Monday Lunch Seminars

Monday Lunch Seminars

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Monday Lunch Seminars Alessandro Barattieri (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Protectionism and the Business Cycle" Abstract We study the consequences of protectionism for macroeconomic fluctuations. First, using high frequency trade-policy data, we present fresh evidence on the dynamic effects of temporary trade barriers. Estimates from country-level and panel VARs show that protectionism acts as a supply shock, causing output to fall and inflation to rise in the short…

Monday Lunch Seminars Nicolas Roys (Royal Holloway)

"Skills Prices, Occupations and Changes in the Wage Structure for Low Skilled Men" abstract This paper proposes and estimates a model of occupational choice with multi- dimensional skills, time-varying skill prices and labor market frictions to understand the evolution of the wage structure since 1979 for low skilled men. A worker’s multi- dimensional skills are…

Monday Lunch Seminars Toomas Hinnosaar (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"Dynamic common-value contests" Abstract In this paper, I study dynamic common-value contests. Agents arrive over time and choose costly efforts to compete for prizes. The efforts are publicly disclosed at some points of time. This model has a wide range of applications, including rent-seeking, R&D competitions, oligopoly, and tragedy of commons. I provide a full…

Monday Lunch Seminars Claudio Campanale (Università di Torino)

"Consumption  insurance with Epstein-Zin preferences" abstract "Partial insurance is a characteristic feature of Standard Incomplete Market(SIM) models. In a recent paper Kaplan and Violante (2010) test a life-cycle version of the model against insurance coefficients computed from data and show that the model falls short of predicting the correct degree of smoothing of permanent shocks…

Monday Lunch Seminars Benjamin Villena (University of Chile)

"Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" Venue: Moncalieri, via Real Collegio 30 Abstract In this paper we empirically investigate job search, specifically how a number of theoretically relevant variables impact behavior in an online setting. We take advantage of an unusually rich proprietary dataset from a Chilean job board to document and interpret a number of facts.…

Monday Lunch Seminars Emanuele Felice (UAB)

"The roots of a dual equilibrium: GDP, productivity and structural change in the Italian regions in the long-run (1871-2011)" abstract This paper explores the long-run evolution of regional inequality in Italy over the course of 140 years, from around Unification (1871) until our days (2011). To this scope, a unique and up-to-date dataset of GDP…

Monday Lunch Seminars Enrica Maria Martino (Università di Torino)

"Early Childcare and Child Non Cognitive Outcomes" (with Daniela Del Boca and Chiara Daniela Pronzato) abstract In this study, we analyze the impact of formal early childcare on a number ofnon-cognitive child outcomes, conditional on several socio demographic characteristicsof the household and the child. Non cognitive skills were found to be particularlymalleable at young ages…

Monday Lunch Seminars Cristiano Cantore (University of Surrey)

"The Profit Share, the Labor Share, and Monetary Policy Shocks" Abstract Despite its importance, studies on the effect of monetary policy shocks on the laborshare and the share of corporate profits are very limited. In this paper we fill this gap in twoways. Firstly, we provide new and robust evidence on the effects of MP…

Monday Lunch Seminars Kym Pram (EUI)

"Hard Evidence and Welfare in Adverse Selection Environments" abstract I consider environments in which an agent with private information can acquire arbitrary hard evidence about his type before interacting with a principal. In a broad class of screening models, I show that there is always an equilibrium which interim Pareto-improves over the no-evidence benchmark whenever…