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Seminars in Statistics Boyu Ren (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)

A Bayesian Nonparametric model for microbiome data analysis We develop a statistical model to analyse microbiome profiling data based on sequencing of genetic fingerprints in 16S ribosomal RNA. The analysis allows us to quantify the uncertainty in  ecological ordination and clustering methods commonly applied in microbiome research. In addition, it can be extended into a…

Seminars in Economics Adriaan Kalwij (Utrecht University School of Economics – U.S.E.)

"The impact of financial education on financial literacy and saving behavior: Evidence from a controlled field experiment at Dutch primary schools" Abstract This paper estimates the short term impact of a 90-minutes financial education program on financial literacy at Dutch primary schools using a controlled field experiment. We find that of the improvements in pupils’…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Program Defense Sessions

junior allievi 12.30 Ornella Darovatitle: "What if your cleaning lady is a nuclear engineer? Overqualification of European immigrants: human capital transferability and freedom of movement" senior allievi 9.30 Alice Battistontitle: "Gender differences in Job Ladder: evidence from a network analysis" 09.45 Shuyi Yangtitle "Preferential attachment growth models for networks in presence of windows" 10.15 Luca…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Program Defense Sessions

10.30 Danilo Forastiere  "Mean field approaches for linear threshold models on graphs"   11.00 Laura Risso "Branching Processes: properties and applications"   11.30 Alessandro Grande "Bayesian Inference in Epidemics over Networks"

Seminars in Politics and Society Barbara Risman (University of Illinois at Chicago)

"From Sex Roles to Gender Structure: Understanding Inequality for Social Change" at Campus Einaudi (CLE), Dept of Cultures, politics and society, 3rd floor, room D233 abstract This talk has three  major goals.  First, I provide a succinct intellectual history of research and theorizing about gender in the social sciences in the 20th Century until today.  I do…

Seminars in Statistics Steven Scott (Google)

Predicting the Present with Bayesian Structural Time Series This article describes a system for short term forecasting based on an ensemble prediction that averages over different combinations of predictors. The system combines a structural time series model for the target series with regression component capturing the contributions of contemporaneous search query data. A spike-and-slab prior…

Seminars in Statistics Natesh Pillai (Harvard University)

Bayesian Factor Models in High Dimensions Sparse Bayesian factor models are routinely implemented for parsimonious dependence modeling and dimensionality reduction in high-dimensional applications. We provide theoretical understanding of such Bayesian procedures in terms of posterior convergence rates in inferring high-dimensional covariance matrices where the dimension can be larger than the sample size. We will also…

Occasional Seminars Avidit Acharya (Stanford University)

"Improving the Relationship: A Principal-Agent Model of Progressive Learning and Path Dependence" Abstract We study a dynamic principal-agent relationship with adverse selection and limited commitment. We show that when the relationship is subject to time-varying productivity shocks, the principal may be able to improve her value over time by gradually learning the agent's private information.…

Occasional Seminars The Common Core of Legal Systems and the Legal Hegemony of the United States

A discussion between    Franz Werro, Professor of Law, Fribourg and Georgetown, Faculty Member IUC, Director CTLS,  Editor in Chief American J. Comparative Law.  Ugo Mattei, Professor of Law, Turin and U.C. Hastings, Academic Coordinator IUC, General Editor of The Common Core of European Private Law Project, Fellow of Collegio Carlo Alberto Chaired byGianmaria Ajani,…

Seminars in Economics David Ribar (Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research)

"A Longitudinal Analysis of Violence and Housing Insecurity" abstract Violence and housing insecurity are horrible events that may be intertwined, with violence possibly forcing victims to abandon their accommodations and housing insecurity depriving people of the safety of a home or placing them in compromised circumstances. This study uses national, prospective, longitudinal data from the…

Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Bruno Cassiman (Universidad de Navarra)

"In Search of Performance Effects of Industry-Science Links" abstract We study how firms access basic research and translate this into more valuable technologies. Firms looking to access basic research need to bridge the “gap” between scientific and technology communities before basic research can be translated and used for developing new technologies. This gap is particularly…