Occasional Seminars
Occasional Seminars
Renzo Carriero (University of Turin)
Seminar series “CLOSER…but not quite” - In the name of the father? The transmission of the paternal surname to children and the diffusion of double surnames in Italy
Moti Michaeli (University of Haifa, visiting scholar at Collegio Carlo Alberto this year)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” - Disentangling Pro-sociality from Convictions
Daniele Pennesi (University of Turin)
Seminar series "CLOSER, but not quite" - Correlation neglect and narratives in the ageing society
Elena Grinza (University of Torino)
Advanced Digital Technologies and Labor Market Outcomes
Xmas Welcome Home
Evento organizzato dalla Associazione Allievi del Collegio Carlo Alberto
Francesco Trentini (University of Milano-Bicocca)
LABOR Seminar - Online job ads data for economic research. Features and applications
Pierluigi Conzo (University of Torino and CCA)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” – Nudging sustainable behaviours through narratives on climate change
Matteo Grigoletto (University of Bern)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” – "Narrative Intervention"
Mariana Blanco (Universidad del Rosario)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” – Understanding Taxpayer Behavior: An Experimental Study of Timing and Gradual Tax Reform
Camilla Borgna (Università di Torino & Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” - Online hate speech and prejudice among adolescents. A field experiment on Italian schools
Pietro Saccomanno (UniMi & CCA)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” –"Are Political Internet Memes more tempting than traditional news?"
Andris Saulitis (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” – Exploring the Reach of Banned Russian TV Propaganda in Latvia: A List Experimental Approach
Martina Vecchi (Pennsylvania State University)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” - Unraveling Effort Choices Amid Stress and Failures
Lorenza Fontana (University of Torino)
Work in Progress Seminar - The Politics of Wildfires: A New Research Agenda
Paolo Crosetto (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” – Label or taxes: why not both? Testing nutritional mixed policies in the lab
Martina Dattilo (UniTo)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” – "Dream in Italy: the impact of imaginary tourism on children demand for books"
Anna D’Ambrosio (Politecnico di Torino)
LABOR Seminar – Fear is the path to the dark side: electoral results and the workplace safety of immigrants
Beatrice Braut (Unige)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” - The effects of reminders on engagement and walking: Evidence from a large scale experiment
Andrea Marietta Leina (University of East Anglia)
Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” - "Cooperation in the Helping Game"
Daniela Sonedda (Università degli studi dell’Insubria)
LABOR Seminar - Levelling up? Targeted students of university grants based on wealth and skills