Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite”
9 events found.
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite”
[Academic Events] Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” Alessandra Moresi (UniTo)
Fear to lead: emotions and the gender gap in willingness to lead
[Academic Events] Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” Filippo Andrei (UniTn)
Comparing Self-Reported and Behavioral Measures of Algorithmic Literacy
[Academic Events] Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” Henning Finseraas (NTNU)
What Drives Voter Bias Against Muslim Politicians? An Experimental Examination
[Academic Events] Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” Silvia Pasqua (UniTO)
In-work poverty. Attribution of responsibilities and support for policies in Italy
[Academic Events] Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” Alain Marciano (UniTO)
Distasteful or Repugnant? How Social Context and Money Shape Moral Judgments