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Occasional Seminars Allievi Program Defense Sessions

9.30 am Alessandro De SanctisTitle: DSGE Models and Reality: Rational Expectations and Fat Tails 10.30 am Lorenzo PiccininiTitle: The Circularity of the Production Process 11.30 am Vincenzo MaccaroneTitle: Unpaid work and the crisis. Empirical evidence from the Modena District 12.30 pm Alberto PellicioliTitle: Overconfidence, speculation and financial bubbles

Seminars in Politics and Society Lucinda Fonseca (Lisbon University)

"Feedback in international migration: Brazilian and Ukrainian migration to Portugal" abstract After the remarkable migration inflows that occurred during the late 1990s and early 2000s, Brazilians and Ukrainians became the two largest foreign nationalities present in Portugal. Since then, there has been a stabilisation and a recent decline of the flow. While the economic crisis…

Monday Lunch Seminars Massimiano Bucchi (Università di Trento and Collegio Carlo Alberto)

“Norms, competition and visibility in contemporary science: the legacy of Robert K Merton” (Note: the seminar is on Friday) Abstract Can Robert K. Merton’s seminal work in the sociology of science still offer useful insights to understand key features, trends and challenges of science in contemporary societies? This paper focuses on two main topics. It addresses…

Monday Lunch Seminars Toru Kitagawa (UCL)

"A Test for Instrument Validity" Abstract This paper develops a specification test for instrument validity in the heterogeneous treatment effect model with a binary treatment and a discrete instrument. The strongest testable implication for instrument validity is given by the condition for non-negativity of point- identifiable complier’s outcome densities. Our specification test infers this testable…

Seminars in Statistics Piotr Zwiernik (University of Genova)

Maximum likelihood estimation for linear Gaussian covariance Models We study parameter estimation in linear Gaussian covariance models, which are p-dimensional Gaussian models with linear constraints on the covariance matrix. Maximum likelihood estimation for this class of models leads to a non-convex optimization problem which typically has many local optima. We prove that the log-likelihood function…

Seminars in Statistics Luigi Malagò (Shinshu University, Japan)

Information geometry of the Gaussian distribution in view of stochastic optimization: first and second order geometry We study the optimization of a continuous function by its stochastic relaxation, i.e., the optimization of the expected value of the function itself with respect to a density in a statistical model. In the first part of the talk…

Seminars in Politics and Society Rinke Bax (European Central Bank)

"The European Central Bank’s role in the Single Supervisory Mechanism as part of the Banking Union" Abstract On 4 November 2014, the European Central Bank (ECB) took up its supervisory tasks as part of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). The presentation will focus on the ECB’s role in the SSM and the exercise of its supervisory…