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Seminars in Economics Rachel Griffith (IFS)

"Estimating Demand Parameters with Choice Set Misspecication" abstract We describe methods to estimate demand parameters in the presence of choice set misspeci-cation due to unobserved individual choice sets. We show that a consumer's probability ofmaking a choice from her true choice set can be written as the probability she makes the samechoice from a universal…

Monday Lunch Seminars Aleksey Tetenov (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Equality-Minded Treatment Choice" ABSTRACT Empirical studies in program evaluation often concern policies that aim to reduce economic inequality in the population. A utilitarian policy maximizing the sum of individual outcomes in the population may not be the best choice if it magnifies economic inequality and post-treatment redistribution of income among the subjects is infeasible. This…

Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Gaetan de Rassenfosse (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lousanne)

"R&D offshoring and home industry productivity" abstract We examine the conditions under which offshoring research and development (R&D) activities can benefit home country industry. The analysis uses comprehensive patent based indicator of R&D offshoring and considers industry-level data covering 2-digit manufacturing sectors across 18 OECD countries between 1981 and 2007. We tackle the issue of…

Seminars in Economics Andrea Weber (University of Mannheim)

"Does Extending Unemployment Benefits Improve Job Quality?" abstract Contrary to standard search model predictions, prior studies failed to estimate a positive effectof unemployment insurance (UI) on reemployment wages. This paper estimates a positive UIwage effect exploiting an age-based regression discontinuity in Austrian administrative data. Asearch model incorporating duration dependence determines the UI wage effect as…

Monday Lunch Seminars Morris Kleiner (University of Minnesota)

"Analyzing the Influence of Occupational Licensing Duration on Labor Market Outcomes" ABSTRACT We analyze the labor market influence of the duration of occupational licensing statutes for eleven major universally licensed occupations in the U.S. Time from the start of state occupational licensing (i.e. licensing duration) may matter in influencing labor market outcomes. States usually enact…

Seminars in Politics and Society Moreno Mancosu (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"The strength of weak political ties: Discussion networks and the diffusion of Movimento 5 Stelle in 2013 Italian Elections" Abstract The article aims to analyze the development of vote intentions for a new populist party, Movimento 5 Stelle (the 5 Star Movement), during the campaign for the 2013 Italian general election. The party, headed by…

Monday Lunch Seminars Toomas Hinnosaar (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"On the impossibility of protecting risk-takers" Abstract Risk-neutral sellers can extract high profits from risk-loving buyers by selling them lotteries. To limit risk-taking, gambling is heavily regulated in most countries. I show that protecting risk-loving buyers is essentially impossible. Even if buyers are risk-loving only asymptotically, the seller can construct a nonrandom winner-pays auction that ensures unbounded profits. Buyers are asymptotically…

Seminars in Statistics David Rossell (University of Warwick)

Consistency of posterior model probabilities in high-dimensional model selection In recent years there has been an increasing interest in developing Bayesian formulations that remain effective in high-dimensional and non-standard problems. We focus on high-dimensional model selection problems where the number of parameters may grow with the sample size, and review results characterizing the situations under…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Program Defense Sessions

9.00 am: Alice CorteseTitle: "Macroeconmic variables and stock market index. Evidence from Italy."-----9.40 am: Gian Luca SalvaraniTitle: "Is there a convergence among states and regions"-----10.20 am: Simona GiglioliTitle: "Student loans: theoretical analysis and empirical evidence".------11.00 am: Sarah RaviolaTitle: "The Rediscovery of Land"-------11.40 am: Giulia OddoneTitle: "The Solow growth model: evidence from BRIC"-----12.20 pm: Marco SchiavoneTitle:…

Seminars in Politics and Society Karen A. Shire (University Duisburg-Essen)

"Family Policy Shifts and the Creation of a Market for Domestic and Care Work in Germany" abstract The introduction of tax credits for purchases of personal, household, and most recently elderly care services is aimed both at supporting dual-earner households and creating jobs in household services. In this talk, recent shifts in German family policy…

Seminars in Economics Jordi Gali (CREI and UPF)

"Insider-Outsider Labor Markets, Hysteresis and Monetary Policy" Abstract I develop a version of the New Keynesian model with insideroutsider labor markets and hysteresis that can account for the high persistence of of European unemployment. I study the implications of that environment for the design of monetary policy. A simple interest rule that includes the unemployment…

Seminars in Economics Francesco Squintani (University of Warwick)

"Information Revelation and Pandering in Elections" Abstract Does electoral competition induce office motivated candidates to commit to policies that reflect their information? Or do candidates hide their information, and pander to the electorate's beliefs? We find that efficient information aggregation is precluded, but candidates' platforms may be informative: Equilibrium policy can at best be based…

Monday Lunch Seminars Sarah Grace See (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Parental Inputs, Formal Care, and Child Outcomes" Abstract Child outcomes are believed to be a result of cumulative inputs from both within and outside the family. Taking the theory of skill formation (Carneiro and Heckman, 2003) and the model of child outcome production function (Todd and Wolpin, 2003), earlier endowments especially those of high quality…

Seminars in Statistics Frédéric Lavancier (Université de Nantes)

Determinantal point process models and statistical inference In this talk, I will demonstrate that Determinantal point processes (DPPs) provide useful models for the description of repulsive spatial point processes. Such data are usually modeled by Gibbs point processes, where the likelihood and moment expressions are intractable and simulations are time consuming. I will recall the…