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Seminars in Economics Arnaud Dupuy (CEPS, INSTEAD)

"Migration in China: to Work or to Wed?" Abstract Why do people migrate? In this paper we study the trade-offs between migrating to work and migrating to wed. To this aim, we develop a marriage matching model in which men and women, are initially distributed over various locations, i.e. were born and raised in various…

Seminars in Politics and Society Olivier Thevenon (INED, Paris)

"Do “Institutional Complementaries” Foster Female Labour Force Participation?" Abstract I analyse the response of female labour force participation to policies supporting the work-life balance, with country-level data from the early 1980s for 18 OECD countries. It includes an original analysis of interactions and complementarity between different policy measures, as well as of potential variations in…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Program Defense Sessions October 2014

9.30 am Paolo BaudissoneTitle: Modeling autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity: an empirical application to exchange rates market 10.10 am De AndreaTitle: Income, Education and Health: mutual influences 10.50 Andrea MilesiTitle: Analysis of competitiveness of road-rail combined transport 11.30 am Luca Perdoni:Title: Unitary and Non-Unitary Models of Household Decision-Making 12.10 pm Christian RolloTitle: An analysis of the impact…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Program Defense Sessions July 2014

10.00  Aleksandra Kolndrekaj "School attendance and child labor as an informal insurance device. An empirical research in Tanzania" 11.00  Vito Musci "Optimal filtering one-dimensional diffusive signals " 12.00  Valerio Perrone "Learning and Generalization in a Perceptron with Discrete Synapses: a Statistical Physics Approach"

Seminars in Statistics Michael J. Daniels (University of Texas at Austin)

A Flexible Bayesian Approach to Monotone Missing Data in Longitudinal Studies with Informative Missingness with Application to An Acute Schizophrenia Clinical Trial We develop a Bayesian nonparametric model for a longitudinal response in the presence of nonignorable missing data. Our general approach is to first specify a {em working model} that flexibly models the missingness…

Occasional Seminars CANCELLED: Richard Disney (IFS)

CeRP Seminar: "House Prices, Wealth Effects and Labor Supply" Sala Rossa abstract We examine the impact of housing wealth on labor supply using data on exogenous local variation in house prices merged into household panel data for Britain. Our estimates are conditioned on variations in local labor demand and income expectations as these may co-determine…

Seminars in Economics Ilse Lindenlaub (EUI)

"Sorting Multidimensional Types: Theory and Application" abstract This paper studies multidimensional matching between workers and jobs. Workers dier in manualand cognitive skills and sort into jobs that demand dierent combinations of these two skills.To study this multidimensional sorting, I develop a theoretical framework that generalizes theunidimensional notion of assortative matching. I derive the equilibrium in…