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Seminars in Politics and Society Virginie Guiraudon (Science Po Paris)

"EU borders policies and its effects on migrants" abstract The “state monopolization of the legitimate control of movement” to use John Torpey’s phrase is a recent phenomenon, that can be dated back to the nineteenth century in Europe. Since the 1990s, scholars have sought to analyze the shift of policy-making to supranational venues such as…

Seminars in Politics and Society Gilles Pinson (Science Po Bordeaux)

"Beyond neoliberal imposition: State-local cooperation and the blending of social and economic objectives in French urban development corporations" Abstract For more than 15 years, the French central State created Etablissements publics d’aménagement in a series of major cities. These EPAs are in charge of large urban development projects mixing infrastructure, office development and housing projects…

Seminars in Economics Alessandro Pavan (Northwstern University)

"Robust predictions in dynamic screening" Abstract We characterize properties of optimal dynamic mechanisms using a variational approach thatpermits us to tackle directly the full program. This allows us to make predictions for a considerably broader class of stochastic processes than can be handled by the first order, Myersonian,approach", which focuses on local incentive compatibility constraints…

Monday Lunch Seminars Margherita Calderone (Università di Torino)

"The Intergenerational Effects of Cash Transfers to Groups of Men and Women: Evidence from Northern Uganda" abstract This paper looks at the intergenerational effects of a cash transfer, the Youth Opportunities Program (YOP), on human capital investments in children in conflict-affected Northern Uganda. The YOP was primarily aimed at providing startup money to groups of…

Job Market Seminars Julien Penasse (University of Luxembourg)

"The Missing Risk Premium in Exchange Rates" Job Market Seminar Abstract It is well known that the interest rate differential (the forward premium) predicts currency returns. However, we find that the real exchange rate, not the interest rate differential, is the main predictor of currency returns at longer horizons. We relate this finding to other…

Seminars in Politics and Society Ana Marta Guillen Rodriguez (University of Oviedo, Spain)

"Walking in others’ shoes? Welfare reform in Germany and Southern Europe" Abstract The study analyses comparatively the trajectories of social policy reform in the four Southern European countries and Germany since the turn of the millennium. For those countries in the periphery of the Eurozone, the crisis has brought about austerity in public expenditure as…

Job Market Seminars Jules Tinang (Toulouse School of Economics)

"Macro Uncertainty and the Term Structure of Risk Premium" abstract Abstract:Leading frictionless consumption-based asset pricing models (Long run risks and Habit formation) predict that the expected return on assets whose cash flows appear in the distant future are higher than or equal to the expected returns on assets which pay-off in the near future. Contrary…

Job Market Seminars Diego Battiston (LSE)

"The Persistent Effects of Brief Interactions: Evidence from Immigrant Ships" Job Market Seminar Abstract This paper shows that brief social interactions can have a large impact on economic outcomes when they occur in high-stakes decision contexts. I study this question using a high frequency and detailed geolocalized dataset of matched immigrants-ships from the age of…

Seminars in Politics and Society Ben Stanley (SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities)

"Voting Populist or Just Voting for Populists? A Comparative Analysis of Populist Attitudes and Vote Choice in Central and Eastern Europe" Abstract This paper uses data from a new survey on populism and voting behaviour in eight countries of Central and Eastern Europe to examine the relationship between populist attitudes, ideological attitudes, and voting behaviour.…

Job Market Seminars Elisabeth Proehl (Université de Geneve)

"Approximating Equilibria with Ex-Post Heterogeneity and Aggregate Risk" Job Market paper abstract Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models with ex-post heterogeneity due to idiosyncratic risk have to be solved numerically. This is a nontrivial task as the cross-sectional distribution of endogenous variables becomes an element of the state space due to aggregate risk. Existing global solution…

Seminars in Economics Laura Grigolon (McMaster University)

"Blurred boundaries: a flexible approach for segmentation applied to the car market" Abstract Prominent features of differentiated product markets are segmentation and product proliferation that blurs the boundaries between segments. I develop a tractable demand model, the Ordered Nested Logit, which allows for overlap between neighboring segments. I apply the model to the automobile market…

Occasional Seminars Neil Gandal (Tel Aviv University)

"Network-Mediated Knowledge Spillovers: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis of Information Security Innovations" Abstract A large and growing literature has used patent and patent citation data to measure knowledge spillovers across inventions and organizations, but relatively few papers in this literature have explicitly considered the collaboration networks formed by inventors as a mechanism for shaping and transmitting…