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Monday Lunch Seminars Antonio Nicolò (Universita di Padova)

"On the Efficiency of Partial Information in Elections" We study the relation between the electorate’s information about candidates’ policy platforms during an election, and the subsequent provision of inefficient local publicgoods (pork) by the elected government. More information does not lead to better outcomes. We show that the efficient outcome in which no candidate proposes…

Monday Lunch Seminars Aleksey Tetenov (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Price as a signal of product quality: experimental evidence from wine tastings" Abstract:We study the determinants of the choice between wines in wine tasting experiments where about 200 nonprofessional tasters were asked to indicate which one of the tasted wines they preferred and which one they would buy. In addition to actually tasting several wines, which differ in terms…

Seminars in Statistics Sergio Bacallado (Stanford University)

A Bayesian analysis of reversible time series with an uncertain length of memory We propose a Bayesian analysis of reversible time series using a Probabilistic Suffix Automaton (PSA) model. We show that PSAs have a representation as higher-order Markov chains, and that the class of reversible PSAs generalize reversible variable-order Markov chains. The analysis uses…