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Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Tommaso Minola (University of Bergamo)

"Too much of a good thing? When entrepreneurial education turns (not) into entrepreneurial learning" at Department of Economics and Statistics S. Cognetti de Martiis, Seminar Room abstract Despite the worldwide increase in entrepreneurship education offered at universities, there is an ongoing debate whether and under which conditions this type of education contributes to students’ entrepreneurial…

Seminars in Politics and Society Klaus Armingeon (University of Bern)

"Austerity. Where and when democratic politics still matters" Abstract In 2010-2015 almost all democratic countries pursued austerity, i.e. they attempted to reduce public deficits. We study the political strategies and options of governments during austerity periods using a new data set on austerity during 2010-2015 for 30 democratic nations. We ask where and when democratic…

Monday Lunch Seminars Emanuele Felice (UAB)

"The roots of a dual equilibrium: GDP, productivity and structural change in the Italian regions in the long-run (1871-2011)" abstract This paper explores the long-run evolution of regional inequality in Italy over the course of 140 years, from around Unification (1871) until our days (2011). To this scope, a unique and up-to-date dataset of GDP…

Seminars in Politics and Society Alison Koslowski (University of Edimburgh)

"Fathers at work: explaining the gaps between entitlement to leave and flexible working policies and their uptake" abstract Much workplace support to parents offered by employers in the United Kingdom is gender neutral in design, but fathers’ usage rates are generally very low and far below that of mothers. Why are fathers unlikely to use…

Monday Lunch Seminars Enrica Maria Martino (Università di Torino)

"Early Childcare and Child Non Cognitive Outcomes" (with Daniela Del Boca and Chiara Daniela Pronzato) abstract In this study, we analyze the impact of formal early childcare on a number ofnon-cognitive child outcomes, conditional on several socio demographic characteristicsof the household and the child. Non cognitive skills were found to be particularlymalleable at young ages…

Seminars in Statistics Petros Dellaportas (University College London)

High dimensional jump processes with stochastic volatility We deal with the problem of identifying jumps in multiple financial time series using the stochastic volatility model combined with a jump process. We develop efficient MCMC algorithms to perform Bayesian inference for the parameters and the latent states of the proposed models. In the univariate case we…

Seminars in Politics and Society Stefania Ravazzi (University of Torino)

"Deliberative minipublics and policy making. A comparison of two deliberative processes on highly controversial issues" abstract Over the last few decades, deliberative minipublics have been used as inclusive and innovative practices to integrate traditional policy-making. Because of their policy-oriented aim, but also owing to the usually not legally-binding nature, some scholars have recently pointed out the…

Seminars in Politics and Society Anton Hemerijk (European University Institute)

Open Lecture: "The Uses of Social Investment" abstract Over the past years, the notion of social investment gained considerable traction in scholarly debates over welfare state futures. While social investment policy prescriptions have been progressively taken seriously in domestic social reform, evident by significant convergence and spending hikes on social investment policies in areas of…

Seminars in Politics and Society Jacqueline O’Reilly (University of Brighton)

"Five Characteristics of Youth Unemployment in Europe. Flexibility, Education, Migration, Family Legacies, and EU Policy" at Campus Luigi Einaudi, aula 3D440 abstract Current levels of youth unemployment need to be understood in the context of increased labor market flexibility, an expansion of higher education, youth migration, and family legacies of long-term unemployment. Compared with previous…