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Workshop on Household Finance

11 September 2024 @ 13:50 - 12 September 2024 @ 12:30



11 September 2024 @ 13:50
12 September 2024 @ 12:30
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Academic Events

Workshop on Household Finance

A Master WeDA seminar initiative


Day 1, September 11th

13:50  Registration

14:00  Welcome

14:10 – 15:40  Session 1
Household gender disparity and financial investments.
Bettin, Sarno, Uddin and Zazzaro.
Discussant: Torricelli

Discrimination of immigrants in mortgage pricing and approval: Evidence from Italy.
Mistrulli, Uddin and Zazzaro.
Discussant: Trucchi

Mortgage end, consumption reaction and portfolio allocation.
Discussant: Basiglio

15:40 – 16:10 Coffee Break

16:10 – 17:10  Session 2
Anatomy of consumption risk.
Jappelli and Guiso.
Discussant: Alessie

Household income expectations: The role of shocks and aggregate conditions.
Bucciol, Easaw and Trucchi.
Discussant: Belloni

Day 2, September 12th

9:30 – 11:00 Session 3
Green investment in household portfolio with Dutch data.
van Soest and Torricelli.
Discussant: Teppa 

Preferences for sustainable investing: The role of financial literacy.
Oggero and Rossi.
Discussant: Di Giacomo 

Consumers demand for digital assets. Evidence from the euro area.
Meyer and Georgarakos.
Discussant: Stacchini 

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:30 Session 4

Robo advice and household finance.
Stacchini and Vassallo.
Discussant: Mistrulli 

Consumer payment preferences.
Meyer and
Discussant: Fugazza 

Organizing Committee: Mariacristina Rossi, Massimiliano Stacchini and Noemi Oggero.

For further information please e-mail: mariacristina.rossi@unito.it