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Seminars in Statistics Maria De Iorio (University College London)

Dependent Generalised Dirichlet Process Priors We propose a novel Bayesian nonparametric process prior for modelling a collections of random discrete distributions. This process is defined by combining a Generalised Dirichlet Process with a suitable Beta regression framework that introduces dependence among the discrete random distributions. This strategy allows for covariate dependent clustering of the observations.…

Monday Lunch Seminars Cristiano Cantore (University of Surrey)

"The Profit Share, the Labor Share, and Monetary Policy Shocks" Abstract Despite its importance, studies on the effect of monetary policy shocks on the laborshare and the share of corporate profits are very limited. In this paper we fill this gap in twoways. Firstly, we provide new and robust evidence on the effects of MP…

Seminars in Politics and Society John Gal & Idit Weiss (Tel Aviv University)

"Exploring the Engagement of Social Workers in Social Policy" abstract Social workers are the professionals most associated with the modern welfare state and with its social policies.  These professionals are generally regarded as primarily street-level bureaucrats who implement the social policies determined by decision-makers.  However, a key ethos of the social work profession is that…

Seminars in Economics Antoine Dechezlepretre (LSE)

"Do pollution offsets offset pollution? Evidence from the Clean Development Mechanism in India" Abstract We examine the impact of low-cost imports on firms’ propensity to engage in material-saving (’clean’) innovation and product innovation using a dataset that combines firm-level international trade data with self-reported innovation data for around 9,000 French companies observed from 1998 to…

Monday Lunch Seminars Kym Pram (EUI)

"Hard Evidence and Welfare in Adverse Selection Environments" abstract I consider environments in which an agent with private information can acquire arbitrary hard evidence about his type before interacting with a principal. In a broad class of screening models, I show that there is always an equilibrium which interim Pareto-improves over the no-evidence benchmark whenever…

Seminars in Politics and Society Giulia Dotti Sani and Matteo Luppi (CCA)

"How long is too long? Long-term effects of maternity-related job interruptions on mothers’ income in 10 European countries" abstract This article asks whether work interruptions due to childbearing and rearing have long-term effects on mothers’ absolute and relative income in later life in ten European countries. Previous studies have found significant differences in earned income…

Seminars in Politics and Society Moreno Mancosu (CCA)

"The nature and diffusion of conspiracy theories in Italy: an exploratory analysis" abstract Anecdotal evidence suggests that believing in conspiracy theories is widespread in the Italian public opinion, impacting dramatically on a number of aspects of the public debate. So far, little empirical evidence has been collected to assess the spread of beliefs in conspiracy theories and…

Job Market Seminars Juan Morales (University of Toronto)

"Legislating During War: Conflict and Politics in Colombia" Download the paper abstract For many countries, the escape from weak governance and cycles of violence is today the most challenging step in their path to prosperity. This paper studies an important aspect of this challenge: the relationship between civil conflict and congressional decision-making. I study this…

Job Market Seminars Anujit Chakraborty (University of British Columbia)

"Present Bias" Download the paper abstract Present bias is the inclination to prefer a smaller present reward to a larger later reward, but reversing this preference when both rewards are equally delayed. This paper investigates and characterizes the most general class of present-biased temporal preferences. We show that any present-biased preference has a max-min representation,…

Seminars in Politics and Society Wing Chan (UCL)

"Dynamics of income inequality in China in a comparative perspective" abstract In this paper, we use recent, high quality and nationally representative household panel data to explore the dynamics of income inequality and mobility in China, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Consistent with previous research, we report very high level of income…