Occasional Seminars

Occasional Seminars

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Occasional Seminars Allievi Program Defense Sessions October 2013

10.00 Matteo Assandri "Electoral budget cycle and re-election chances"   10.40 Enrico Nano "Will US Student Loans Be The Next Bubble?"   11.20 Noemi Oggero "Less government spending = More GDP. Is it possible?"   14.30 Marco Ballesio "A Deeper Insight on Noether’s Theorem"   15.20 Giuseppe Di Benedetto "Classical Methods of the Calculus of…

Occasional Seminars Allievi Program Defense Session March 2013

Where: Sala Rossa 15.30 Giulia Devecchi"On first passage time for fractional Brownian motion through a boundary" 16.30 Claudio Di Loreto"Asset allocation under higher moments: an innovative approach" 17.30 Giulia Pasquale"A Liability Driven Investment Portfolio Strategy"

Occasional Seminars Damiano Sandri (Economista, Fondo Monetario Internazionale Research Department, World Economic Outlook)

"Gestire un debito pubblico elevato: lezioni da 100 anni di esperienze internazionali" Introduction by Filippo Taddei (Collegio Carlo Alberto) Il seminario si basa sul capitolo terzo del World Economic Outlook. abstract Durante il secolo scorso, numerosi paesi avanzati hanno raggiunto livelli di debito pubblico simili a quelli odierni e vi hanno fatto fronte con diverse…

Occasional Seminars An Overview of Longevity and Longevity Risk Management Research

Michael Sherris Professor of Actuarial StudiesChief Investigator, CEPAR (ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing)Australian School of Business, Risk and Actuarial StudiesUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney Download Presentation La partecipazione è libera. Si chiede cortesemente di confermare la propria presenza a chiara.girotti@carloalberto.org - tel 0116705060. Sign up: click here Abstract: This presentation provides an overview of research results on…

Occasional Seminars Francesca Pongiglione (University of Bologna)

"Climate change and individual decision-making" abstract In this presentation, three separate yet interconnected components of pro-environmental decision making are considered: (a) knowledge, in the form of scientific understanding and procedural knowledge, (b) risk perception, and (c) self-interest, either monetary or status-driven. Drawing on a variety of sources in public policy, psychology, and economics, I examine…