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Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge Maksim Belitski (University of Reading)

"Innovation in Schumpeterian Firms: Internal or External Knowledge Spillover?" abstract An important characteristic of Schumpeterian entrepreneurs is their ability of knowledge creation and commercialization as part of a market disruption strategy. Building on the knowledge spillover of entrepreneurship theory, the corporate entrepreneurship strategy and economic geography literatures, this study distinguishes between an internal and external…

Monday Lunch Seminars Toomas Hinnosaar (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Price Setting on a Network" abstract Most products are produced and sold by supply chain networks, where an interconnected network of producers and intermediaries set prices to maximize their profits. I show that under a few technical assumptions, there is a unique equilibrium in a price-setting game on a network. The key distortion in the…

Seminars in Statistics Jan Naudts (Universiteit Antwerpen)

Non-Commutative Information Geometry   Information geometry is concerned with the study of statistical manifolds. These are differentiable manifolds consisting of probability distributions. In the param- eterized case their geometry is described by a metric tensor and a pair of dually flat connections. In the more general non-parameterized case they are Banach manifolds. This area of…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense Session

SENIOR ALLIEVI 10.00 Lucia DonatoTitle: The Phillips Curve before and  after the Great Recession: What has changed 10.45 Martino BanchioTitle: Information Disclosure with Imperfect Identification

Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense Session

JUNIOR ALLIEVI 10.00 Mariachiara BoTitle: Poisson Process and first passage times 10.30 Mattia Luchese Title: Maximum principle for elliptic pde 11.00 Fabio BuccolieroTitle: Theory of nodes SENIOR ALLIEVI  11.30 Laura RissoTitle: Preferential attachment random graphs: analysis and extension 12.15 Marco PontinTitle: Effects of social learning on consumer's quality estimates. An heuristic approach