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Monday Lunch Seminars Julian Wright (National University of Singapore)

"Steering by information intermediaries" Abstract We provide a model of an intermediary that can steer consumers towards particular firms due to its information advantage. Unlike most existing models of steering, our model allows firms to compete for consumers through commissions and prices. We explore the implications of steering for market outcomes, showing how steering reverses…

Monday Lunch Seminars Nicola Borri (LUISS)

"Limited Participation and Local Currency Sovereign Debt" Abstract Emerging country governments increasingly issue bonds denominated in local currency and the share of this market held by foreign investors, once negligible, has been progressively growing. This paper presents a model of segmented markets, in which specialized foreign investors can access multiple local markets only after paying an…

Seminars in Economics CANCELLED: Martin Pesendorfer (LSE)

"Reference dependence, limited attention, and intertemporal substitution in consumer choice" Abstract We develop a discrete-choice demand model accommodating expectations-based reference effects following Koszegi and Rabin . Applying this model to panel data on household ketchup purchases, we find substantial evidence of reference effects. We then extend this model to fully dynamic setting accommodating limited attention…

Monday Lunch Seminars Andrei Hagiu (MIT Sloan)

"Platforms and the exploration of new products" abstract The introduction of new but risky products and sellers are key to the growth of platforms. Exploration by current buyers helps future buyers better value these products and sellers. This externality across buyers raises the possibility that there may be too little exploration in the absence of…

Seminars in Politics and Society Camilla Borgna (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Old habits die hard? Educational inequalities in Germany after the rise of comprehensive schools" abstract Comparative research has shown that in Germany the level of intergenerational mobility in educational attainment is one of the lowest of the industrialized world. This negative record has often been attributed to the country’s rigidly tracked secondary school system. At the…

Seminars in Economics Laurent Bouton (Georgetown University)

"Electoral Systems and Inequalities in Government Interventions" abstract This paper revisits the economic effects of constitutions. We propose a model ofgovernmental resource allocation under political competition and contrast majori-tarian and proportional representation systems. We derive predictions regardingthe relationship between local –sub-district– level characteristics and inequality ingovernment intervention. Looking at a local level and introducing heterogeneityallows…

Seminars in Politics and Society Andreas Schedler (Center for Economic Research and Teaching, Mexico)

"A Threat to Democracy? Donald Trump in Comparative Perspective" at Campus Luigi Einaudi (Sala Lauree Rossa piccola) abstract Since his irruption into the 2016 presidential contest, Donald Trump has engendered intense public debate about him representing a “threat to democracy” and herewith forming part of a wider international trend of democratic subversion by illiberal leaders. In…

Monday Lunch Seminars Willa Friedman (University of Houston)

"What Happens to Babies Born During Health-Worker Strikes?" abstract Health worker strikes are a growing but still under-studied phenomenon in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the past few years alone, health worker strikes limited service provision in more than 18 countries. We use panel data from Kenya linked with a newly compiled record of the timing and…

Seminars in Politics and Society Glyn Morgan (Maxwell Syracuse University)

"Is the European Union Imperialist?" abstract A common charge of Eurosceptics is that the project of European Integration constitutes a form of imperialism. In recent years, this charge appeared during the Eurozone Crisis, it was reiterated by “Leavers” both during and after the Brexit campaign, and it can be heard today in Hungary and Poland…