behavior of the price of anarchy" abstract This paper examines the asymptotic behavior of the price of anarchy as a function of the total traffic inflow in nonatomic congestion games with multiple origin-destination pairs.We first show that the price of anarchy may remain bounded away from 1, even in simple three-link parallel networks…

Seminars in Economics Avi Goldfarb (Toronto University)

"Exit, Tweets, and Loyalty" abstract Hirschman’s Exit, Voice, and Loyalty highlights the role of “voice” in disciplining firms for low quality. We develop a formal model of voice as a relational contact between firms and consumers and show that voice is more likely to emerge in concentrated markets. We test this model using data on…