Monday Lunch Seminars

Monday Lunch Seminars

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Monday Lunch Seminars Julian Wright (National University of Singapore)

"Steering by information intermediaries" Abstract We provide a model of an intermediary that can steer consumers towards particular firms due to its information advantage. Unlike most existing models of steering, our model allows firms to compete for consumers through commissions and prices. We explore the implications of steering for market outcomes, showing how steering reverses…

Monday Lunch Seminars Nicola Borri (LUISS)

"Limited Participation and Local Currency Sovereign Debt" Abstract Emerging country governments increasingly issue bonds denominated in local currency and the share of this market held by foreign investors, once negligible, has been progressively growing. This paper presents a model of segmented markets, in which specialized foreign investors can access multiple local markets only after paying an…

Monday Lunch Seminars Andrei Hagiu (MIT Sloan)

"Platforms and the exploration of new products" abstract The introduction of new but risky products and sellers are key to the growth of platforms. Exploration by current buyers helps future buyers better value these products and sellers. This externality across buyers raises the possibility that there may be too little exploration in the absence of…

Monday Lunch Seminars Willa Friedman (University of Houston)

"What Happens to Babies Born During Health-Worker Strikes?" abstract Health worker strikes are a growing but still under-studied phenomenon in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the past few years alone, health worker strikes limited service provision in more than 18 countries. We use panel data from Kenya linked with a newly compiled record of the timing and…

Monday Lunch Seminars Marit Hinnosaar (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

"How long do healthy habits last? The role of prices" Abstract When a policy gives temporary incentives for healthy behaviors, how long does the impact last? I study the U.S. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, which gives vouchers for healthy foods. Using household-level scanner data, I find that the effect of…

Monday Lunch Seminars Philip J. Cook (Duke University)

"The School-Entry-Age Rule Affects Redshirting Patterns and Resulting Disparities in Achievement" abstract Since, other things equal, older children do better in school, the extent and pattern of delayed entry affects observed patterns in academic performance. This paper provides three new sets of relevant findings, utilizing comprehensive data on birth cohorts of children who enrolled in…

Monday Lunch Seminars Sarah Grace See (University of York)

"Juggling Work and Family: The Effect of Flexibility on Mental Health" abstract Flexible working practices can help parents maintain work and family life balance that can lead to increased productivity and improved mental health and well-being. However, they can also lead to increased stress and are instead detrimental. Applying a regression discontinuity design, this paper…

Monday Lunch Seminars Michalis Drouvelis (University of Birmingham)

"Does revealing personality data affect prosocial behaviour?" Abstract Many modern organisations collect data on individuals’ personality traits as part of their human resource selection processes. We test experimentally whether revealing information on personality data impacts on pro-social behaviour as measured in a one-shot modified dictator game and a public goods game. Our focus is on…

Monday Lunch Seminars Filippo De Marco (Bocconi)

"Banks as Patient Lenders: Evidence from a Tax Reform" Abstract We test whether the composition of bank funding, and the share of deposit funding in particular, affects bank risk-taking and loan maturity. For identification, we exploit a tax reform in Italy that created incentives for households to hold deposits rather than bank bonds. Using geographically…

Monday Lunch Seminars Kyle Woodward (UNC)

"Uniform Price Auctions with a Last Accepted Bid Pricing Rule" abstract We model multi-unit auctions in which bidders' valuations are multidimensional private information. We show that the last accepted bid uniform-pricing rule admits a unique equilibrium with a simple characterization; in comparison, the commonly-studied first rejected bid uniform-pricing rule admits many equilibria, many of which…

Monday Lunch Seminars Margherita Calderone (Università di Torino)

"The Intergenerational Effects of Cash Transfers to Groups of Men and Women: Evidence from Northern Uganda" abstract This paper looks at the intergenerational effects of a cash transfer, the Youth Opportunities Program (YOP), on human capital investments in children in conflict-affected Northern Uganda. The YOP was primarily aimed at providing startup money to groups of…

Monday Lunch Seminars Albin Erlanson (Stockholm School of Economics)

"Costly Verification in Collective decisions" Abstract We study how a principal should optimally choose between implementing a new policy and maintaining the status quo when the information relevant for the decision is privately held by agents. Agents are  strategic in revealing their information, but the principal can verify an agent's information at a given cost.…

Monday Lunch Seminars Stefano Sacchetto (IESE)

"How Costly Are External Financing and Agency for Private Firms?" abstract We estimate the magnitude of external financing costs and manager-shareholder conflicts for large U.S. private firms, and compare the results of the estimation to those from a sample of comparable public firms. Large private firms face marginal equity issuance costs for the first million…