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Job Market Seminars Giuseppe Fiori (Universidade de São Paulo)

"The Macroeconomic Effects of Goods and Labor Markets Deregulation" abstract We develop a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with endogenous producer entry and labor market frictions to study the macroeconomic effects of deregulating product and labor markets in Europe. Three results emerge. First, deregulation has positive welfare effects, but it can involve short-run costs, including…

Job Market Seminars Michael Richter (New York University)

"Mechanism Design With Budget Constraints and a Continuum of Agents" abstract This paper studies mechanisms for assigning a divisible good to a population of budget-constrained agents where agents' private valuations and budgetsare independently distributed. In this setting, I nd the welfare- and revenue-maximizing mechanisms for assigning the good. Both of these optimal mecha-nisms feature a…

Occasional Seminars Francesca Pongiglione (University of Bologna)

"Climate change and individual decision-making" abstract In this presentation, three separate yet interconnected components of pro-environmental decision making are considered: (a) knowledge, in the form of scientific understanding and procedural knowledge, (b) risk perception, and (c) self-interest, either monetary or status-driven. Drawing on a variety of sources in public policy, psychology, and economics, I examine…

Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Alessandra Voena, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

"German-Jewish Emigres and U.S. Invention" abstract After Hitler took power in 1933, scientists who had at least one Jewish grandparent were dismissed from German universities.  Many of them moved to the United States; their patents make it possible to trace research fields in which U.S. invention benefited from the arrival of German-Jewish émigrés.  Difference-in-differences analyses compare changes…

Seminars in Economics Jakub Kastl (Stanford University)

"The 2007 Subprime Market Crisis Through the Lens of European Central Bank Auctions for Short-Term Funds" Abstract We study European banks’ demand for short-term funds (liquidity) during the summer 2007 subprime market crisis. We use bidding data from the European Central Bank’s auctions for one-week loans, their main channel of monetary policy implementation. Our analysis…

Seminars in Economics Miklós Koren (Central European University)

"Machines and machinists: Capital-skill complementarity from an international trade perspective" Abstract We estimate the effect of imported machines on the wages of machine operators utilizing Hungarian linked employer-employee data. We infer exposure to imported machines from detailed trade statistics of the firm and the occupation description of the worker. We find that workers exposed to…

Monday Lunch Seminars Veruska Oppedisano (University College London, UCL)

"Youngsters' Reaction to Emancipation Incentives"by Ainhoa Aparicio and Veruska Opedisano Abstract We study the income and substitution effects of a rental subsidy together with its effectiveness in promoting youngsters' independence. We exploit the introduction of a sizeable monthly subsidy in Spain in 2008, granted to all youngsters in the 22-29 age brackets who earn a…

Monday Lunch Seminars Ramsés Mena (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

"On the construction of stationary process and their applications" abstract I will review a simple idea to construct strictly stationary Markov processes with given marginal distributions. The proposed methodology is appealing in that it keeps track ofthe underlying transition probabilities, hence being of interest in estimation, simulation and applied problems. Various classes of time series…

Seminars in Statistics Yee Whye Teh (University College London)

Efficient MCMC for Continuous Time Discrete State Systems A variety of phenomena are best described using dynamical models whichoperate on a discrete state space and in continuous time. Examplesinclude Markov jump processes, continuous time Bayesian networks,renewal processes and other point processes, with applications rangingfrom systems biology, neuroscience, genetics, computing networks andhuman-computer interactions. Posterior computations typically…

Seminars in Economics Asen Kochov (Bonn Graduate School of Economics)

"A Definition of Unforeseen Contingencies" Abstract The paper proposes a choice-theoretic definition of unforeseen contingencies. It is proved that if preference admits a recursive utility representation all contingencies are necessarily foreseen. The paper proceeds axiomatically to develop a nonrecursive model of choice in which some events might be initially unforeseen. The process of updating implied…

Monday Lunch Seminars Michael Rapp (Australian National University)

"Instability of Informed Coordination" (Note: the seminar is on Tuesday) Abstract When agents use observational learning to learn about the fundamentals of a coordination game, there are multiple equilibria. In some equilibria information is efficiently transmitted through observational learning, while in others private information is disregarded entirely. Investigating the stability of these equilibria in a stochastic…