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Seminars in Politics and Society Pekka Sulkunen (Università of Helsinki)

"Common Good, Common Interest – Public Good, Public Interest. What Do We Promote (and Prevent) with Lifestyle Regulation Policies?" abstract Lifestyle risks account for a major part of the global burden on health as well as on welfare and security. The oldest part of welfare state institutions and policies have been directed at lifestyle issues:…

Seminars in Economics Diego Garcia (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

"The kinks of financial journalism" Abstract This paper studies the content of financial news as a function of past market returns.  As a proxy for media content we use positive andnegative word counts from general financial news columns from the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Our empirical analysis allows us to discriminate…

Monday Lunch Seminars Giovanni Mastrobuoni (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Police Patrols and Crime" Abstract An influential literature has used the aftermath of terrorist attacks to estimatelarge effects of police street deployment on crime. However, the elasticities obtainedin these settings may not easily extrapolate to more standard circumstances. Thispaper exploits a natural experiment that aimed to increase police presence in morethan 6,000 well-defined areas, by…

Seminars in Statistics Krzysztof Łatuszyński (University of Warwick)

Exact Bayesian inference for discretely observed jump-diffusions The standard approach to inference for parametric diffusion processesrelies on discretisation techniques (such as the Euler method) thatintroduce an approximation error difficult to quantify especially fordiscontinuous models, like jump-diffusions.In this talk, I will present methodology for exact inference thatavoids discretisation errors and allows to design MCMC samplerstargeting the…

Seminars in Politics and Society Daniela Debono (European University Institute)

"Twisting and turning: Moral deliberations of borderworkers on the EU’s Mediterranean external border" ABSTRACT Borderworkers challenge the dominant notion of the ‘humanitarian border’ and in so doing, their portrayal as ‘cogs in the wheel’. This is significant since institutional actors position themselves along the humanitarian-security axis. Borderworkers as frontline field personnel working ‘on the ground’…

Seminars in Economics Sergei Severinov (University of British Columbia)

"Bilateral Communication and Matching/Partnership Formation" Abstract We consider match formation between two parties, such as marriage, merger or partnership formation. Each party has private information about the value of the match, which creates friction in the matching process. We focus on the role of bilateral communication in this setting and investigate how such communication should…

Monday Lunch Seminars Alessandro Barattieri (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Protectionism and the Business Cycle" Abstract We study the consequences of protectionism for macroeconomic fluctuations. First, using high frequency trade-policy data, we present fresh evidence on the dynamic effects of temporary trade barriers. Estimates from country-level and panel VARs show that protectionism acts as a supply shock, causing output to fall and inflation to rise in the short…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense Session

SENIOR ALLIEVI 11.00 Alex SAJA Title: "Development of a mathematical optimization model for the automatic generation of manufacturing layouts" JUNIOR ALLIEVI 10.00 Cecilia ChiesaTitle: Beyond GDP: Social Progress Index 10.30 Marcello LancianiTitle: Majority Game Nash Equilibium on a Network with Communities 11.00 Michele ValinotiTitle: Cooperation in Evolutionary Game Theory  11.30 ZoppiTitle: The Insurance Ruin Problem

Seminars in Politics and Society Stefania Marino (University of Manchester)

"Trade unions action in segmented labour markets: migrant care work in the UK and the NL" abstract The recent ‘Brexit’ decision by the UK has provided a strong illustration of a widespread negative perception of immigration and migrant labour as detrimental to welfare resources and decent employment conditions. However, this debate has often ignored political…

Monday Lunch Seminars Nicolas Roys (Royal Holloway)

"Skills Prices, Occupations and Changes in the Wage Structure for Low Skilled Men" abstract This paper proposes and estimates a model of occupational choice with multi- dimensional skills, time-varying skill prices and labor market frictions to understand the evolution of the wage structure since 1979 for low skilled men. A worker’s multi- dimensional skills are…