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Seminars in Statistics Alessio Farcomeni (University of Rome La Sapienza)

Semiparametric capture-recapture with heterogeneous capture probabilities Capture-recapture experiments are commonly used to estimate the size of a closed population. Link (2003) has underlined identifiability problems when one wants to make inference with heterogeneous capture probabilities in a semiparametric framework. If subject-specific capture probabilities are random effects with no assumption on the mixing distribution, the conditional…

Seminars in Politics and Society Stephen Morgan (Cornell University)

"Taking the Cloak Off the DAG:  The New Frontier of Causal Analysis in the Social Sciences" Abstract The counterfactual approach to causal analysis will continue to transform the social sciences in the next decade.  The potential outcome model, which was largely developed in statistics and economics between 1975 and 2005, has now been joined by…

Monday Lunch Seminars Andrea Vindigni

"Soldiers and Rebels. Coups and Civil Wars in Weakly-Institutionalized and Fragmented States" Abstract Many ethnically divided societies are ridden with inter-ethnic conflicts which inhibit their economic development. Following Lijphart, many scholars have advocated the adoption of "consensual" political institutions to facilitate the peaceful resolutions of ethnic conflicts. In this paper, we argue that making institutions…

Monday Lunch Seminars Paolo Ghirardato

"Ambiguity in the small and in the large" Abstract This paper considers local and global multiple-prior representations of ambiguity for preferences that are (i) monotonic, (ii) Bernoullian, i.e. admit an affine utility representation when restricted to constant acts, and (iii) locally Lipschitz continuous. We do not require either Certainty Independence or Uncertainty Aversion. We show…

Seminars in Politics and Society Hugh Lauder (University of Bath)

"The Global Auction for High Skilled Jobs and the Death of Human Capital" abstract For decades, the idea that more education will lead to greater individual and national prosperity has been a cornerstone of developed economies. Indeed, it is almost universally believed that college diplomas give Americans and Europeans a competitive advantage in the global…

Monday Lunch Seminars Francesca Pongiglione

"Reciprocity or strategy? An analysis of motivation behind conditional cooperation" abstract The goal of this research is the understanding of the dynamics that lead to the rise of motivation to cooperate under limited information about what other people involved are doing. This research is a part of a broader project that analyses motivation for adopting pro-environmental behaviour: climate change is…

Seminars in Statistics Fan Li (Duke University)

Bayesian inference for regression discontinuity designs with application to Italian university grants evaluations Regression discontinuity (RD) designs are usually interpreted as local randomized experiments: A RD design can be considered as though it were a randomized experiment for units with a realized value of a so-called forcing variable falling immediately around a pre-fixed threshold. Motivated…

Seminars in Politics and Society CANCELLED: Fengshi Wu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

"The ideational dimension of civil society: an empirical study ofChinese activists and NGO leaders" (at Campus Luigi Einaudi (CLE), University of Torino, Lungodora Siena 100/a, classroom D4) abstract Despite recent policy changes, governmental monitoring and control of grassroots NGOs remain pervasive and effective to a large extent in China. The enforcement of control over NGOs is complicated…

Monday Lunch Seminars Raphael Levy (University of Mannheim)

"Two-sided reputation in certification markets" Abstract We consider a market where a seller needs to resort to a certifier to overcome adverse selection. There is uncertainty about the certifier'spreferences for disclosing negative information about the seller. The profit of a monopolistic certifier is an inverted U-shaped function of his reputation for transparency: being perceived as more transparent allows him…

Seminars in Politics and Society Marta Fraile (European University Institute)

"Do women know less about politics than men? The gender gap in Political Knowledge" Abstract:This study analyzes the gender differences in political knowledge in a rarely studied area: Europe. The results are obtained via 2-level hierarchical linear models using the 2009 European Election Studies, Voter Study (EES) and show that men provide more correct answers…

Seminars in Statistics Benedicte Haas (Université Paris-Dauphine)

On scaling limits of Markov branching trees Probabilists and combinatorists are interested since a long time in the asymptotic description of large random trees, as, for example, large uniform trees (chosen uniformly at random in a certain class of trees) or large conditioned Galton-Watson trees. After recalling classical results on that topic, we will develop…