4 events found.
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[Academic Events] Workshop NASP – CCA Days 2021: Frontiers of Methods in Social and Political Sciences
NASP – CCA Days 2021: Frontiers of Methods in Social and Political Sciences NASP - CCA Days is jointly organised by the Collegio Carlo Alberto and the Ph.D. programs in Economic…
[Academic Events] Robo-advisors : What we know and what we expect.
Milo Bianchi (Toulouse School of Economics) ; Marie Brière (Amundi) Abstract: In the first part of the lecture, we provide an overview of some of the key reasons behind…
[Outreach Events] Collegio Aperto Atoms for Peace and Development. Science and Technology for a Better and Safer World
Special event of the Colloquia on Science Diplomacy, organized by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, in collaboration with Fondazione "I Lincei per la Scuola", Fondazione Agnelli, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto,…
[Academic Events] Carlo Alberto Law Seminars “L’accesso civico e la democratizzazione delle politiche migratorie”
Ciclo di seminari “Eppur si muove” – Strumenti di tutela dei diritti dei migranti