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Seminars in Politics and Society Livia Garcia Faroldi (Universidad de Malaga)

"The gap between work-family preferences and employment trajectories of mothers in 12 countries" Abstract This study examines the consistency between attitudes towards maternal employment and the actual employment trajectories of partnered mothers in 12 Western and non-Western countries. We compared what mothers considered the best option (working full time, part time or staying at home)…

Seminars in Economics Sarah Auster (Bocconi)*

"Optimal Delegation, Unawareness, and Financial Intermediation" abstract We study the delegation problem between an investor and a financial intermediary. The intermediary has private information about the state of the world that determines the return of the investment. Moreover, he has superior awareness of the available investment opportunities and decides whether to reveal some of them…

Seminars in Politics and Society Jürg Steiner (University of Bern)

"Deliberation across Deep Divisions" abstract In group discussions of any kind there tends to be an up and down in the level of deliberation. To capture this dynamic we coined the concept of Deliberative Transformative Moments (DTM). In deeply divided societies deliberation is particularly important in order to arrive at peace and stability, but deliberation is also very…

Seminars in Statistics John Aston (University of Cambridge)

Functions, Manifolds and Statistical Linguistics Functional Data Analysis concerns the statistical study of curves and surfaces. An extension, Functional Object Data Analysis, looks at the statistical analysis of curves and surfaces which live in restricted spaces, such as on manifolds. One particular example of these are the covariance functions associated with the underlying curves. These…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense Session

JUNIOR ALLIEVI 09.15 Giovanni Ferraris Title: "How do economists measure happiness? A critical appraisal of the World Happiness Report" SENIOR ALLIEVI 09.45 Andrea Milesi Title: "The impact of railway infrastructure investments on rail freight transport"   10.30 Mattia Duma Title: "Bayesian nonparametric analysis of Shakespeare's poems"

Seminars in Economics Marco Scarsini (Luiss University)

"On the asymptotic behavior of the price of anarchy" abstract This paper examines the asymptotic behavior of the price of anarchy as a function of the total traffic inflow in nonatomic congestion games with multiple origin-destination pairs.We first show that the price of anarchy may remain bounded away from 1, even in simple three-link parallel networks…

Seminars in Politics and Society Delia Baldassarri (New York University)

"Interethnic Relationships in Contemporary Communities: How does diversity affect solidarity and cooperation?" abstract The increasingly multiethnic nature of modern societies has spurred academic interest in the consequences of diversity. Recently, social scientists have linked ethnoracial diversity to undesirable outcomes, most notably, low levels of social capital, civic engagement, and cooperation. In my presentation, I challenge…

Seminars in Economics Avi Goldfarb (Toronto University)

"Exit, Tweets, and Loyalty" abstract Hirschman’s Exit, Voice, and Loyalty highlights the role of “voice” in disciplining firms for low quality. We develop a formal model of voice as a relational contact between firms and consumers and show that voice is more likely to emerge in concentrated markets. We test this model using data on…