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Seminars in Statistics Dario Spanò (University of Warwick)

On the ancestral process of long-range seed bank models It has been observed that, in some bacterial species, spores may remain dormant for a long time, to wake up much later, even up to "order of population size" generations later. When they wake up, they can still participate in the population's reproduction. This incredibly relaxed…

Seminars in Statistics Christina Goldschmidt (University of Oxford)

The scaling limit of the minimum spanning tree of the complete graph Consider the complete graph on n vertices with independent and identically distributed edge-weights having some absolutely continuous distribution. The minimum spanning tree (MST) is simply the spanning subtree of smallest weight.  It is straightforward to construct the MST using one of several natural…

Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Morris Teubal (Department of Economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

"Strategic and 'adaptive'  policy targeting: Theory and an example" abstract Israel made a successful transition from an underdeveloped economy whose main exports during the 1960s were oranges and textiles to a high tech powerhouse based on an ICT-oriented Entrepreneurial High Tech Cluster (EHTC) which emerged during 1993-2000, a process leading to Catch Up status in…

Seminars in Economics Joel Sobel (UC San Diego)

"Why Don't People Lie More" Abstract Economic theory bases its predictions on the assumptions that agents maximize preferences subject to accurate assessments about the environment.  A stylized economic agent who cares only about his material payoffs will say and do whatever is necessary to maximize his payoff. Yet in natural and experimental settings, agents do…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Program Defense Sessions March 2014

15.00 Valentina Garella "Does The Publication Of School Rankings Influence Students' Choices? An Empirical Analysis On Data From Piedmont " 16.00 Simone Fabiole-Nicoletto "Information acquisition and disclosure in an oligopolistic competitive market"

Seminars in Statistics Nicolas Chopin (ENSAE, France)

Sequential Quasi Monte Carlo We develop a new class of algorithms, SQMC (Sequential Quasi Monte Carlo), as a variant of SMC (Sequential Monte Carlo) based on low-discrepancy points. The complexity of SQMC is O(N log N) where N is the number of simulations at each iteration, and its error rate is smaller than the Monte…

Seminars in Politics and Society Stefano Sacchi (Unimi)

"Conservative and innovative policy change in labour market reforms. A policy process-based explanatory framework" abstract The main explanations of labour policy reforms focus on either endogenous or exogenous factors that have triggered change in some specific critical junctures. As such, they seek to explain the introduction of reforms, i.e. why policy change occured. By contrast, building on theories of…