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Monday Lunch Seminars Aleksey Tetenov (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Statistical hypothesis testing and private information" Abstract This paper provides a rationalization for using classical one-sided hypothesis tests for approving innovations (e.g., new pharmaceuticals, new government programs). I consider this problem of statistical decision making in a setting where proponents of innovations (i) stand to benefit from approval decisions even if their innovations have a negative effect, (ii) possess private…

Seminars in Statistics Botond Szabo (Eindhoven University of Technology)

On frequentist coverage of Bayesian credible sets Adaptive techniques for nonparametric estimation have been widely stud- ied in the literature and many rate-adaptive results have been provided for a variety of statistical problems. However an adaptive estimator without any knowledge of its uncertainty is rather uninformative, since one knows that the estimator is optimally close…

Seminars in Politics and Society Monica Ferrin Pereira (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Types of democrats in Europe. Hierarchy and differences" Abstract Democracy is one of the most problematic concepts in political science, as there is no agreement on how it should be defined and operationalised. Lack of consensus among the theorists has made it difficult to empirically undertake the study of democratic attitudes. In fact, although in the last years much…

Monday Lunch Seminars Giovanna Nicodano, Luca Regis (University of Torino)

"Firm combinations, insolvency and tax policy" abstract This paper examines endogenous default costs in parent subsidiary structures (PS), and their sensitivity to tax policy. We show that PS lead to inefficiently high default costs relative to conglomerates when interest is deductible from taxes, due to their higher leverage. The introduction of intercorporate dividend taxation is…

Monday Lunch Seminars Matteo Richiardi (Universita’ di Torino)

"Rel(a)ying on your team-mates is not enough: On sequential contributions to team production under competition" abstract Many tasks require the input by more than one person very often with members of the team contributing sequentially. However, team production is plagued by disincentive problems. In this paper we investigate individual incentives to team production with sequential contributions and competing teams.…

Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Zak Taylor, Georgia Institute of Technology, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

"Why are Some Countries Better at Science and Technology than Others?" abstract In order to be effective, must a nation’s political-economic institutions “fit” the cultural values of the society in which they are situated? Many countries, especially in the developing world, adopt foreign institutions with mixed levels of success. Often these institutions are chosen based…

Monday Lunch Seminars Roberto Marfe’ (Swiss Finance Institute and University of Lausanne, Institute of Banking and Finance)

"Realized Expectations and the Equilibrium Risk-Return Trade Off" abstract This paper considers a simple, closed form and parsimonious continuous-time general equilibriummodel with investors featuring “catching up with the Joneses” preferences under incomplete information.Investors have unbiased beliefs about economic growth in the long-run, but underestimatelong-run reversion depending on the evolution of economic conditions as suggested by…

Seminars in Politics and Society Ciara O’Dwyer (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Unilateral consensus? Regulatory Negotiation in the Nursing Home Sector" abstract Over the last fifteen years, “regulatory negotiation”, whereby regulated firms and other stakeholders participate in the rule-making process, has gained popularity as part of the Better Regulation movement. Proponents argue that the process increases compliance rates and helps to ensure that the rules are written…

Monday Lunch Seminars Andrei Savochkin (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Decision-Making Under Subjective Risk" Abstract: The primary objective of this paper is to develop a framework in which a decision-maker may have subjective beliefs about the "riskiness'' of prospects, even though the risk structure of these prospects is objectively specified. Put differently, we investigate preferences over risky alternatives by postulating that such preferences arise from…

Occasional Seminars Damiano Sandri (Economista, Fondo Monetario Internazionale Research Department, World Economic Outlook)

"Gestire un debito pubblico elevato: lezioni da 100 anni di esperienze internazionali" Introduction by Filippo Taddei (Collegio Carlo Alberto) Il seminario si basa sul capitolo terzo del World Economic Outlook. abstract Durante il secolo scorso, numerosi paesi avanzati hanno raggiunto livelli di debito pubblico simili a quelli odierni e vi hanno fatto fronte con diverse…

Monday Lunch Seminars Edoardo Grillo (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Reference Dependence and Electoral Competition" abstract "We consider a model of electoral competition in which two parties compete to get the support of a mass of voters. Each party is represented by a politician whose valence is unobservable. All voters prefer politicians with high valence, but ideological biases may lead them to vote according to party's affiliation. Candidates can…

Monday Lunch Seminars Jeffrey Ely (Northwestern University), Daniel Garrett (Toulouse School of Economics), Toomas Hinnosaar (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Overbooking" Abstract We consider optimal pricing policies for airlines when passengers are uncertain at the time of ticketing of their eventual realized willingness to pay for air travel. Auctions at the time of departure efficiently allocate space and a profit maximizing airline can capitalize on these gains by overbooking flights and repurchasing excess tickets from…