[Academic Events] Schools Allievi Defense Session #3
Allievi Defense Session 2022
[Academic Events] Defense Sessions Allievi Defense Session a.y. 2021/2022 #2
Allievi Defense Session 2022
[Academic Events] Schools Allievi Defense Session #1
Allievi Defense Session 2022
[Academic Events] Schools 1ST POLS – CCA SUMMER SCHOOL: Recurrent crises, novel and persistent challenges to contemporary polities in Europe
A NASP project with the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
[Academic Events] Schools Welcome Home 2022
Evento riservato ai soci dell’Associazione Allievi.
[Academic Events] Schools ECSR, Collegio Carlo Alberto and NASP Joint Spring School on “Geography, Mobility and Social Stratification”
Promoted by the European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR), Collegio Carlo Alberto and by the universities of Milan and Turin in the frame of the NASP - Network for the Advancement in Social and Political Studies.
[Academic Events] Schools 2021 ECSR-CCA-NASP Spring School
"The impact of Covid-19 on Social Inequality"
Schools CANCELLED: ECSR, Collegio Carlo Alberto and NASP Joint Spring School on Geography, Mobility and Social Stratification
Applications have to be sent by email ( by February the 16th 2020
Schools Carlo Alberto Summer School
Organised by the Associazione Allievi del Collegio Carlo Alberto for registered high school students
Campus Luigi EinaudiOrganized by the Law Schools Global League, the Law School of the University of Torino and Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto
Schools EITM Europe 2019 – Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models Summer Institute 2019
New Developments in Designs and Methods in Survey Research NASP in cooperation with the University of Mannheim
Schools New and Old Data: Cutting-Edge Approaches to Quantitative Social Research
ECSR, Collegio Carlo Alberto and NASP Joint Spring School